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Title: | 涉外侵權行為準據法之研究 Research on the application laws of tort for foreign civil matters |
Authors: | 陳詩詩 |
Contributors: | 林秀雄 陳詩詩 |
Keywords: | 侵權行為 最重要牽連關係 準據法 分別適用法律 tort the most significant relationship applicable law dépeçage |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 16:47:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 傳統涉外侵權行為準據法之選法,係依侵權行為地、法庭地、侵權行為地及法庭地併用來決定。以侵權行為地來選法,係指以行為事實發生地法來決定該侵權行為之成立及效力。適用行為地法的優點,是其結果對於判決結果可預測其可能性,避免法庭的選擇及法律的適用有一致性;缺點是侵權行為地常與當事人無實質上牽連關係,做為裁判當事人權利義務之準據法,不足以保護當事人權利。把所有侵權行為類型,一律以事實發生地法為準據法恐有不妥。例如製造者責任、名譽或信用的侵害、不正競爭等等侵權類型,應選擇與該類型侵權行為特徵相應的法律為準據法較為妥適。
立法者若認為消滅時效的問題有獨立認定準據法的必要性,應採用分別適用法律的方法,在各種法律關係中抽離出來,獨立認定其應適用的準據法為宜。在廣泛承認分別適用法律制度之前,我國或許可以考慮對於涉外侵權行為分為責任的成立及損害賠償的部分,分別規定應適用的準據法;前者依照我國原本的準據法選擇方式,後者之損害賠償認定的方式,則依照受害人常居所地或是本國法為標準。 The law of selecting of the traditional tort applicable law concerning foreign affairs, and use the decision in accordance with spot of tort, spot of court, spot of tort and court. Selected the law by the tort, it is to determine establishment and effect of this tort by behavioral spot law of fact. Person who covered by behavior advantage of law, it is result that can predict possibility of the judgment, avoid the suitable to apply having consistency of choice and law of the court. The shortcoming is that the tort has not often involved the relation with the party in fact, as the applicable laws of party`s rights and obligations of the judgment, it is non- enough to protect party`s right. All tort types, it is probably improper to regard spot law of the fact as the applicable law without exception. Manufacturer responsibility, reputation or infringement, person who compete for type of infringing of credit, it is comparatively proper for applicable law to choose the law of the tort with corresponding characteristic with this type.
It no longer adopted behavior law already after 1960 in U.S, the substitute is most important to involve relation theory. When the court chooses the applicable law of a certain legal relation, various factors of wanting comprehensive analysis to be related to this legal relation, will link the factor to weigh subjectively and objectively in terms of quality and quantity, will look for or confirm there is the most important relation of involving in the facts and parties of that land of country or legal field and case. Involve and concern theory advantage lying in selecting the regulation to be elastic, legal system regularization the most importantly. And the shortcoming lies in the most important relation standard is too abstract, the judge, while hearing a case, if do not have certain judging standard to choose law, it is apt to become a mere formality and wilfulness.
The civil law concerning foreign affairs in our country is covered by article 9 of current clause and its debt cause of tort, adopt the law of tort spot in principle. About the compensation for damage of tort concerning foreign affairs, the person who forms tort for our country`s law and tort, whether no matter the behavior or consequence one in the spot happens in our country, can begin to be applicable to the law of our country in order to ask for compensation for damage. Only person who adopt the law of tort, the unreasonable result takes place sometimes. So, concerning foreign affairs civil law suitable to apply law revision draft consult private international law of Austrian, 48th item 1, Germany civil law, article 41 legislative spirit of example, and adopt the relation theory, the persons who stipulate the law cut in the proviso most that there are relations besides the most importantly, depend on this law, in order to solve the conflict.
Will the scholar of our country the applicable law of the difference (dépeçage) translate into ` the method of cutting apart that the law is applicable to `, what the American scholar is thought each topic to probe into separately selects law to analyze the way has importance in solving the modern complicated lawsuit. Differentiate applicable law of system produce situation that analyze each different particular conflict topics, is applicable to the law with real interests. American federal court has not used the differentiate the applicable law, the appellate court of every state and the Supreme Court also only explaining what it is mean. Differentiating the applicable law will probably result in not according with the legal purpose, but some scholars think that consider the policies of the relevant states, it suit to protect the proper expectation interests, basic policy, determinacy of the result, predictability, unity and applicable law in the particular legal field, can adopt, differentiate applicable law solve to suitable to apply law. The judgment of No. 1804 and No. 1838 of the Supreme Judicial Court of our country, is adjudicated on the platform try to take off our country concerning foreign affairs civil law suitable to apply law, consult foreign country differentiate the applicable law (dépeçage), for being which break through traditional select law theory.
The amendments of Law Governing the Application of Laws to Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements of our country has not referred to the question of the applicable law of the difference. The draft is in the topic about the fulfillment of prescription, will differentiate the applicable law and especially propose discussing, the attempt should stipulate the way in which the applicable law choose independently. Concerning the 35th regulation of clause draft of law`s revision, ask for the fulfillment of prescription of right, in accordance with asking for the law that right should be applicable to by the legal relation happening. Its reason lies in asking for the fulfillment of prescription of right, because various countries are about stipulating the difference of their legal results, assert it is entity`s question. There are persons who regards it as procedure question on the private international law. The fulfillment of prescription and stipulate in the substantive law of our country, so assert it is entity`s question. The fulfillment of prescription takes place to particular request, and a part of legal relation, so should be made its applicable law by the legal relation of request.
If legislators think the question of eliminating prescription asserts the necessity of the applicable law independently, should adopt the way of differentiating the applicable law, release in various legal relations before coming out, assert the applicable law that it should be applicable independently. Before acknowledging differentiating the system of applicable law extensively, perhaps our country can consider that is divided into the establishment of responsibility and part of compensation for damage the tort concerning foreign affairs, should part regulation applicable law, the former choose the way according to our country`s original applicable law, the way asserted in compensation for damage of the latter, often the spot of dwelling or this national law is a standard according to the victim. "第一章 序論 11
第一節 研究動機與背景 11
第二節 研究目的及方法 11
第三節 研究範圍 12
第四節 研究架構 12
第二章 我國涉外侵權行為之法制現況及國外立法新趨勢 13
第一節 我國法制概況 13
第二節 日本新近法制概況 13
第三節 歐盟最新法制羅馬規則Ⅱ立法過程 14
第四節 我國涉外民事法律適用法的修正動向 16
第三章 涉外侵權事件準據法決定規定探討 20
第一節 涉外侵權行為準據法的原則規定 20
第一款 行為地法 20
第二款 當事人同一習慣(常)居所地法 25
第三款 當事人間存有法律關係的情形 29
第四款 最重要牽連關係理論的適用 39
第五款 政府利益分析理論(Governmental Interest Analysis) 45
第六款 當事人準據法的選擇權 47
第二節 涉外侵權行為特別類型的準據法決定 56
第一款 概說 56
第二款 涉外產品責任的特別侵權類型 57
第三款 妨害名譽及信用的特殊侵權行為類型 82
第三節 涉外侵權行為的特別保留條款 85
第一款 日本法制 85
第二款 我國法制 89
第四章 分別適用法律(dépeçage)--我國實務上的侵權行為事件 98
第一節 概說 98
第二節 美國分別適用法律(dépeçage)制度之發展 100
第一款 概說 100
第二款 美國實務上的發展 101
第三款 學說上的討論 116
第三節 對於分別適用法律之國際公約 120
第一款 羅馬規則II 120
第二款 一九八五年的海牙信託公約 121
第三款 羅馬公約 122
第四節 我國對分別適用法律(dépeçage)之適用 122
第一款 最高法院97年度台上字第1838號民事判決 122
第二款 最高法院96年度台上字第1804號民事判決 128
第五節 我國涉外民事法律適用法修正草案納入dépeçage的可能性 133
第五章 結論 135
參考資料 137 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 92651007 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0926510071 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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