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    Title: 幼稚園教師教學角色認同及踐行研究
    Teaching Role Identification and Role Performance of Kindergaten Teachers
    Authors: 黃意舒
    Huang, Yie-Su
    Contributors: 毛連塭

    Mau, Lian-Uen
    Lu, Chin-Ming

    Huang, Yie-Su
    Keywords: 角色認同
    Role identification
    Role performance
    Rrole socailization
    Role Identity
    Date: 1994
    Issue Date: 2016-05-11
    Abstract: 本研究主要的目的:(一)建立並驗證幼稚園教師教學角色認同及角色踐行之間的模式,(二)探討影響幼稚園教師之教學角色認同或角色踐行社會化之因素。
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