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Title: | 俄國女性就業問題之研究 The Research of Russian Women`` s Employment Situation |
Authors: | 韓政燕 Han, Cheng-Yen |
Contributors: | 吳嘉苓 陳美芬 Wu, Chia-Ling Cheng, MeI-Fen 韓政燕 Han, Cheng-Yen |
Keywords: | 蘇聯 俄羅斯 女性就業 工作 雙重負擔 職業隔離 婦女 The Soviet Union Russia Female employment Work Double Occupational segregation Woman |
Date: | 2000 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-11 |
Abstract: | 本論文主要目的是想探討蘇聯解體前後女性就業情形的轉變,以及政治經濟上的變化對於俄羅斯女性就業產生的影響。因此,在第二章中,首先回顧蘇聯時期,在各領導人所宣揚的意識型態下,女性在就業市場中的情形。本章主要根據共黨領導人的交替來劃分時期,主要可以分為1917年革命後至1930年代初,史達林統治時期(1930-1953),赫魯雪夫時期(1957-1964)及布里茲涅夫時期(1964-1982),以及戈巴契夫時期(1985-1991)。內容著重於不同時期女性就業的實際情形,並試圖分析影響蘇聯女性就業的背後因素。儘管在蘇聯時期針對女性就業做過不少的統計調查及研究,然而,政府為了宣揚男女平權的成就,往往報喜不報憂。因此在本章中會注重官方說法與實際情形間的差異,輔以西方學者所做的調查加以整理。 The goal of this thesis is to discuss the transformation from the Soviet Union to the new Russia, and analyze how the changes on the politics and economics influence women employment. In the first chapter, it displays the framework of the thesis. In the chapter two, we try to understand the women’s employment situation in the Soviet Union. It includes five periods: from 1917 revolution to the beginning of 1930s, the Stalin period (1930-1953), the Khrushev period (1964-1982), the Breznev period, and the Gorbachev period (1985-1991). It stresses the real employment situation of the Soviet women, and finds out the background reason. We’re specially cautious of the differences between the official statement and the fact. In the chapter three, it includes the economic reform and the impact on people. The law of the Soviet Union’s labor is also in this chapter. In the chapter four, it is about the status of Russia women in the new labor market, and analyzes what’s the reason influence their work situation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G91NCCU5922012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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