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    Title: 董監酬勞與資訊揭露透明度關聯性之研究
    Authors: 鄭琪融
    Contributors: 陳錦烽
    Keywords: 資訊透明度
    Information transparency
    director compensation
    corporate performance
    corporate governance
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 15:07:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自去年金融海嘯爆發,許多公司雖然經營績效不佳,其管理階層卻坐領高薪,經過媒體的大幅報導,使社會大眾開始關注企業肥貓與黃金降落傘之現象。針對上述不合理的現象,投資大眾期能藉由公司所揭露的訊息,瞭解其經營績效與經理人薪酬之間是否具有合理的關係,並進行必要之監督。此外,股東行動主義逐漸抬頭,投資大眾可利用企業所揭露之資訊判斷公司大小情事,其中包括是否存在著公司經營不善,董監事卻溢領高薪的情況。另一方面,坐領高薪之管理階層為避免引起眾怒,可能會減少資訊之數量及降低資訊之品質,以減低其領取不合理之酬勞而引發社會譁然之機率。因此,本研究之目的在於探討公司董監酬勞與資訊揭露透明度之關聯性,並藉由實證資料驗證我國企業是否存在著此種規避資訊揭露之現象。
    Since the global financial tsunami broke out in 2008, many corporations have performed poorly, but their top management still receives high compensations. Through the reports in news media, people become more concerned with the unreasonable phenomenon of corporate “Fat Cat” and “Golden Parachute”. Investors are paying more attention to determine whether there is a reasonable relationship between corporate performance and directors’ compensations and to perform necessary monitoring. On the other hand, directors who receive high salaries may reduce the quantity and quality of information disclosed to avoid public scrutiny and criticism. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between directors’ compensations and corporate information transparency.
    The empirical results show that for the directors and supervisors to maintain their high compensation, they may collude with the management in hiding negative information and reducing corporate information transparency. In addition, when directors’ compensations were abnormally higher than the industry average, they had a tendency to hide the compensation information or reduce the quantity and quality of information disclosed. Consequently, these corporations had lower information transparency.
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