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    Title: 從著作權法探討學術圖書館參與Google Book Search 計畫之研究
    Study on Academic Libraries Join the Google Book Search Project under Copyright Law
    Authors: 陳泓翔
    Chen, Hong Hsiang
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei Ling
    Chen, Hong Hsiang
    Keywords: Google Print
    Google Print
    Google Book Search
    Digital library
    University Library
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 11:57:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在從著作權法探討國外大學圖書館參與GBS計畫之動機、內涵與著作權法問題,藉以瞭解數位圖書館相關的數位著作權法;並以深度訪談方式探究我國學術圖書館對GBS計畫之意義與價值,以及合理性與問題。本研究以文獻分析瞭解相關數位著作權議題,從個案研究中瞭解國外大學圖書館的觀點與做法,最後以深度訪談瞭解我國學術圖書館對其看法與意願。
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons that why foreign university libraries join the Google Book Search Library Project and copyright issues, so that conclude the issues related digital copyright law in digital library. Furthermore, the study used interviews for investigating the meaning, value, and legitimate issues of GBS Library Project from the viewpoint of academic libraries in Taiwan. According to the literature review, the study clarified digital copyright issues. In addition, the study obtained the views of foreign university libraries toward GBS Library Project by case studies. Finally, the study used interviews to understand the opinions of GBS Library Project from academic libraries in Taiwan.
    The results of the study are summarized below: (1)The key copyright issues that related to related to Digital Library Project are copyright authorization, reproduction, the fair use, and the right to public transmission. (2)There are legitimacies and motivations for UK and USA libraries participate in GBS Library Project. (3)There are three models that adopted by UK and USA libraries for participating in GBS: all collection or part of collection and no copyright works to scan. (4)Considering copyright issues, UK and USA libraries take reasonable measures to restrict the use of digital copies. (5)UK and USA libraries contract with Google for its procedures and responsibility. (6)Foreign authors and publishers consider that GBS is accused of violating for their rights of the reproduce, distribute and display. (7)The academic libraries in Taiwan have bipolar view for joining GBS. (8)The academic libraries in Taiwan worry about copyright issues for joining GBS. (9)The academic libraries in Taiwan consider that the GBS project is lack of legitimacy to join it. (10)If the academic libraries in Taiwan join the GBS project, they would be inclined to put in out-of-copyright works.
    Based on the final results of this study, several suggestions are as follow:(1)Government should establish a legal policy of digital deposit, (2)University or library should set up a copyright management center which has right and responsibility to deal with intellectual property rights issues; (3)Google should strengthen safety measures and guarantee mechanisms to protect it’s image. (4)In order to reduce the controversy, Google should consult with the authors and publishers actively to obtain authorization (5)The copyright owners should be willing to try a new business model.
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