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Title: | 制度變遷、社會資本與政治參與間關係 The Relationships among Institutional change, Social Capital and Political Participation |
Authors: | 張芳華 Jhang, Fang Hua |
Contributors: | 李酉潭 李宗榮 Lee, Yeau Tarn Lee, Zong Rong 張芳華 Jhang, Fang Hua |
Keywords: | 社會資本 制度變遷 政治參與 台灣社會變遷調查資料 多層次分析模型 Social capital institutional change political participation Taiwan Social Change Survey multilevel analysis model |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-11 |
Abstract: | 台灣民主轉型的成功除執政菁英的主動變革外,公民參與政治和支持改革亦有其重要性。有鑑於逐年下滑的投票率和工具性社團參與率,本研究主要從制度變遷與社會資本論點來進行探討,以縣市層次制度變項為自變項,三類型社會資本為中介變項,投票與競選活動參與為依變項,目的在了解於民主鞏固時期前後,社會資本的分佈狀況和影響社會資本、政治參與的因素,以提升民眾的社會和政治參與。中介變項與依變項資料來自1993年與2005年台灣社會變遷調查資料(TSCS),自變項資料整合自臺灣地區社會意向調查、各縣市社福資訊與政大選研中心資料庫,主要採用多層次迴歸與邏輯迴歸分析模型來分析資料。
制度變遷的觀點能說明不同時期情感性社團參與和投票的變化。傳統文化價值觀的現代化改變了縣市執政評價氛圍對情感性社團參與的作用。隨著非正式制度環境的改變,情感性社團參與對競選活動參與的作用亦可能隨之改變。而隨著社會福利政策綱領的施行,人均生活扶助資源量的提升,則促進個人的投票行為。總言之,中央政府應注意自身的施政效能,並透過社福資源的適度分配,來促進民眾的社會參與與政治參與行為。 The success of the transition to democracy in Taiwan should attribute not only to the active reform of the ruling party` cadre, but also to citizens’ participation and political support for the political reformer. In view of the gradual declining turnout rate and instrumental group participation rate, the study tends to describe the distribution of social capital, and explore the potential factors influencing social capital and political participation before and after democratic consolidation period. The paper’s framework from the perspective of institutional change and social capital treats institutional change as the independent variable, three kinds of social capital as the mediated variable, and voting and electoral campaign participation as dependent variables. The study mainly applies the multilevel linear regression and logistic regression model to analyze the mediated and dependent variables from the Taiwan Social Change Survey in 1993 and 2005, separately. As for independent variables, the data is integrated from the Social Image Survey, the social welfare report across counties, and online database of election study center in national Chengchi University.
As far as the distribution of social capital is concerned, the results show that the distribution of bonding social capital and instrumental group participation do not have significant change between 1993 and 2005. Compared with participation in 1993, in 2005, the increase of this emotional group participation is apparent. In both year, the instrumental group participation rate is about 22% and is higher than the emotional group participation. In the distribution of diverse resources within groups, age diversity and sex diversity change a lot as the time went by. In contrast, education diversity, income diversity and ethnicity diversity stay stable between groups. In comparison with 1993, people in 2005 have higher education and income level, resulting in the increase of group members’ education and income level. It means that in the democratic consolidation period, it is probable for group participators to approach more diverse resources existing within groups .
The effect of institutional variables on the three kinds of social capital is not as same as previous literatures report. Bonding social capital based on confucianism is difficult to be enhanced by the national institutions. Before the democratic consolidation, the effect of living assistance resources, and the atmosphere where people are satisfied with the central government performance which is consistent with theoretical prediction affects people’s participation in the emotional group. However, the effect seems to weaken gradually at the later period. Universal social welfare resources influence the instrumental group participation across different periods, but the negative effect belongs to the crowing out effect rather than the crawling back effect.
Political attitudes theory and social capital theory both can partly account for why people participate in these two kinds of traditional political activities. Individual resources theory is suitable for explaining the participation of electoral campaign in that it takes people much more time and cost to engage in the electoral campaign participation than in voting. After examing the effect of institutional variables at the county-level on the political participation through the procedure of multilevel mediation analysis, the findings proven the argument of institution theory. Among the three potential mediation paths in which the institutional variables impact on the political participation through social capital, just one path is supported by the data. In 2005, emergent assistant resources can affect the electoral campaign through the instrumental group participation.
The perspective of institutional change can explain the change of the emotional group participation and voting between 1993 and 2005. With the modernization of individual’s traditional attitudes, the county-level effect of evaluation of the central government on the participation in the emotional group is abated. It is probable that the effect of the emotional group participation on the electoral campaign participation differs according to the different environment of the informal institution The increase of living assistant resources per capita, because of the execution of the guiding principle of the social welfare policy, promote people’s voting significantly. In sum up, the attention should be paid by the central authority to strengthen the efficiency of the administration and distribute the social welfare resources appropriately based on the contemporary social condition, in order to improve people’s social participation and political participation. |
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