Abstract: | 逐漸擴大運用的網際網路,不僅成為現代人生活上重要工具,更因著cyberspace的建構,在人際互動與網絡上,呈現出獨立於實體社會的虛擬實境,形成虛擬社會與實體社會的二分. 侵害名譽的言論, 素來被定義人格社會評價的貶低, 據此網際網路上防害名礜的言論, 因著其特質, 在刑法規範的探討上, 呈現出二種可能面貌. 一個是從虛擬社會對實體社會中人格產生損害的情形, 此有謂因網際網路上的嚴重性與實害性, 都遠超傳統的媒體, 故應該加重或擴大處罰; 或謂正因為網際網路與傳統媒體有其不同特性, 不應率爾以刑法管制. 另一方面實體世界刑法是否可以直接適用到虛擬空間, 涉及到網際網路中分身之虛擬人格名譽應否為現行刑法所保障. 這些問題都有探討的必要性. 本文希冀透過網際網路的虛擬社會與實體社會的交錯探討, 來檢討刑法妨害名譽罪在這個新興媒體適用上所可能造成的衝擊, 並釐清界限. This study attempts to discuss the problems of applying criminal acts of defamation on cyberspace and their limits. The study’s main aim is devoted to the issue of whether the application of defamation crime will be influenced or not due to the special features of the Internet. Firstly, it discusses speech on cyberspace which inflicts damage upon individuals in the real world. According to the law in the real world, the protection of free speech and of reputation should both be considered. Will it make any deference in regard to cyberspace? And what are the factors that should be considered? Secondly, it examines the infringing possibility of avatar’s reputation on cyberspace. Can the virtual individual be protected independently? And under what conditions can it be protected and be punished by criminal law? |