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Title: | 雲端運算服務導向架構電子發票加值平台XML-based訊息轉換器與資料中心之研究 |
Authors: | 曾世傑 |
Contributors: | 楊建民 曾世傑 |
Keywords: | 雲端運算 電子發票 XML-based訊息 資料中心 cloud computing E- Invoice XML-based message data center |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 15:18:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 財政部於2006年底建置完成的電子發票整合服務平台,提供不同產業間之買賣雙方一個具有公信力的交易稽核平台。企業在此可利用電子發票向銀行進行貸款,完成融資服務,由於貸款跨越企業與銀行,而各個不同組織間,其流程中會有金、商流共同所需之資訊,但是彼此所需的資訊格式的不同,讓整個流程無法一氣喝成。
在電子發票加值平台中,處理電子發票加值服務時會運用發票上的金流與商流資訊,基於安全性的考量,所以不能將資料都儲存於雲端運算的資源中,本研究的資料中心利用分散式資料儲存方式,將機密的資料儲存於企業端,減少企業使用服務的疑慮,並透過分散式資料擷取/儲存機制對不同的資料庫存取服務所需之資料,讓企業可以更放心且便利的使用服務。 Ministry of Finance, R.O.C builds a reliable E-Invoice platform in 2006, to provide buyers and sellers a credible audit platform. Through E-Invoice platform, companies could complete loan service. Because loan service crosses the banks and enterprises, they will need the same information in loan process. However the information to each other is different formats, so that the whole process can not complete straight through.
This study proposed a Service-oriented architecture E-Invoice value-added platform which based on cloud computing services. Through this platform, companies can change invoice loan service into E-Invoice on-line loan service. In this platform, they not only can use a XML-based message converter to convert business XML format to financial information XBRL format and cash flow information FXML format but also can use cloud computing services to store and present data. However Service-oriented architecture can provide this cross-organizational activity a suitable architecture.
In E-Invoice value-added platform, E-Invoice on-line loan service will handle the information of cash flow and business flow, but based on security considerations, we can not stored all the data in the cloud. However this study use decentralized data center to store confidential information in the enterprise client to solve this problem and use some mechanism to extract/store data from different data center. Therefore Companies can reduce their concerns of using services and use services conveniently. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 96356038 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096356038 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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