題名: | 動態性合作網路分工與連結管理之研究 The Study of Job Assign and Linkage Management in the Dynamic Cooperative Network |
作者: | 江政達 Chiang, Cheng-Ta |
貢獻者: | 司徒達賢 于卓民 江政達 Chiang,Cheng-Ta |
關鍵詞: | 動態網絡 策略彈性 供應商管理 委外 dynamic network strategic flexibility supplier management outsource |
日期: | 2007 |
上傳時間: | 2016-05-09 11:24:12 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 由於競爭環境的變化,使得供應鏈中製造廠商與供應廠商雙方的交易關係(supplier-manufacturer relationship)有了重大的改變,由過去競爭的對立關係,轉變為合作的夥伴關係;中心廠與諸多零配件的供應商形成了一個合作的群聚,來共同滿足買方客戶的需求。台灣中小企業組成的綿密產業網絡便是一個相當好的例證,台灣產業網絡的「彈性」和「速度」特質,使台灣企業能夠在市場急速變化、壓力陡增的情況下,及時進行靈活調適,並整合體系內各種可用的資源,創造特有的競爭優勢。
最後,不同的網絡關係類型的管理代表著不同的利潤模式的創造思維,營造廠對於會員關係類型的承包商將採取採購成本最小化的模式,之於團隊關係類型的承包商將採取交易成本最小化的模式,夥伴關係類型的承包商則採最大化綜效的模式。 Duing to the changing of the competitive environment, make the relationship between the manufacturing firm and their suppliers from competitive to cooperative. The manufacturing firm and its suppliers form a cooperative cluster to satisfy the buyer’s requirement. The cooperative network manufacturing firms build become one of the important sources of competitive advantage, therefore it’s a significant issue to the management of the cooperative network.
From the practical view, the intensive industrial network organizes by the small and medium size enterprise is the important source of the Taiwan’s manufacturing advantage. The nature of flexibility and speed of Taiwan’s industrial network makes the firms could deal with the fast changing environment, and integrate the available resources of the network to create the unique competitive advantages. The industrial network also play a major role for hundred billion of the foreign exchange reserves in Taiwan, no matter what the traditional industry, such as tailoring, shoes, and machine tool industries or high-tech industry as computer, integrated circuit and electronic industries, the specialization and cooperation between industries is more significant in Taiwan than in other Asia countries, such as in Japan and Korea. Therefore, it’s an important issue to know the manufacturing firms how to build up and maintain their dynamic cooperative network and how to do the job assign and the leakage management among members of network.
From the theatrical view, the early researches in the intra-organizational cooperative relationships is focus on the dyadic relationship to explain how the power and trust influence the cooperation, maybe how to gain the competitive advantage based on the relationship further. As we know manufacturing firms will exchange their resources with many suppliers, they always make the strategic decision from the holistic view of the network, not the dyadic view. Miles and Snow (1984) argue that the traditional organization will be disaggregated vertically, the way of integrating all the functions in a single organization will be instead of dividing into many independent firms to execute coordinately. They said that a successful company should integrate and coordinate their network members dynamically to achieve the customer’s need. Recently Bovet and Martha (2000) emphasize the important of building the value creating system to support the customer’s need agilely, the network of value system is different from the production line relationship of traditional supply chain, it start by the customer’s need, the manufacturing firms which interconnected with their suppliers, strategic partners, customers, exchange with the network member to acquire the resources they need, such as economic assets, knowledge, intangible benefits, to satisfy the need of customer (Allee, 2000).
This study tries to figure out how the manufacturing firm build up and maintain their network dynamically, how they do the job assignment and linkage management, by case study. The two cases selected from construction industry are suitable to present the dynamic network management, by cooperating the two cases, this study establish the conceptual framework and propositions for the reference of managers. |
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描述: | 博士 國立政治大學 企業管理學系 83355508 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0083355508 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文