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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/95087
    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/95087

    Title: 總額預算制度下醫院所有權結構與營運績效關係之研究
    Authors: 劉惠玲
    Contributors: 吳安妮
    Keywords: 總額預算制度
    global budget system
    floating point-value system
    deduction rate of claim
    hospital ownership
    operational efficiency
    quality of care
    financial performance
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 15:06:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 所有權結構、支付制度與競爭係影響醫院績效之關鍵因子,本研究援用相關文獻之發現,推論出三項因素對醫院績效之關係,並以我國獨特之總額預算制度為研究對象,蒐集、串連與合併不同來源之資料,實證檢視衝量競爭與所有權結構對醫院營運績效與醫療品質之聯合效果。
    Hospital ownership, payment system and competition are all key drivers to influence hospital performance. This research infer and depict the association of these three drivers from the related literature and empirically examined the effects of fictitious price competition due to the floating point-value system and ownership on hospital operational performance and quality of care by combing and merging different sources of data.
    Deduction rate of claim and the floating point-value system are the two controversial debates to the payment system. I attempt to estimate hospital financial pressures as precipitated by deduction rate of claim and floating point-value system. To investigate whether for-profit, not-for-profit, and government hospitals differ in operating performance and quality of care, five diagnose-level and two hospital-level quality indicators are selected. Different from prior research, the financial pressure is captured by hospital data instead of a binary variable (pre and post global budget) and I examine the effect of financial pressure on hospital operational efficiency, quality of care and financial performance. Finally, we test whether differences in operational efficiency and quality care among hospitals with different ownership forms will mitigate or narrow, as hospital financial pressure increases.
    The results show that for-profit, not-for-profit and government hospitals are far more alike than different in operational efficiency, but ownership affects not only the rate of readmission and the rate of the length of stay larger than 7 days of uterine myomectomy, but also the hospital-level quality indicators: the rate of nosocomial infection and hospital mortality rate. I also find higher financial pressure incurred at government or not-for-profit hospitals than for-profits hospitals. Given my findings, we conclude that hospital ownership status affect performance in terms of quality of care and financial pressure from rate of deduction and float point-value system.
    The study shows that financial pressure adversely affects operational efficiency and quality of care. As not-for proprietary hospital financial pressure increases, the profit margin and net profit ratio will decrease, but the cash flow ratio will increase. Nonetheless, deduction rate of claim and global budget has a negative impact on hospital performance. This research further considers the joint effect of financial pressure on difference between quality of care and efficiency of for-profit hospitals and the other two types. My results indicate that hospital financial pressure mitigates the difference of quality of care between for-profit hospital and not-for profit (or government) hospitals, but does not narrow the difference in quality of care between for-profit hospital and not-for profit (or government) hospitals. This finding partly supports that increased competition should force not-for-profit (or governmental) hospitals to be increasingly similar to their for-profit counterparts.
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