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Title: | 以資源基礎論探討傳統產業多角化之研究—以H公司為例 A study on diversification of conventional industries based on resource-based theory for H corporation |
Authors: | 張錫煌 Chang, Hsi Huang |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 張錫煌 Chang, Hsi Huang |
Keywords: | 傳統產業 化學品 資源基礎論 多角化 創新研發 新產品開發 Conventional Industries Chemicals Resource-Based Theory Diversification Innovative Research and Development New Product Development |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 15:08:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國傳統產業的發展由早期台灣經濟的中流砥柱,歷經產業變革、環保意識抬頭打壓後,至今被戲稱為「夕陽產業」,主因為產品生命週期進入低毛利成熟期。大部分傳統產業廠家積極尋求多角化轉型以突破困境,但在無法抽離製造代工心態下,積極投入非核心相關領域,無非是落入另一紅海。目前支撐台灣主要經濟命脈產業仍以資訊科技業為主,傳統產業雖非主流,但改變製造心態,堅持投入核心技術研發仍能伺機尋求切入點。
透過深度訪談個案公司高階經理人,並配合相關次級資料蒐集與整理,進行彙整及分析之後,本研究獲得以下之主要結論:(1)企業核心資源中之個人專長能力的展現為多角化轉型基礎;(2)創新研發過程中,知識資源的累積是技術發展的原動力;(3)順暢的組織內部溝通有助於新產品或新事業的發展;(4)對新產品開發而言,技術資源的彈性運用與高度整合有利於發展新事業;(5)以創新研發為導向之企業與智慧財產權之管理具高度關聯性。 The domestic conventional industries were the mainstay of Taiwan economics. Because of the transformation of industries and then suffered from the lift of environmental consciousness. It ultimately turned to be the so-called “Sunset Industries”. The root cause was the low margin profit in mature stage of product life cycle. Most of conventional industries firms strove to break through the hardship by diversification. Not to withdraw the ideology from OEM mindset, the conventional industry firms invested in non-core relevant businesses painstakingly. It was just trapped to another red sea. For the moment, the dominant anchor of Taiwan economics was information technologies not the conventional industries. Nevertheless, just switched the manufacturing viewpoint and persevered to the development of core technologies to look for the niche points.
Although, the studies in the past focused on innovative upgrading transformation were too numerous and there was scarcely to portray the leading company elaborately in domestic conventional industries. Based on this concept, the thesis paid attention to the study of diversification of domestic conventional industries. Endeavor to apply the comprehensive framework which was founded on the core resources of enterprises and discussed the correlative issues of diversification. Looking forward to the diversification of conventional industries could facilitate the contributions in practical and theoretical domain.
The study aimed to investigate the questions: (1) What were the motivations drove the conventional industry firms to diversify? (2) How the conventional industry firms to execute the diversification? (3) What were the core resources of conventional industry firms? (4) What was the procedure of new product development in conventional industry firms during the duration of diversification? (5) What were the practices to construct the new business unit after diversification in conventional industry firms?
This study exerted the deep interview methodology of qualitative researches and secondary data analyses to rearrange. The preliminary research findings included: (1) The performance of individual capability in enterprise core resources was the foundation of diversification. (2) During the innovative R&D process, the accumulation of knowledge resource was the motivation of technology of development. (3) The fluent communication in organization was conducive to develop the new products or new businesses. (4) As far as the new product development was concerned, the flexible exertion and high integration of technology resources was favorable for integrating and exploring new businesses. (5) Innovative R&D oriented enterprises were in high connection with management of intellectual property rights. 第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4
第三節 研究流程 4
第貳章 文獻探討 6
第一節 傳統產業 6
第二節 多角化相關理論 11
第三節 資源基礎論 24
第四節 影響企業多角化之進入障礙 32
第五節 新產品研發 35
第六節 內部創業 42
第七節 本章小結 48
第參章 研究方法 49
第一節 研究架構與變數說明 49
第二節 研究方法 52
第三節 研究對象選擇 54
第四節 資料收集 55
第五節 研究限制 56
第肆章 個案研究 57
第一節 個案公司經營現況與簡介 57
第二節 多角化動機 69
第三節 多角化關聯程度 72
第四節 企業核心資源 74
第五節 多角化進入障礙 90
第六節 新創事業組織考量 93
第七節 多角化進入方式 97
第八節 新產品開發 99
第九節 新事業創組織作法 106
第十節 個案彙整 108
第伍章 研究發現與討論 112
第一節 多角化動機 112
第二節 多角化作法 113
第三節 企業核心資源 116
第四節 新創事業組織方式 118
第五節 新產品開發 120
第陸章 研究結論與建議 123
第一節 研究結論 123
第二節 研究建議 125
參考文獻 127
附錄一 訪談大綱 135
附錄二 黏性膠帶產業概述 138
附錄三 IBM Lotus Notes系統 142
附錄四 化粧保養品產業概述 146 |
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8.H生醫科技公司官方網站:http://www.t-do.com.tw |
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