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Title: | 我國國家層級檔案館與圖書館典藏與應用服務整併之可行性研究 The Feasibility Study on Integration of Collection and Services between National Level Archives and Libraries in Taiwan |
Authors: | 吳宇凡 Wu, Yu–Fan |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 Hsueh, Li–Kuei 吳宇凡 Wu, Yu–Fan |
Keywords: | 檔案館 圖書館 典藏 應用 整併 Archives Library Conservation Services Integration |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 15:22:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 檔案館與圖書館有著相似的特性、功能與工作流程,館藏內容、形式從以往有著明顯區隔,漸趨多樣、重疊,分歧愈顯模糊,難以劃分何種機構應典藏何種類型物件,兩館灰色區域逐漸擴大顯然已成為一種趨勢。以美國總統圖書館為例,該館雖稱圖書館,然其館藏囊括與總統相關之圖書、檔案、文物三者,若將圖書留存圖書館,檔案、文物分送至檔案館與博物館典藏,不僅破壞保存的完整性、原始順序,更徒增成本、造成使用者的不便,弊多於利。
本研究之主要目包括四項:(1) 瞭解國際檔案館與圖書館館際合作與整合的趨勢與發展;(2)比較檔案館與圖書館功能、任務、館藏、典藏環境等,重新檢視兩館之異同;(3)分析我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位對於典藏與應用服務合作或整合的看法,並擷取國外經驗,探討在我國實行之可行性;(4)參酌上述資料,提出我國未來檔案館與圖書館在典藏與應用服務合作與整合上的建議,以供未來規劃、發展方向之參考。
因此在研究結論中,呼應我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位面對整併與合作時所遭遇的困境,提出具體解決方案,包括政策、館舍、人力資源、應用服務等幾個面向,以確立我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位整併或合作之可行性。 Archives and libraries share similar characteristics, function, and workflows. The content and formats of their collections have become undistinguishable. Take Presidential library system in USA for example. Its collection encompasses books, archives, and objects related to presidents. To divide these collections to libraries, archives, and museums respectively would ruin the integrity and original order. Moreover, it would add cost and make inconvenience.
The purposes of this paper are as follows. (1) Understand the international trend of the cooperation and integration between archives and libraries. (2) Compare and contrast the function, missions, collection, and environment between archives and libraries. (3) Analyze the perspectives of national level archives and libraries on the collaboration or integration of conservation and application services, and complement foreign experiences to explore the feasibility of combining these two services. (4) Suggest the future scheme and development of the collaboration and integrating of conservation and application services offered by archives and libraries in Taiwan.
The results revealed that the function, missions, collection, and conservation environment of archives and that of libraries were getting identical. Furthermore, there were some successful cases of the integrating of conservation units, and related research and organizations founded in succession. It demonstrates that the future cultural conservation will turn to information integration between institutions.
The study concludes by proposing specific plans, such as policies, buildings, human resources, and services to solve the difficulties faced by archives and libraries when they tried to integrate or cooperate with each other, and thus make their integration or collaboration feasible. |
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