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    政大機構典藏 > 文學院 > 歷史學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/95234
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    Title: 內戰下的上海市社會局研究(1945-1949)
    A Study of Shanghai’s Bureau of Social Affairs during the Chinese Civil War, 1945-1949
    Authors: 李鎧光
    Contributors: 呂芳上

    Lu, Fang-sang
    Katz, Paul-R.

    Keywords: 上海市社會局
    Shanghai Bureau of Social Affairs
    Chinese Civil War
    labor wages and disputes
    civic organizations
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 15:22:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以上海市社會局為主體,探討其從1945年10月至1949年4月間各項業務執行的情況及其市民生活的關係。首先從社會局的職權與人事談起,社會局最早成立於1927年7月,負責農工商業相關行業的註冊、處理勞資糾紛與相關統計。一年後職權增加了對人民團體和社會福利機構的管理,也負責各種度量衡器具的檢定,戰後再增加糧食管理及書報影劇審查兩項工作。就人事方面而言,社會局局長以吳開先在任的時間最長,同時他也出任市黨部的執行委員會委員。另外針對1948年社會局全體公務員的學經歷進行分析,發現49歲以下的職員占絕大多數,以學歷而言,超過半數的男性職員受過不同程度的高等教育,女性職員是以中學學歷者占多數,附屬機構的公務員則更年輕,學歷也相對較低。與戰前的社會局相比最大的特點在小學以下的成員大幅減少和隨著局長異動而大量換人的情形也不復存在。
    This thesis draws on archival data from Shanghai’s Bureau of Social Affairs (Shehui ju 社會局) to examine how this organization undertook its duties between October 1945 and April 1949 (the period of the Chinese Civil War), as well as its impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. Founded in July 1927, the Bureau was initially responsible for the registration of agricultural and industrial sectors, resolution of wage disputes, and compilation of business statistics. It was subsequently burdened with additional duties, including the oversight of civic organizations and social welfare institutions, examination of measurement tools, regulation of foodstuffs, and censorship of publications.
    The thesis begins with a discussion on the Bureau’s administrative structure and personnel. Director Wu Kaixian had the longest incumbency of all the staff members, and also served as a commissioner in the Executive Committee of the KMT’s City Party Office. In terms of the backgrounds of public servants who worked at the Bureau, the data collected indicates that in the year 1948 most were less than 49 years of age. Over half of the male civil servants had received various higher education degrees, while the most of the women merely had secondary educations. The staff members of the Bureau’s affiliated institutions were generally younger and had lower educational levels. The period covered by this study differed from the prewar years in witnessing fewer people with only preliminary educational background, while personnel changes became less relevant following the appointment of new Directors.
    The rest of the thesis centers on how the Bureau executed its authority and carried out its duties, with the subject matter being divided into the following four categories: 1) Censorship of newspapers, magazines, and news agencies; 2) Censorship of motion pictures and dramas; 3) Reconciliation of wage and labor disputes; 4) Governance of civic organizations.
    Three large-scale censorship campaigns involving newspapers, magazines, and news agencies were undertaken, but only the “General Censorship” from March to April 1949 witnessed proactive measures. In considering censored newspapers and magazines, it seems especially noteworthy that the latter publications were released more often than being transferred, which suggests that the Bureau did not have the authority to make final decisions. The reason given by the Bureau for banning certain newspapers and magazines from publication was usually “incomplete application procedure.” The quantity of such publications was even greater than those banned after publication.
    The Bureau’s process of re-examining motion pictures focused on the validity of licenses issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The criteria of censorship adopted by theatres, box offices, and clubs placed greater emphasis on performance content, including scripts, voiceover, and program rundowns. Of 3,202 movies examined by the Bureau, only 28 failed to pass, with discouraging and unrealistic scenarios usually being deleted or modified. Most of the adopted scripts were somewhat dated, perhaps due to wartime lack of creativity and productivity.
    The adjustment of the labor wages was based on the product of the government-issued monthly cost of living index multiplied by salary levels of July 1937. Against the background of rising food prices, purchasing power parity proved relatively low, which rendered blue-collar workers less able to sustain their families and sparked increasing wage disputes. Such conflicts can be categorized by whether or not they resulted in strikes, with those triggering strikes numbering 589 and those that did not 5,521. Like Shanghai’s overall industrial structure, the textile industry led others in terms of such disputes. The Bureau did intervene by trying to promote reconciliation, yet it failed to prevent such disputes and resulting acts of violence.
    Civic organizations included employers’ associations, labor unions, and ordinary social groups formed by citizens. The number of all three kinds of organizations increased significantly during the four years of the Chinese Civil War. As can be seen in the case of the Cinema Association, the major point of conflict between Bureau and the Association centered on adjustments of ticket prices and the Association’s assuming responsibility for all kinds of charitable donations on a regular or temporary basis. The records reveal that the Bureau was not serious about the welfare infrastructure for laborers, and proved unable to control the grassroots organization of the labor unions. The Bureau could not prevent the Communist Party from exerting increasing influence over unions, but did dissolve them after police crackdowns and then attempted to reorganize them. The main issue with these civic organizations was that the Bureau was only in charge of registration yet proved unable to manage effective mobilization, a phenomenon that applied even to those organized by the KMT.
    In conclusion, the thesis argues that during the four years covered by this study, despite the fact that the Bureau was able to compile extensive sociological statistics and disseminate rules of law via its publications, its ability to execute policy decisions turned out to be far less effective. Moreover, the Bureau could not effectively suppress labor disputes and mobilize relevant civic organizations.
    Reference: (一) 上海檔案館檔案
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    (1) Q6-5、Q6-6:管理人民團體檔案。
    (3) Q6-10:戰後推行新生活運動檔案。
    (6) Q6-16:社會局經費檔案。
    (二) 1949年以前之出版品
    1. 三民主義青年團中央團部(編),《國家總動員》,出版地不詳,三民主義青年團中央團部,1942。
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    (八) 中文期刊論文
    1. 王良卿,〈派系政治與國民黨第六次全國代表大會──以第六屆中央執行、監察委員選舉為中心的探討〉,《國史館館刊》,21(臺北,1996.12),頁137-150。
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    7. 田湘波、葉利軍,〈論訓政前期中國國民黨調節地方黨政矛盾的措施(1927-1937)〉,《上饒師範學院學報》,2006:4(上饒,2006.08),頁56-61。
    8. 仲華,〈抗戰時期國民黨軍隊政治工作述論〉,《南京社會科學》,2005:4(南京,2005.04),頁52-58。
    9. 朱婷,〈1946-1948年美棉輸入問題之考查〉,《史林》,2001:4(上海,2001.12),頁86-92+26。
    10. 江沛、遲曉靜,〈國民黨”黨國”體制述評〉,《安徽史學》,2006:1(合肥,2006.02),頁107-115。
    11. 吳景平,〈近代上海金融中心地位與南京國民政府之關係〉,《史林》,2002:2(上海,2002.06),頁90-98。
    12. 李巨瀾,〈試論抗戰前國民黨地方黨部的邊緣化〉,《華東師範大學學報》(哲社版),2006:2(2006.04),頁72-77。
    13. 李楠,《話說胡治藩》,《書城》,2008:6(上海,2008.06),頁85-88。
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    15. 汪朝光,〈上海電影的現實主義品格與娛樂風格——由戰后上海電影業的興盛說起〉,《電影新作》,2006:6(上海,2006.12),頁19-22。
    16. 汪朝光,〈民國電影檢查制度之濫觴〉,《近代史研究》,2001:3(北京,2004.06),頁203-226。
    17. 汪朝光,〈戰后國民黨對共政策的重要轉折——國民黨六屆二中全會再研究〉,《歷史研究》,2001:4(北京,2001.08),頁72-87。
    18. 汪朝光,〈戰後上海美國電影市場研究〉,《近代史研究》,2001:1(北京,2001.02),119-140。
    19. 汪朝光,〈戰後國民黨政府的電影檢查〉,《南京大學學報》(哲學、人文科學、社會科學版),2001:06(南京,2001.12),頁113-123。
    20. 汪朝光,〈檢查、控制與導向——上海市電影檢查委員會研究〉,《近代史研究》,2004:6(北京,2004.12),頁87-121。
    21. 汪朝光,〈簡論國共內戰時期國民黨的”勘亂動員”〉,《上海大學學報》(社科版),2005:3(上海,2005.05),頁34-39。
    22. 周楠,〈南京國民政府建立初期國民黨工會組織探析〉,《求索》,2008.11(長沙,2008.11),頁209-212。
    23. 周維朋,〈國民黨黨政革新運動(1944-1946)中的派系之爭──以東北接收及中共問題為中心〉,《輔仁歷史學報》,13(臺北,2002.06),頁107-140。
    24. 林能士,〈國民黨派治政治與韓國獨立運動〉,《國立政治大學歷史學報》,14(臺北,1997.05),197-209。
    25. 邵銘煌,〈戰時渝方與汪偽的地下鬥爭:以吳開先案為例〉,《近代中國》,128(臺北,1998.12),頁71-76。
    26. 金以林,〈地域觀念與派系衝突──以二三十年代國民黨粵籍領袖為中心的考察〉,《歷史研究》,2005:3(北京,2005.06),頁115-128。
    27. 威廉思姆‧格雷(撰),田中初(譯),馬軍(校),〈世界上最難的工作──記上海市長吳國楨〉,《民國檔案》,2001:3(2001.06),頁42-46。
    28. 高郁雅,〈戰後中國報界的紙荒問題──以上海為中心(1945-1949)〉,《輔仁歷史學報》,13(臺北,2002.06),頁141-160。
    29. 高郁雅,〈戰後國民黨新聞機構的企業化嘗試(1945-1949)〉,《輔仁歷史學報》,16(臺北,2005.07),頁211-238。
    30. 高純淑,〈中國國民黨臺灣黨務史略(1945-1949)〉,《輔仁歷史學報》,11(臺北,2000.06),頁161-163+165-187。
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    32. 張繼高(記錄),〈吳開先先生訪問記錄〉,《口述歷史》,8(臺北,1996.12),頁117-144。
    33. 梁麗萍,〈國民黨主流意識型態的建構與失敗(1928-1949),《中共中央黨校學報》,2004:3(2004.08),頁64-69。
    34. 陳旭麓(等),〈上海學研究筆談〉,《史林》,1999:2(1999.06),頁1-10。
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    37. 葛濤,〈”黨義”與”風化”之間──從審查制度看民國時期政治對唱片的影響〉,《史林》,2006:6(上海,2006.12),頁104-115+186。
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    39. 熊月之,〈上海學平議〉,《史林》,2004:5(上海,2004.10),頁1-6。
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    (九) 日文期刊論文
    1. 川島真(等著),〈特集:『中華民国史』――南京大学版との対話と討論〉,《中国研究月報》,61:5(東京,2007.05),頁1-57。
    2. 山本真,〈日中戦争期から国共内戦期にかけての国民政府の土地行政──地籍整理・人員・機構〉,《アジア経済》,39:12(東京:1998.12),頁29-55。
    3. 中村元哉,〈海賊版書籍からみた近現代中国の出版政策とメディア界〉,《アジア研究》,52-4(東京,2006.10),頁1-19。
    4. 石川禎浩,〈南京政府時期の技術官僚の形成と発展――近代中国技術者の系譜〉,《史林》,74:2(東京,1991.03),頁155-187。
    5. 岩間一弘,〈1940年前後の上海における職員層の生活状況〉,《東洋学報》,84:1(東京,2002.06),頁117-146。
    6. 岩間一弘,〈戦後上海における俸給生活者層の社会・文化活動〉,《千葉商大紀要》,43:3(千葉,2005.12),123-140。
    7. 岩間一弘,〈民国期上海の女性誘拐と救済:近代慈善事業の公共性をめぐって〉,《社会経済史学》,66:5(東京,2001.01),535-554+600。
    8. 金子肇,〈上海資本家階級と上海商業連合会──四・一二クーデターをめぐって〉,《史学研究》,168(広島,1985.08),頁23-45。
    9. 樹中毅,〈レーニン主義からファシズムへ──蒋介石と独裁政治モデル〉,《アジア研究》,151:1(東京,2005.01),頁1-17。
    10. 樹中毅,〈強い権威主義支配と弱いレーニン主義党--軍事委員会委員長南昌行営と南京国民政府の地方への権力浸透〉,《法学政治学論究》,51(東京,2001.12),頁1-34。
    11. 樹中毅,〈国民革命期から訓政時期における蒋介石の独裁統治と政治的不安定の構造〉,《法学政治学論究》,45(東京,2000.06),頁73-106。
    (十) 英文期刊論文與專書論文
    1. Cavendish, Patrick. “The ‘New China’ of Kuomintang.” in Jack Gray ed, Modern China’s Search for a Political Form. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969, 138-186.
    2. Dirlik, Arif. “The Ideological Foundations of New Life Movement: A Study in Counterrevolution.” Journal of Asian Studies 34:4 (August 1975): 945-980.
    3. Eastman, Lloyd. “New Insights into the Nature of the Nationalist Regime.” Republican China 9:2 (February 1984): 8-18.
    4. Goodman, Bryna. “Locality as Microcosm of the Nation? Native-Place Networks and Early Urban Nationalism in China.” Modern China 21:4(1995): 387-419.
    5. Lary, Diana. “Violence, Fear and Insecurity: The Mood of Republican China.” Republican China 10:2(April 1985): 55-63.
    6. Pye, Lucian W. “How Chinese Nationalism Was Shanghaied.” Australian Jouurnal of Chinese Affairs 29 (1993): 107-133.
    7. Tilly, Charles. “Solidarity Logics: Conclusions.” Theory and Society 17:3 (May 1988): 451-458.
    8. Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf. “Nationalist China’s Decline and its Impact on Sino-American Relations, 1949-1950,” in Dorothy Borg and Waldo Hendrichs eds. Uncertain Years: Sino-American Relations, 1947-1950. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980, 131-177.
    9. White, Lynn. “Non-Governmentalism in the Historical Development of Modern Shanghai,” in Laurence J. C. Ma and Edward W. Hanten, eds., Urban Development in Modern China. Colorado: Westview Press, 1981, 19-57.
    (十一) 中文學位論文
    1. 王良卿,〈動盪中的改革:中國國民黨從「革新」走向「改造」〉,臺北:國立政治大學歷史研究所博士論文,2003。
    2. 周利敏,〈民國時期上海市公用局發展公用事業政策研究〉,上海:東華大學人文學院中國近代現代史專業碩士論文,2004。
    3. 孫慧敏,〈建立一個高尚的職業:近代上海律師業的興起與頓挫〉,臺北:國立臺灣大學歷史研究所博士論文,2002。
    4. 陸漢文,〈民國時期城市居民的生活與現代性(1928-1937)──基於社會統計的計量研究〉,武漢:華中師範大學中國近代史研究所博士論文,2002。
    5. 樓家軍,〈上海城市娛樂研究1930-1939〉,上海:華東師範大學歷史系博士論文,2004。
    (十二) 英文學位論文
    1. Chen, Yixin. “The Guomindang`s Approach to Rural Socioeconomic Problems: China`s Rural Cooperative Movement, 1918-1949,” Ph.D. dissertation, Washington University, 1995.
    2. Liang, Hong-ming. “Regulating Revolution: Citizenship, Education and Politics of Chinese Nationalism, 1927-1937,” Ph.D. dissertation, Washington University, 2003.
    3. Oldstone-Moore, Jennifer Lee. “The New Life Movement of Nationalist China: Confucianism, State Authority and Moral Formation,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 2000.
    4. Xiao, Zhiwei(蕭知緯). “Film Censorship in China, 1927-1937,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of California in San Diego, 1994.
    (十三) DVD
    1. Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man. DVD, Dir. Roy William Neill. Perf. Lon Chaney Jr., Bela Lugosi, Patric Knowles. 1943; Universal City: Universal Studio, 2001.
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