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Title: | 社會化戰術與主動性人格對社會化結果之影響及其中介機制之探討 |
Authors: | 黃靖婷 |
Contributors: | 胡昌亞 黃靖婷 |
Keywords: | 社會化戰術 主動性人格 社會化自我效能 目標設定 社會化結果 socialization tactics proactive personality socialization self-efficacy goal setting socialization outcomes |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 15:25:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討社會化戰術與主動性人格對社會化結果之影響,研究假設參與較高體制式社會化戰術和主動性人格較高的組織新進成員,其社會化結果 (個人與組織契合度、組織承諾、離職意圖、組織滿意及個人績效) 會較佳。本研究並探討前述關係中的中介機制,假設社會化自我效能及目標設定會中介前述關係。此外,本研究亦假設社會化戰術與主動性人格的交互作用會影響社會化結果。
本研究採類實驗設計進行,以政治大學2008年入學之大一新生為研究樣本,進行四次的資料收集。第一次的施測 (T0) 僅針對參與於2008年九月初舉辦之政大新生定位營的大一新生收集資料,並於其營隊報到時施測;第二次的施測 (T1) 則是在開學一週內 (2008年九月中),第三次 (T2) 則是入學一個月後 (2008年十月中),第四次 (T3) 則是開學五個月後 (2009年一月)。
本研究以階層迴歸分析來檢驗所有研究假設。在體制式社會化戰術的效果方面,研究結果顯示T1時,體制式社會化戰術對個人與組織配適度及組織承諾具有預測效果。在T2時,體制式社會化戰術情境的新生除了毅力和適應力及生活技巧外,對所有的社會化結果都有預測效果,且社會化自我效能和目標設定中介前述關係。而在T3時期,體制式社會化戰術只對離校意圖、精通一般原則性知識、適應力及生活技巧有預測效果,但社會化自我效能和目標設定並無中介效果。在主動性人格的效果方面,在T2時期除了離校意圖外,對所有的社會化結果都有預測效果,且社會化自我效能和目標設定在前述關係中大多都有中介效果;但在T3時期主動性人格對社會化結果就都無預測效果。而在體制式社會化戰術和主動性人格的交互作用方面,其僅對T2的學涯定位有影響。研究者並針對本研究之研究結果、理論與實務意涵加以討論。 In the present study, the researcher examined whether the socialization tactics and proactive personality affected socialization outcomes. This study hypothesized that newcomers who involve in high institutionalized social tactics and with high proactive personalities will have better socialization outcome (P-O fit, organization commitment, intention to quit, organization satisfaction, and job performance). Additionally, mediators of the above relationships were also examined. This study hypothesized that socializational self-efficacy and goal setting will mediate the relationship mentioned above. In addition, the interaction between socialization tactics and proactive personality will also affect the socialization outcomes.
Present study applied quasi-experimental designs, and subjects were freshmen of NCCU in 2008. Four-time data collections were engaged. The first test (T0) was delivered only to the freshmen who joined the orientation camp in the early September of 2008, and the data was collected in the beginning of the camp. The second test (T1) was delivered within the first week of the semester around the mid September of 2008. The third test (T2) was delivered after one month in the mid October of 2008. The last test (T3) was delivered in five months after the beginning of the semester around the January of 2009.
Present study used hierarchical multiple regression analysis to exam all hypotheses. For the effects of institutionalized socialization tactics, during T1, the study indicated that the main effect of institutionalized socialization tactics was significant on P-O fit and organizational commitment. During T2, the study indicated that the main effect of institutionalized socialization tactics was significant on all socialization outcomes, except perseverance and adapability and life skills. Additionally, socialization self-efficacy and goal-setting were mediated the above relationship. During T3, the study indicated that the main effect of institutionalized socialization tactics was significant only on intention to quit, knowledge and mastery of general principles, and adapability and life skills, but socialization self-efficacy and goal-setting were not mediated the above relationship. For the effects of proactive personality, during T2, the study indicated that the main effect of proactive personality was significant on all socialization outcomes, except intention to quit. Additionally, socialization self-efficacy and goal-setting were mostly mediated the above relationship. Nonetheless, the main effect of proactive personality on all socialization outcomes was not significant during T3. For the effects of interaction between institutionalized socialization tactics and proactive personality, the main effect of interaction between institutionalized socialization tactics and proactive personality was significant only on career orientation during T2. Finally, practical implications and avenues for future research are discussed. |
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