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Title: | 男性警察配偶家務分工、婚姻滿意度與家庭價值之研究 A study of the Diveision of Household Labor, Marital Satisfacion and Family Value of Male Police Officers`Spouses. |
Authors: | 彭宗平 |
Contributors: | 林顯宗 彭宗平 |
Keywords: | 警察 家務分工 婚姻滿意度 家庭價值 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 13:24:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 警務工作在國家政府組織中依法所賦予的任務是維持公共秩序、保護社會安全、防止一切危害以促進人民福利。警察任務的達成與否及其執行的態度如何,直接觸及人民的權益及社會安全秩序。在現實的生活中警察人員的私領域如何?尤其是警察人員的家庭生活。警察工作的特質對警察人員的家庭生活影響情況為何;又如何的轉過來的影響到警察工作。自是值得研究的重要課題。 本研究旨在探討男性警察配偶對於其家庭之家務分工、婚姻滿意度與家庭價值之情況。為瞭解不同的個人特質,對於家務分工、婚姻滿意度與家庭價值等各面向有無差異,採取問卷調查法。問卷採自行編制而成之「家庭價值觀量表」,以進行施測。 樣本來源,係以台北縣為例,將範圍界定於以男性警察為配偶的女性作為研究對象,研究內容只限於男性警察的家庭,樣本選取係以台北縣政府警察局外勤工作警察為對象。範圍包括15個分局,有效樣本533份,有效回收比率88.83%。研究項目分為下列4部分:一、警察配偶基本資料。二、家務分工量表。三、婚姻滿意度量表。四、家庭價值量表。主要在於想了解不同的個人特質對警察家庭的家務分工參與頻率、家務分工參與情形、婚姻滿意度、家庭價值觀四變項之間的差異性及相關情形。 問卷回收後,經統計分析,首先採次數分配與平均數之描述性統計,對問卷內容做普遍性地描述,進而對「家事參與頻率」、「家事在何種情況下完成」、「婚姻滿意度」、以及「家庭價值」量表,進一步利用SAS進行因素分析,中萃取共同因素,再以變異法作正交轉軸分析,在分析過程中,取艾根值大於1。在家事參與頻率中,共計有12個有效項目,從中萃取5個因素,因素1協助採買頻率;因素2協助整理頻率;因素3協助修繕頻率;因素4協助清洗頻率;因素5家人互動。總解釋量為55.46%。在家事在何種情況下完成中,共計有12個有效項目,從中萃取3個因素,因素1家居環境情況;因素2清洗餵食情況;因素3與家人互動情況,總解釋量為85.14%。在婚姻滿意度中,計有31個有效項目,從中萃取5個因素,因素1情緒交流;因素2婚姻生活;因素3婚姻維持;因素4尊重因素;因素5婚姻重要性,總解釋量為67.88%。在家庭價值觀中,計有37個有效項目,從中萃取8個因素,因素1生兒育女;因素2子女養育;因素3父母權威;因素4成員互助;因素5婚姻正當性;因素6子女價值;因素7婚姻破綻;因素8角色分工,總解釋量為67.05。 進而針對這些因素,與個人基本資料進行差異性檢驗,以及家務分工、婚姻滿意度、家庭價值等三個量表之間之相關分析。以對假設進行檢驗,結果發現:1.個人背景因素之不同與婚姻滿意度之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。2. 個人背景因素之不同與家務分工之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。3.個人背景因素之不同與家庭價值之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。婚姻滿意度、家務分工與家庭價值之間有顯著相關,此部分完全成立。 本研究根據研究結果,提出十點建議,以供相關單位參考:(一)夫妻溝通、彼此配合協調。(二)調整勤務、配合正常作息。(三)分擔家務、減輕妻子負擔。(四)角色執行、避免過度權威。(五)身心健康、當前重要課題。(六)勤休合度、勤務家庭並重。(七)落實代理、分擔個人責任。(八)伴兒成長、舉辦親子活動。(九)三代同堂、重視倫理價值。 The duty of police service work is entrusted legally to maintain the public peace, protect social security and prevent all harms to improve people`s welfare by national government. How does the duty achieve or not and the execution manner touches people`s rights and the social security order directly. How is the police officers` personal life, particularly their personal family life in reality? How is the job characteristics influence their family life and also how the family life influence their work performance? The work/life interaction is the important topic which is worth studying.
The purpose of the research is to discuss the masculine police spouses` value of housework division, the degree of marital satisfaction and the attitude regarding their family value. In order to understand the difference between the individual characteristics and the three aspects mentioned above, we adopt the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was self-established and executed by “the family values scale.”
To take Taipei County as the example, limits in the masculine police`s spouse as the object of this study. The research content is restricted in the masculine polices` family and the sample selection takes the Taipei County Police Department, the front-end officers, as an object. With 15 branches included, 533 effective samples and 88.83% effectively return rate, the research divides into the following 4 parts: First, the spouses` basic information. Second, the housework division scale. Third, the degree of marital satisfaction scale. Finally, the family value scale. It aims to understand the deviation and correlation between individual characteristic and the four variables, the housework participation frequency, situation, the marital satisfaction degree and the family values.
After recovering the questionnaires, we adopt frequency and the description analysis through statistics analysis. And then do the common description to the questionnaires content, then to "family affairs participation frequency", "family affairs that condition under completion" , "marriage satisfaction" , and "family value" scales. Further, we carry on Causal Factor Analysis (aka CSA) in extract a common factor, and make by Variation Method over Shaft Analysis and Varimax. In this analysis, make eigenvalue greater than one(Kaiser`s rule).
In the housework participation rate, there are 12 effective items, extracted 5 factors from it: 1. the assistant rate of purchasing; 2. the assistant rate of cleaning; 3. the assistant rate of repairing house stuffs; 4. the assistant rate of washing; 5. the interactions. The total explanation quantity is 55.46%.
In the housework accomplishment circumstances rate, there are 12 effective items, extracted 3 factors from it: 1. the environment; 2. the assistant of washing and feeding; 3. the interactions. The total explanation quantity is 85.14%.
In the marital satisfaction degree, there are 31 effective items, extracted 5 factors from it: 1. emotional and psychological interaction; 2. the marriage life; 3. the maintenance of marriage; 4. esteem of each other; 5. the importance of marriage. The total explanation quantity is 67.88%.
In the value of family, there are 37 effective items, extracted 8 factors from it: 1. child bearing and rearing; 2. child rearing; 3. the parents` authority; 4. helping each other; 5. the validity of marriage; 6. the value of child bearing; 7. the marriage flaws; 8. role divisions. The total explanation quantity is 67.05%.
Then aim at the factors, carry on a Differencial with personal information. And division of household, marriage satisfaction, family value...etc. three forms of scales is analytical.
With assumption that carry on an examination, find the following result: 1. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the marriage satisfaction has significance difference and the part is revised. 2. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the division of household has significance difference and the part is revised. 3. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the family value has significance difference and the part revised. Be related between family value and marriage satisfaction, division of household, this part completely establishes.
Based on those findings, 10 suggestions proposed to be a reference for the related organizations: 1. Communicate with each other. 2. Adjust working hours, try to live normally. 3. share housework, reduce spouse`s workload. 4. the role play, avoids excessively authoritative. 5. physical and moral integrity is the most important topic. 6. work/life balances, pays equal attention to job and family. 7. to execute proxy plan, share the work load. 8. companion grows, conducts the parent-child activity. 9. three generations under the same roof, take ethics value. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 94921007 |
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