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Title: | 婚友社配對機制研究-以佳緣婚友推廣協會為例 Research on matching mechanism of match makers – An example of Chia Yuan organization |
Authors: | 葉毓婷 |
Contributors: | 樓永堅 葉毓婷 |
Keywords: | 配對機制 佳緣 婚友社 pairing mechanism Chiayuan matchmaker |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 15:20:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去十年,適婚年齡市場中的單身男女比率大幅成長,從1997年到2007年人口數共成長了10%,許多適婚未婚男女在茫茫人海中,希望運用不同的相親管道來找尋未來的伴侶。在所有選擇當中,婚友社是所有管道中最有效率的,透過婚友社媒合的平台,能快速拓展網絡效益,比較起網路交友、親朋好友介紹、其他不同型式的聯誼活動等等,如以找尋未來結婚伴侶為前提,婚友社是最好的選擇。
但是,最好的選擇並不等於最優先的選擇,許多人對於婚友社的印象,是比較負面的,認為它無法提供有品質的服務,能確實介紹適合自己的異性做為認識,甚至擔心付費後會員權益沒有保障,對婚友社運作流程沒有信心。市面上各式各樣規模的婚友社不少,但似乎還沒有一間夠穩定、可靠且擁有龐大的經濟規模,為整個產業的領導者,此篇研究,就是要建立起婚友社最重要的核心價值之一 - 標準化的配對機制,滿足顧客最根本的需求,創造差異化及提升競爭優勢,達到良好的口碑效益。
美中不足的是,這套機制還未能實際在佳緣內部操作,無法了解實務上運作的效益及需改進之處,且也無法確定是否能套用在其他婚友社裡。在未來,除了要建立高效率的配對機制以外,還需要進一步探討如何來深耕與會員間的關係,提供其他未滿足的服務需求。 Over the past decade, the rate of single man and woman in marriageable age in the market rise dramatically, it increased a total of 10% from 1997 to 2007. The unmarried man and woman searching different ways to meet new friends, and wishing they could become their future partner. In those different ways of meeting a possible future husband or wife, I would like to conclude that through organized one by one matchmaker platform would be the most efficient way. In this platform, people can expand their friend network quickly, compared to make friends online, introduced by relatives or close friends, or other different types of matchmaker activities. But if you want to find a future husband or wife, the one by one matchmaker organization will be the first and the best choice.
However, the best choice does not necessary mean the most preferred choice, many people’s impression towards matchmaker organizations, is relatively negative, they think it is unable to provide good quality of service, cannot really introduce the specific right person for you to know, or some of them even worry that after they became a member, they will start to get less attentions. They simply have no faith in those matchmaker companies.They are all kinds of matchmaker companies, but none of them are known as the leader brand in this entire industry yet.
This study, is to help this case company to develop it’s own differentiated advantage by establishing the most important core values system - standardize pairing mechanism. The purpose is to meet customers fundamental demands, which is help to find Mr or Ms Right for them quickly. It will also be able to achieve a good reputation for its effectiveness.
In this study, the case company-Chiayuan , with the senior matchmaker representative, Ms. Tsai Yu-Lio were involved , provided many useful and valuable information. With several times of interviews, I have come to an understanding of how the company operates, and further more, to know their present process of pairing procedures.At the same time, I was arranged to have one by one interviews with the members of Chiayuan and also the people used to work for other matchmaker companies. From those interviews I get a closer look into the whole industry both internal and external environment situations, competitive status and member’s vital unsatisfied needs.
Through the external data, such as: a literature discussion, periodicals, published books, etc., after I consolidated the information, I was able to work out the proper solutions to develop a standardized pairing mechanism.Through the data being deliberated, eventually I could find out the tracks on how the two sexes find their future partner. We can look at it from ten different required items, in accordance with the member’s different backgrounds and needs, can also affects how they set their requirements base on the those ten items and using those as the basic factors when processing the pairing mechanism. Through the filtering, we can develop three major steps for this pairing mechanism.
The mechanism can help the matchmakers to identify the most appropriate member to match. There are no other companies has developed this kind of mechanism yet. This mechanism could enhance the matching process efficiency and improve the success rates, to become one of the core competitive value.It can increase the the dependability from members. More importantly, this mechanism can make the implicit knowledge into storable information, and stays in the company, maintaining consistent service quality, emphasize a professional brand image for Chiayuan.
But this mechanism has not actually been used in Chiayuan as part of their internal procedure, therefore cannot be sure the practical benefits and necessary improvements. Addition to establishing the efficient pairing mechanism, we also need to explore further to know how to commit with the members, and provide them other unmet demand of services. 目 錄 1
表 目 錄 3
圖 目 錄 4
第壹章 緒論 5
第一節 研究背景與動機 5
第二節 研究目的 9
第三節 研究對象、範圍 10
第四節 研究流程 10
第貳章 文獻探討與理論基礎 12
第一節 從相親到兩性聯誼 13
第二節 擇偶條件 18
第三節 擇偶類型 29
第四節 兩性交往的步驟 32
第五節 內隱知識與外顯知識的定義 33
第六節 內隱知識外顯化的重要性 34
第七節 知識轉化模式 34
第參章 研究方法與設計 36
第一節 研究架構 36
第二節 研究方法 38
一、 外部資料收集 38
二、 單獨訪談 38
第三節 研究對象 39
第肆章 個案分析與問題診斷 40
第一節 相親媒介產業分析 40
第二節 婚友社環境分析 43
一、 外部環境分析 43
二、 內部環境分析 44
三、 機會與挑戰 46
第三節 佳緣推廣協會個案分析 47
一、 公司背景描述 47
二、 紅娘業務內容 51
三、 面臨的困難與挑戰 57
第伍章 解決方案描述與評估 59
第一節 深入了解會員特質及擇偶條件 59
一、 會員特質及擇偶條件資料完整性 60
二、 擇偶類型分類 61
第二節 建立配對機制 65
第三節 紅娘角色重新定義 71
第陸章 結論與建議 73
第一節 研究結論 73
第二節 研究限制 75
第三節 未來研究發展 76
參考文獻 78
附錄一 會員電腦資料卡(舊) 82
附錄二 會員電腦資料卡(建議版) 84
表 目 錄
表 壹 1 (1997年至2007年30歲~44歲未婚男女性人口數) 5
表 壹 2 (1997年至2007年-擁有大學學歷之男女人口人數) 6
表 壹 3 (1997年至2007年-擁有研究所學歷之男女人口人數) 6
表 貳 1 相親的形式與場景的比較 16
表 參 1 訪談總整 39
表 肆 1 相親管道比較表 42
圖 目 錄
圖 壹 1 研究流程 11
圖 參 1 研究架構 38
圖 肆 1 佳緣婚友社流程圖 56
圖 伍 1入會分類流程圖 64
圖 伍 2配對流程 70 |
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