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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/95462
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    Title: 多期損益平穩化行為之決定因素
    Authors: 黃明潔
    Contributors: 李怡宗
    Keywords: 損益平穩化
    income smoothing
    ownership structure
    industry effect
    capital market incentive
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 16:22:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   盈餘對公司來說是最簡單、最直接之績效衡量指標,故盈餘之報導對公司相當重要,也因此過去有關盈餘管理及損益平穩化行為之相關研究將重點放在報導水準受到各種因素、各類利害關係人之影響。公司之控制權掌握在股東手中,因此股東對盈餘報導之影響不容忽視;但股東(同時也是投資人)之投資目的及投資策略不盡相同,對盈餘之影響亦可能不同。此外,同產業之公司間會因投資人對其所做之相對績效評估而有相互競爭之行為,致使同產業之行為可能有趨向一致之情況,不同產業則可能不同。
      Earnings is the simplest and most straightforward indicator of a company`s performance. Therefore, earnings reporting could be a crucial concern for an investor`s decision-making. There are a lot of researches regarding earnings management and income smoothing focused on how the role of stakeholders and other possible factors would affect the accuracy of a company`s earnings reporting. For most companies, their shareholders control the core business activities, and thus it is hard to ignore their impact on the earnings performance. However, due to the discrepancy of investing policies and activities of different types of investor, the extent to which the types of shareholders could influence a company`s earnings can be varied. Besides, since companies in the same industry always compete for better performance resulted from investors` relative performance evaluation, there is also a trend that the companies in the same industry would behavior in a similar way when reporting their earnings.
      In order to prove that there`s a significant relationship between a company`s trend of reported earnings and its shareholders` investing goals, this thesis collects the overall market data from 1994 to 1999 and then examines each company`s income smoothing behavior. In addition to testing whether a company`s decision to exerting income smoothing is contributed to the portions of long-term and shot-term shareholders, this thesis also tries to identify whether the industry effect exists among the electronic industry and other industries that can make different industries have discrepant income smoothing behaviors, and find the electronic industry`s income smoothing intent.
      The empirical results document that: (1) A company`s income smoothing behavior is significantly related to its ownership structure; (2) A company with larger portion of long-term shareholders tends to not adopt income smoothing strategy; (3) A company with larger portion of short-term shareholders tends to adopt income smoothing strategy; (4) The industry effect is significantly related to companies’ income smoothing behaviors. Different industry has different pattern of income smoothing behavior. The companies in the electronic industry tend to not adopt income smoothing strategy.
    Reference: 何安慧,2001,損益平穩化與營業槓桿之關係,中國文化大學會計學研究所未出版碩士論文。
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