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    Title: 策略聯盟所引發的組織改變:組織慣性之化解
    Organizational change through strategic alliances: overcoming organizational inertia
    Authors: 虞邦祥
    Yu, Pang Hsiang
    Contributors: 司徒達賢

    Seetoo, Dah Hsian
    Lin, Yeh Yun

    Yu, Pang Hsiang
    Keywords: 組織慣性
    organizational inertia
    strategic alliances
    Management Matrix
    organizational change
    organizational learning
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2016-05-10 18:50:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 策略聯盟在管理理論與實務上都是重要且常被提及的議題,但因組織進入策略聯盟後績效提升的成果不一致,以致廣受學者與經理人之質疑與討論。近期研究顯示,策略聯盟是否能提升績效與組織學習或改變有關。本研究以組織慣性觀點檢視在策略聯盟過程中組織慣性之所在、展現與成因,以及透過策略聯盟如何化解組織慣性,達成焦點組織跟隨策略意圖而來的組織改變。
    Strategic alliances are a popular practical strategy in the management field and represent an important area of academic research. The outcomes of organizations that have joined strategic alliances have been inconsistent, however, so strategic alliance is still a black box for management scholars and managers. Recent studies have shown that the performance of strategic alliances is related to the process of organizational learning or changes in the focal organizations. This research is based on the organizational inertia perspective, which analyzes the organizational inertia of a focal organization in the process of strategic alliance through the Management Matrix (Seetoo, 2005). This matrix shows the locations, causes, and presentations of the organizational inertia. Overcoming organizational inertia through strategic alliances may allow organizations to achieve expected changes in strategic intent.
    Organizational inertia was originally a concept from physics. In this study, we have borrowed from multiple theories in an attempt to dialogue with the current research on strategic alliances. According to organizational ecological theory, organizational inertia emerges when an organization wants its stakeholders to continue to input their resources into the organization, and ,in turn, the organization must provide output that meets the stakeholders’ requirements regarding accountability and reliability. After repeated production and documentation, the organization acquires inertia (Hannan & Freeman, 1984). In a stable environment, an organization with inertia is efficient, low-cost, and automated. When the environment is changing, however, organizational inertia will become an obstacle for organizations in their ability to respond to external changes.
    This study has several purposes, First, through the interviewees, who are key persons in dyadic (or multiple) partnerships in strategic alliances, we aim to investigate the locations, causes, and presentations of the focal organizations’ organizational inertia. Second, in order to analyze the process of overcoming the focal organizations’ inertia in a strategic alliance context, we aim to identify the routes, mechanisms, and characteristics of the strategic alliance partner that aid in overcoming the focal organization’s inertia.
    Through qualitative interviews with the participating organizations, all of which have joined strategic alliances in the textile industry, our analysis focuses on the events surrounding strategic change. We explore the presentations and overcoming of the focal organizations’ inertia in the strategic alliance process. The findings of this study are brought into the conversation through dialogue with relevant organization theory.
    From the analysis of the qualitative data from multiple resources, we put forward the following three propositions: First, the focal organization’s lack of coherence and synchronous change are the cause of the organizational inertia. Second, if coherence and synchronous change can be reached within the organization, organizational inertia can be resolved. Third, a strategic alliance can help the focal organization to achieve the coherent and synchronous change to overcome its organizational inertia.
    This study makes several theoretical contributions. First, we find that the focal organizations inability to enact coherent, synchronous change is the main cause of organizational inertia. Second, if synchronous change can be reached within the organization, this can resolve organizational inertia; offering new information to influence cognition, incentives, resources, and capabilities are complementary enhancement mechanisms that can affect individuals’ decisions and actions. Third, strategic alliance through the selection of an alliance partner, a mirroring context, and an alliance champion can improve the focal organizations’ ability to access synchronous change to overcome its organizational inertia. When the partners in the strategic alliance have high reputation and capability, they will accomplish these mechanisms more easily. For the coherence of multiple decision makers, one partner of the strategic alliance must mirror the focal organization to obtain a better result in overcoming focal organizational inertia. Other, there needs to be a champion in the multiple strategic alliance who can to persuade people to alter their cognition, plan incentive allocation, integrate the organizations’ capabilities and resources, and so on.
    The practical implications of this research are that it provides a viable way to overcome organizational inertia, as well as selecting strategic alliance partners and the mechanisms and routes of strategic alliances.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0953555011
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