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Title: | 創業課程對創業知識與能力學習成效之研究 |
Authors: | 王滌鴻 |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 王滌鴻 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 16:22:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著新創企業所創造出的新經濟來臨,伴隨而來的種種現象可以證明,與創業相關課程的重要性與日遽增,美國各大學並逐漸將其視為未來商管教育中的主軸。儘管如此,創業教育在台灣是一個比較新的領域,目前已經有幾所大學開始開設創業課程,面對這樣一個新的情勢,本研究試圖探討創業課程到底需要教授什麼創業知識與能力?並以三個教學因素來探討對創業知識與能力的學習有何影響,並試圖從中提出建議,希望藉此能加速國內創業教育的腳步。並希望能藉由本研究引起國內管理學界對創業教育之重視。
經由以上的研究發現,本研究建議創業教育的發展需要有明確的教育目標及學校方面的支持,並以三構面為基礎,建立一個創業教育的平台,以培養良好的創業學習環境,增進創業知識與能力的學習成效。 The new economy boomed because of the frequent formation new ventures. This declares the importance of the courses regarding how to star a new enterprise. In America, many universities put relating programs in the first priority of the business education. Despite the development of entrepreneurial courses in foreign countries, it is new to Taiwan. So far, there are several universities set up related programs. The situation reveals that entrepreneurial education can not be ignored. But there are still some more things need to be discussed. This research tries to find out what can be learned in such program with respect to both knowledge and capability. We picked up three basic elements to examine the influence and tried to give some suggestions to accelerate entrepreneurial education. Through this research we want to have the management field to think highly of entrepreneurial coursed.
This research focused on four universities with such programs, they are NCCU, NSYSU,NTHU, NDHU. Through analyzing the questionnaires, we find that in knowledge learning, the students learned most in industry analysis, new venture marketing, innovation management, R&D management, business strategy and entrepreneurial theories in order. In capability learning, they learning the most in analysis, organizing, making decisions, how to communicate and teamwork. This result agrees with what the professors want to teach. Other capability includes how to write a business plan.
Second, we can find the impacts to knowledge and capability through the three elements:
The impact to every individual lies in learning motivation and the motivation to start a new enterprise. We find that the effect will be obvious with stronger motivation. The stronger the aptitude to be an entrepreneur is, the better the effect will be. Personal element will be an important factor in entrepreneurial learning.
2.The Courses
The courses design in studied universities goes around the business plan. Methods are case discussion, documentation reading, speech by entrepreneurs, business plan writing. We find little impact through courses.
We find that the more the students involve in the environment, the higher the learning effect. Extensive entrepreneurial learning environment is necessary and useful to the students, the environment includes related competition, clubs, business plan writing or internship.
Through the findings, we suggest the entrepreneurial education needs a clear goal and support of the school. The entrepreneurial platform should be composed the these three elements to form an effective learning environment. 感謝詞
第一章 緒論-----1
第一節 研究背景-----1
第二節 研究動機-----2
第三節 研究目的與問題-----3
第四節 研究方法與流程-----4
第二章 文獻探討-----5
第一節 教育基本理論探討-----5
第二節 創業教育-----14
第三節 創業知識與能力-----30
第四節 美國創業課程整理-----35
第三章 研究方法-----42
第一節 研究架構-----42
第二節 研究假設-----43
第三節 研究工具-----44
第四節 研究對象與資料蒐集-----46
第五節 資料分析方法-----48
第六節 信度與效度分析-----49
第四章 研究發現-----50
第一節 基本資料分析-----56
第二節 二大構面與學習成效之相關性-----58
第三節 特質變項與創業知能學習成效之分析-----61
第四節 知識與能力學習成效之平均數比較-----68
第五節 研究發現小結-----70
第六節 分析與討論-----72
第五章 結論與建議-----80
第一節 研究結論-----80
第二節 研究建議-----83
第三節 後續研究建議-----85
第四節 研究限制-----86
《圖5-2-1‧創業教育平台圖》-----84 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000365 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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