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Title: | 資料採礦之商業智慧於醫療院所經營管理之應用 The application of data mining of business intelligence in the study of medical clinic management -- using an eye clinic as an example |
Authors: | 鄭增加 |
Contributors: | 李仁芳 鄭宇庭 鄭增加 |
Keywords: | 全民健保 商業智慧 眼科診所 創新 資料採礦 National Health Insurance Business Intelligence Eye Clinic Innovation Data Mining |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 15:19:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全民健保自開辦以來,財務一直存在入不敷出之隱憂,醫療院所頻頻呼籲健保的給付不足,將造成經營困難。除此之外,醫師人口逐年增長、診所成本入不敷出、人口老化迅速及新醫療設備之引進及各政策之影響下,本研究想瞭解在競爭及不確定的環境中,診所應如何以創新經營。本研究導入資料採礦之觀點,將商業智慧用於眼科診所之案例,利用忠誠度分析、流失度分析、獲利貢獻度分析、就診時段分析,想瞭解診所客戶之特性並且針對其習性及特點,並加上SWOT分析,清楚瞭解診所內部之優缺點及外部的機會與威脅,作好準備以謀取事業的永續發展。忠誠度分析之結果發現,其特點為家庭來診人數最多,性別比例較其他集群平均,案類分佈則以一般案類為主,年齡層為22歲以下及35歲以上居多;而在獲利貢獻度中,高利潤收入之地區分佈為竹北市、新竹市明湖路、福德街等;在流失度分析當中,研究發現客戶群在22歲以下,案類為一般案類,且兩人看診家庭的流失比例最高;最後就診時段分析當中,發現所有病例之地區時段、看診日分析看診人數除星期四外,皆以早上時段為最多。資料採礦是很好的輔助工具,將商業智慧應用於診所之經營上,可依照不同的分析集群搭配不同的行銷策略,增加競爭力,規畫創新之營運模式,以追求更好的發展。 Since its start, expenditure exceeding income has always been a hidden concern in the finance of the National Health Insurance (NHI). Medical clinics have repeatedly said insufficient payment from the NHI will result in difficulty in their management. Moreover, other factors are affecting the clinics, namely, the growing number of doctors statewide, the income shortage of running a clinic, the rapidly aging population, the introduction of new medical equipment, and the various new policies. This paper intends to explore some innovative management plans for the clinics in a competitive and uncertain environment. Business intelligence is applied in the case study of an eye clinic. The analysis of client the degree of loyalty, run off, profit contribution, and visiting time help understand client habits and characteristics. A SWOT analysis further helps the clinic clearly understand its own strength and weakness, and the opportunities and threats from outside. Thus it can better prepare itself for a long term business.
The analysis of client the degree of loyalty shows the following: most of the clients are family members; there is an even male/female ratio while in other categories it is not so; most medical cases are general cases; most of the clients aged under 22 or above 35. The analysis of the degree of profit contribution reveals that the districts related to higher profit are Zhubei City, and Minghu Road and Fude Road of Hsinchu City. In the analysis of The degree of run offs, it is found that most of them are under 22, most medical cases are general cases, and most of the clients are two people from a same family. Lastly, in terms of visiting time, analysis shows that most of the clients, regardless of their residential areas, visit in the morning except on Thursday. Business intelligence is an helpful tool. According to the analysis a clinic can match different client groups with different marketing policies, enhance it competitive edge, plan for an innovative management model, and pursue a better development. "目 錄 ............................................................. I
表目錄 ............................................................ II
圖目錄 ........................................................... III
第壹章 緒論 ..................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 .......................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 ................................................ 4
第貳章 文獻探討 ................................................. 5
第一節 醫療發展與醫療政策 ...................................... 5
第二節 台灣的醫療體系 .......................................... 7
第三節 研究對象之介紹 .......................................... 9
第四節 資料採礦 ............................................... 11
第參章 研究方法 ................................................ 15
第一節 資料介紹 ............................................... 15
第二節 研究流程 ............................................... 17
第三節 分析方法 ............................................... 20
第肆章 實證分析 ................................................ 24
第一節 忠誠度分析 ............................................. 24
第二節 獲利貢獻度分析 ......................................... 33
第三節 流失度分析 ............................................. 39
第四節 就診時段分析 ........................................... 44
第五節 SWOT分析 ............................................... 46
第伍章 結論與建議 .............................................. 48
第一節 結論 ................................................... 48
第二節 建議 ................................................... 51
參考文獻 .......................................................... 54 |
Reference: | 一、 中文文獻
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二、 英文文獻
1. Chen, J.S. , Russell K. H. Ching and Yi-Shen Lin,2004,”An Extended Study of the K-Means Algorithm for Data Clustering and Its Applications”,Palgrave Macmillan Journals
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三、 相關網站
1. 台灣行政院衛生署,http://www.doh.gov.tw/cht2006/index_populace.aspx
2. 全國醫師聯合公會,http://www.tma.tw/
3. Pearson Education, http://www.prenhall.com |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 93932927 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093932927 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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