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    Title: 電視新聞中之影像與感動:以電視新聞專題為例
    Authors: 陳其銳
    Contributors: 陳百齡
    Keywords: 電視新聞
    television news
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 11:24:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電視新聞利用剪接將影像轉化成為敘述工具,由於剪接者手法上的差異,使得電視新聞可以利用不同的方式來敘述故事。這種多元的敘事風格,讓觀眾可以透過不同的影像形式抒發情感,其中「感動」是電視新聞中最常運用之情感效果。因此,本研究主要針對電視新聞中的影像與其引發感動的原因作為研究重點,以電視新聞專題做為研究對象,而發展出以下三個問題:一、電視新聞專題中的感動:要素為何?二、電視新聞專題畫面如何表現感動要素?三、電視新聞專題的剪接如何表現感動?



    The image of television news is presented by editing. Because of the different techniques of editors, television news could be presented in various ways. The diversified modes of image allow the audience to off-load their feelings. To move them is the frequent technique used.
    This research focuses on the special television news subject.The researcher attempts to figure out the reasons that image evoke feeling. There are three main topics. One topic is to find out what is the element of touching in special television news subject. Then the following is to analyze the elements. Finally, the researcher tries to find out how the editing expresses affection.

    Touching is the process of inside description. The feeling is impossible to examine the degree by figures. The constructing process includes of many complicated factors, which have to be expressed by the actors. Furthermore, because the touching is concealed from the image, the touching image is not possible to quantify by questionnaire. The research proceeds by interview and document analyze.

    Touching of television news is presented by the expressing of image. By interview and analyze, this research concludes in four aspects. First, image is the instrument to express emotion in television news. A news story is constructed by the events, the actors, and the objects. The touching comes from the interaction of all the subjects. Second, editing has to emphasize on the cause and effect to connect the feeling. Without the emphasis, the image is not touchable. Third, in addition to cause and fact and the common experience, beauty is the important factor to touch people. In many forms of arts, beauty is applied to evoke emotion. Image is no exception. In television news, the application of beauty is beyond description. Finally, touching is evoked from a systematic story. Any part of touching must have arose from the constructive plots. A story which can be presented in complete relies on the editing.

    Keywords: television news、image、editing、touching
    Reference: 中文部分

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