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Title: | 長期心理治療創造新人際關係經驗之研究:從心理師觀點 A study of how to create a new interpersonal relationships experience during long-term psychotherapy:From counselors viewpoint |
Authors: | 黃筱涵 Huang, Hsiao Han |
Contributors: | 陳婉真 Chen, Wan Chen 黃筱涵 Huang, Hsiao Han |
Keywords: | 長期心理治療 人際關係 他人表徵 Long-term psychotherapy Interpersonal relationships Other-representation |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-06-01 13:57:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 人際經驗是個體發展他人形象與環境評估的關鍵因素。大部分尋求長期心理治療的個案,其困擾多與過去負面的人際經驗所帶來的關係議題有關。若個體在成長過程經常遭受拒絕,會發展出「世界不能控制、別人不可預測、不可信任」的他人觀點。因此,本研究旨在探討長期心理治療歷程個案他人表徵的差異,以及心理師如何協助個案改變原有的他人表徵,並創造新的人際關係經驗。 本研究以質性研究方式進行,總共以六位長期心理治療取向為主的資深心理師作為研究對象,以一對一的方式,與每位受訪者進行一次深度訪談。訪談內容著重探討個案他人表徵的改變,以及個案過去的重要他人形象如何重現在治療關係中;並深入了解長期心理治療關係對於個案發展新的人際關係經驗之影響。本研究透過現象學方式進行訪談資料的分析,呈現長期深度心理治療對改變個案人際關係經驗之成效。本研究結果發現如下: 一、他人表徵 治療前的他人表徵是模糊、沒有彈性、單一、負面的,因而無法辨認心理師真實的形象。經過長期心理治療,個案對他人形象的詮釋逐漸清晰、具體、有彈性、且納入更多正向的觀點。 二、長期心理治療歷程 先個案會將自己慣用的人際互動帶入與心理師的治療關係中。接著個案感受到心理師溫暖、支持的回應。由於治療關係不同於過去的人際經驗,使個案重新經驗穩定、安全的人際關係,進而開始辨認並建立新的他人形象。最後個案將學到的新人際互動方式帶到其他關係中,發展更適應的人際關係。 三、心理師的角色與功能 為了建立穩固的治療同盟,心理師需維持穩定的態度、提供溫暖支持的環境、尊重個案的自主性。同時心理師也可幫助個案覺察、理解自身的狀態,建立更彈性的想法、協助個案願意信任心理師及冒險。 Interpersonal experience is the key factor for people to develop other- representation and to evaluate the environment. Most issues of long-term psychotherapy clients’ come from past negative experiences about interpersonal relationship. If people were frequently rejected by others as they grew, it is much easier for them to develop the viewpoints of other that the world is uncontrollable, and that people are unpredictable and untrustworthy. Hence, the main purpose of this research was to explore the difference of other-representation during the long-term psychotherapy period, and how counselors help the clients to change their old other-representation, in order to create new interpersonal relationship experience. This study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 6 counselors who primarily conducted long-term psychotherapy for clients. Each psychologist was interviewed once, one by one. All interviews lasted for about one and half hour. The contents of the interviews focused on the change of other-representation, the reappearance of clients’ important interpersonal patterns in counseling relationships, and the influences of long-term counseling relationships on clients’ developing new interpersonal relationship experience. After data collection, verbatim transcription of each interviews were analyzed in a phenomenological approach. The study aims to obtain the effectiveness of long-term psychotherapy on the change of clients’ interpersonal relationship experience. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Other-representation The other-representation is indistinct, inflexible, single, and negative before long-term psychotherapy begins, and clients have difficulties to recognize the real image of counselor. After long-term psychotherapy, clients are able to interpret the image of others in a more distinct, specific and flexible way, and to include some positive view points in their other-representation.
2. Long-term psychotherapy process First, clients bring their habitual interpersonal interactive mode into counseling relationships. Second, they receive kind and supportive response from the counselor. Because of counseling relationship is different from their past interpersonal experience, clients re-experience a stable and, secure interpersonal relationship and start to recognize and establish a new image of other people. Third, clients learn new interpersonal interactive skill, and develop more suitable interpersonal relationship .
3. The role and function of a counselor In order to establish stable working alliance, counselors should keep stable attitude, provide a holding environment, and respect the autonomy of clients. At the same time, counselors also help clients to comprehend their predicament, expand their cognition with elasticity, and trust counselors. |
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