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    Title: 探討捷克與美國對科技新聞報導之異同:以奈米科技為例
    A comparative study of how the press covers nanotechnology in Czech Republic and United States
    Authors: 茂瑞德
    Materna, Adam
    Contributors: 施琮仁
    Shih, Tsung Jen
    Materna, Adam
    Keywords: 奈米科技
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2016-05-11
    Abstract: 奈米科技被認為在不同的領域都能帶來重大好處,例如醫藥發展、水、土壤或土淨化、資訊和通信基礎設施等方面。奈米科技也可用來製造的更強韌、更輕巧的材料,這也是為什麼政府和許多公司行號願意投注大量的資金來發展奈米科技。而這當中,媒體扮演了至關重要的角色,因為媒體對於奈米科技的報導,不僅會影響人們對此科技的印象與知識,更有可能影響政府的決策。因此,瞭解媒體如何報導奈米科技,甚至不同國家的報紙是否反映在地經濟與文化背景,實在是個不可忽略的重要研究問題。藉由分析美國與捷克的三家平面媒體從2000年至2010年共計150則新聞,本研究發現,以整體故事的基調而言,美國和捷克記者對奈米科技大都持肯定態度。此外,他們頻繁地使用「進步框架」,強調此科技未來的潛力,這三個報紙所報導的關於奈米科技的優點也遠遠超過風險,在這些媒體所提到的少數風險當中,較受到注意的是「未知」和「醫療」方面的風險。關於消息來源,大學的教職員和科學家是記者最常訪問的對象。這項研究有助於瞭解科學和社會的互動。藉由分析處於不同社會、政治和文化背景之下的媒體,本研究對於不同的社會環境如何理解一項新興科技,提供了有價值的見解。
    Nanotechnologies seem to have potential to bring significant benefits in diverse areas such as pharmaceuticals development, water, soil or earth decontamination, information and communication infrastructures, and the production of stronger, lighter and better nanomaterials. It is also what attracts investment from both governments and private sectors in nanotechnologies. Media play a crucial role in this dynamic. Based on these facts, it will be interesting to examine media coverage of nanotechnology to see if it reflects different economic and cultural context. Analyzing 150 news stories from 2000 to 2010, I found that American and Czech press was largely positive about nanotechnology in terms of overall story tone. Furthermore, not only did they portray the technology as having the potential to bring about progress (the progress frame), the examined newspapers also emphasized a lot more benefits than risks, with a focus on unspecified or yet unknown ones and medical. As far as news sources are concerned, university employees and scientists as well as general sources were consulted most frequently by the journalists in the United States and the Czech Republic.
    This study contributes to the discussions about how science and society interact. By analyzing media content in different social, political, and cultural contexts, this study provides valuable insights into how an emerging technology is understood in different societies. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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