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Title: | 青春系列──從類型觀點看2002-2008台灣同志電影 Young line--a genre analysis of 2002-2008 Taiwan gay and lesbian movies |
Authors: | 林佳誼 Lin, Chia Yi |
Contributors: | 鍾蔚文 Chung, Wei Wen 林佳誼 Lin, Chia Yi |
Keywords: | 類型電影 文類 同志電影 文本導向 情境導向 film genre genre gay movie text-driven situation-driven |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 14:41:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 有鑑於近年台灣出現一系列以小品模式呈現之同志題材電影,且能與社會情境多方呼應,本研究遂擬由類型(genre)的觀點,借用「青春系列」之名,探討此一類型究竟呈現出哪些樣貌特徵,如何演變?是否具備做為一種電影類型的要素?而其特徵與演變反映、關聯到什麼樣的社會文化等情境因素?類型特徵與社會脈絡間如何互動?是否呼應吻合,抑或有落差不一之處,又各如何詮釋?
在研究方法上,本研究挪用J. Swales「文本∕情境導向類型分析程序」(text-driven/situation-driven procedure for genre analysis ),試圖結合二者,除選定《藍色大門》、《十七歲的天空》、《盛夏光年》以及《渺渺》等四部範例文本,整理其「內容」、「風格」、「結構」與「目的」外,也指認出特定傳播情境,探討此類型的生成因素,以期能夠在雙向考量下,呈現出文本與情境間相互作用的連結關係,亦即類型的動態本質。
研究析論結果確實指向類型與情境脈絡之間的緊密構連。「青春系列」同時受到外來作品在概念手法上啟迪,又承繼著在地同類作品的核心傳統主題,成就出兼容並蓄的特殊風貌。而台灣社會對於同志議題在公私領域不同層次上,既開放肯定又有所保留的態度,也恰能解釋類型社群基礎。另外此類型於台灣電影工業低潮應運而生,低迷的產業活動召喚了像「青春系列」這樣具有彈性、定位明確並可預期回收成本的小品,系列作品的成功也帶動整體產業谷底反彈,更反映出台灣電影工業發展方向轉變的時代意義。 In view of a series of Taiwan’s gay themed films appearing in a sketch mode in recent years and their topic have always responded to the social contexts in multiple ways. Thus, this study adopted the point of view of “genre”, borrowed the name of “Young Line”, and then to explore what appearances and characteristics this kind of films had presented, how they would change in the future, and whether they possessed those elements to be a genre of films. Moreover, what kind of contextual factors such as social cultures that the characteristics and changes of those films reflected and had been related to? How did the characteristics of this genre interact with the social contexts? Whether they responded to the coincidence or there were differences between each other? Then how to interpret each kind of these situations?
This study adopted J. Swales’ “text-driven/situation-driven procedure for genre analysis” as the research methods, and attempted to combine these two procedures together. “Blue Gate Crossing”, “17 Formula”, “Eternal Summer”, and “Miao Miao”, these four films were selected to be the exemplary texts and to systemize their “content”, “style”, “structure”, and “purpose”. In addition, particular communication situations were also identified to probe into the generating factors of this genre of films. With the two-way considerations, this study expected to present the relational connections which interacted between the texts and the situations, and that is the dynamic nature of the genre.
According to the results of this study, there was a tight articulation between the genre and the situational contexts for a certainty. “Young Line” series are inspired by the concepts and techniques of foreign films; at the same time, they also inherit the core traditional themes of local films of the same genre. Therefore, the series have achieved a particular inclusive style. With regard to the gay issues, Taiwan society has possessed a positive but also reserved attitude toward the public and private levels, and this can precisely explain the community base of this genre. Furthermore, this genre of films came with the tide of fashion when Taiwan’s film industry was at low ebb. The depressed industrial activities elicited those sketch films which were flexible, clear-targeted, and expected to have cost recovery such as “Young Line”. The success of this series was one of the forces which leaded the whole industry rebound from the bottom, and this reflected the significance of the time of the change of Taiwan’s film industry’s development direction. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 新聞學系 94451013 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094451013 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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