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    题名: 母公司智慧資本移轉對子公司經營績效之影響:以大陸台商為例
    The Impacts of Transfer Intellectual Capital from Parent on Performance of Subsidiary: An Examination of Taiwanese Enterprises in China
    作者: 郭翠菱
    Kuo, Tsuilin
    贡献者: 吳安妮
    关键词: 智慧資本
    Intellectual capital
    Transfer mechanism
    Absorptive capacity
    Subsidiary performance
    Taiwanese Enterprises
    日期: 2008
    上传时间: 2016-05-09 11:29:13 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著中國大陸近十餘年來的改革開放,以低廉的勞工與土地成本、及高度持續之經濟成長,吸引台商紛紛將過去的台灣經驗移植到大陸。本研究從大陸子公司角度探討影響其經營績效之因素,分析台商母公司的智慧資本對大陸子公司經營績效的影響,特別將母子公司間的移轉機制與子公司的吸收能耐納入實證分析中。
    Over the past decade, the regulations of China have changed, and it provided a huge resource of cheap labor and land. Following the rapid economic growth has attracted Taiwanese enterprises to transfer their success experiences to China. It is important to examine the determinants of performance of subsidiary in China. This study analyzes the relationship between intellectual capital and performance covering the transfer from Taiwanese parent to Chinese subsidiary. This study particularly highlights the role of transfer mechanism and absorptive capacity in explaining the effect of intellectual capital on performance.
    This study integrates multiple research methodologies including field study, questionnaire, and empirical study. Since no single database exists to support this study, multiple sources are employed for constructing the sample frame. Based on a sample of 103 subsidiaries of Taiwanese enterprises in China, results of path analysis indicate that intellectual capital from parent is positively associated with the performance of subsidiary. In general, the results support that the effects of human capital on performance are mediated by both transfer mechanism and absorptive capacity, but the transfer roles of innovation capital are not supported. Finding from the public electronic industry reveals that the influence of human capital on return of assets is indirect through the mediating role of transfer mechanism. An absorptive capacity path is presented where absorptive capacity is associated with return of assets, and human capital influences absorptive capacity. Moreover, regression analyses demonstrate that different intellectual capital elements have a different effect on organizational performance. Human capital is important in explaining the variations in the performance of subsidiary, while innovation capital has little or no effect. Implications for theory and research are discussed.
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