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Title: | 從超脫之理論與實踐看艾克哈特之密契主義 The Theory and Practice of Detachment in Meister |
Authors: | 黃恩鄰 Huang, En-Lin |
Contributors: | 蔡彥仁 黃恩鄰 Huang,En-Lin |
Keywords: | 密契主義 艾克哈特 密契經驗 超脫 mysticism mystical experience Meister Eckhart detachment |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 11:57:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 不同於過去將密契經驗侷限於一特殊意識狀態的經驗,本文試圖從艾克哈特關於超脫
此外,透過對 Gezücken 等辭彙的探討,我們發現超脫一概念包含著形而上學、倫理
史蒂芬卡茲所說,是一種處在宗教、文化等生活實境中所建構的經驗形式。 By studying the concept of "Detachment" of Meister Eckhart, this article
presents that the forms of mysticism and mystical experience are influenced and
restricted by its own social and religious contexts.
According to previous studies of scholars, the idea of "Detachment" is a
central and metaphysical idea of Meister Eckhart`s Mysticism. However, the idea
of "Detachment" is not only a concept that contents neoplatonical idea of dialectic
and negative theology but also a concept that responds to its contemporary
religious trends which we can find in Eckhart`s German works.
Eckhart considered the heavy pressure of religious practices as sufferings
and persuaded his audiences to concentrate on their own detached attitudes
instead. He suggested that the life of detachment was a model of "virgin wife" that
presented purest religious life in the normal daily life, and the purpose was to live
without a why and to reach spiritual poverty. The mysticism of Meister Eckhart,
which has "detachment" as its central idea, therefore has its social, practical, and
ethical causes.
Meanwhile, by studying the concept of Gezücken, we found that the idea of
"Detachment" is a concept combined with metaphysical, ethical, and mystical
layers. These layers presents in Eckhart`s discourse about mystical experience
and direct his audiences to treat their religious experiences with correct attitudes.
"Detachment" therefore is both the main theme, the criteria, and the content of
Eckhart`s idea of mystical experiences.
We can finally conclude that, like Steven Katz`s theory, in the situation of
Meister Eckhart the mystical experience is a experience formulated by its own
religious and cultural situations, a experience that "Sitz im Leben". |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 宗教研究所 93156006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0931560061 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [宗教研究所] 學位論文
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