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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/94750
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    Title: 系統功能演化之需求分析方法論
    Requirements Analysis Methodology for System Functional Evolution
    Authors: 劉季綸
    Liu, Chi-Lun
    Contributors: 楊亨利
    Yang, Heng Li
    Liu, Chi-Lun
    Keywords: 需求工程
    Requirements Engineering
    Systems Development Methodology
    Use Cases Diagram
    Philosophical Hermeneutics
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 11:46:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在重視集體智慧、重視服務、且需要因應環境快速變遷的年代,傳統的系統開發方法論雖然有其不可磨滅的價值,但已經顯露出其不足之處。為了順應時代的潮流,方法論必須指引企業去聆聽大眾的心聲,以期確保系統提供優質的服務,方法論也必須指引資訊人員運用有異於以往的手法與步驟,與其他部門和大眾共同合作,來持續不斷地維護系統,使得系統得以注入新的生命力而不斷演進。
    為了讓企業外界的大眾提議新需求,本研究發展了一套以部落格為基礎的新需求提議工具,讓網友可在部落格上提出自己對新功能的想法。此外,為了協助企業判斷新需求是否會觸發衝突解決流程,本研究根據哲學詮釋學,將使用案例(Use cases)加以延伸修改,提出一套後設模型,並輔以知識本體,據此來提出一套規則,讓本工具能自動偵測新需求與系統既有設計之間是否有所抵觸,而規則亦可進一步應用在新需求間的衝突上。
    Nowadays, companies have to respect collective knowledge and improve service quality for adapt their rapidly changing environment. Traditional systems development methodologies may be still valuable but have shortcomings. To accommodate customer-driven trend, new methodologies must guide enterprises to listen to customers for ensuring high-quality system services. New methodologies also have to guide developers to carry out cross-department and customer-centered collaboration in new ways for maintaining systems cyclically.
    This research proposes a user requirements analysis methodology according on philosophical hermeneutics and software engineering literature. The proposed methodology includes requirements formation and conflict resolution. Requirements formation process involves new user requirement proposition, commercial and technical impact analysis, cost benefit estimation, coding prioritization, and new version release scheduling. Conflict resolution process involves negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.
    Besides the proposed methodology, this research also develops a blog-based tool for collecting user requirements on Internet. This research extends and modifies use cases diagram and use philosophical hermeneutics as a foundation to propose a meta-model. This research also proposes a set of rules for conflict detection. Base on the proposed meta-model, ontologies, and the proposed rules, the blog-based tool can automatically detect conflicts between new requirements and existing design. These proposed rules also can apply to detect conflicts among new requirements.
    An online newspaper company and an online shopping mall try to use this methodology and the blog-based tool. In the interviews, they confirm this methodology’s and tool’s values and give several suggestions for improving the methodology and the tool. Finally, this research discusses the improvements and future research directions according to these suggestions.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0913565021
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