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Title: | 台灣電視新聞頻道國際新聞節目製播策略探討---以中天新聞台為例 The International News Program Production Strategies of 24-7 News Channels in Taiwan---A Case Study on CTITV |
Authors: | 陳昌祺 Chen, Chang Chi |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 Huang,Wei Wei 陳昌祺 Chen, Chang Chi |
Keywords: | 國際新聞 國際新聞節目 節目製播策略 電視新聞頻道 中天新聞台 文茜的世界周報 International News International News Programs Program Production Strategies TV News Channels CTITV Sisy`s World News |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 11:23:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以中天新聞台作為台灣電視新聞頻道國際新聞節目製播策略的初探性研究個案,以內容分析法分析其國際新聞節目「文茜的世界周報」的節目內容規劃與呈現,並深度訪談中天電視台製播部視覺中心經理、新聞部節目專案中心主任及撰述委員,探究節目的定位與角色、人員及資源配置暨節目製播流程、製作技巧與創意及節目未來規劃願景。進一步訪問三位產學界的專家學者,了解理想國際新聞節目應具備的條件、國際新聞節目製播困境與突破的方法,同時針對「文茜的世界周報」製播成效加以評估。
產學界專家學者則認為理想的國際新聞節目應提供文化與地理接近性的新聞議題,並培養本地記者實地採訪,賦予國際新聞在地觀點,深入解析事件脈絡與意涵。然而國際新聞節目製播往往受限於收視率壓力,故電視台經營者應調整國際新聞長期被邊緣化的角色,並尋求企業界支持贊助節目製播經費,製作量質兼具的國際新聞。最後,產學界專家學者認為「文茜的世界周報」節目風格鮮明,可增加觀眾對國際新聞的興趣,但主持人與撰述記者的個人詮釋框架,應維持新聞公正客觀,硬性與軟性新聞應各佔一定的比例,亦可試圖將硬性新聞與觀眾生活連結,達到雅俗共賞的目標。 This case study on CTITV is to investigate the international news program production strategies of 24-7 news channels in Taiwan. Based on the content analysis and the in-depth interview with the visual design manager, the special programming center director and the reporter in CTITV, we explored the orientation and function of the program, “Sisy’s World News”, the allocation of the personnel and resources, the production process, the news production techniques and creativity, and the vision of the development of this program. Moreover, we interviewed three professionals and practitioners in journalism so as to elaborate the elements of the ideal international news program, the alternatives for the predicament of international news production and the evaluation on “Sisy’s World News”.
The result of the study discovered that CTITV has been supportive to its international news production. Hence, the international news program, “Sisy’s World News”, is independently operated by the special programming center which capitalizes the comparatively rich personnel and resources of international news. This international news program has been distinguished from its name, insightful news scripts, audio and visual presentations which comprehensively manifest the host’s unique personal style. In the future, the director and the reporters are going to enrich the contents and topics to broaden the audience’s horizons.
According to the result of content analysis, the program focused on Mainland China, European Union, North America, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. The theme was mostly related to business, politics, society, culture and education. Straight news and the news headlines which summarized the weekly news from the international press were the primary approaches of the presentation.
The professionals indicated that the ideal international news program should provide the issues with cultural and geographical proximity for the audience. More importantly, the reporters should get more chances covering the news in person to interpret the news by their own observations and perspectives. However, rating is always the restriction of the international news production. The administrators should break the myth of rating and find more budget supporters for the better quantity and quality of the international news programs. Additionally, the proportion of the hard and soft news should be near equal. The host and the reporters in “Sisy’s World News” should be objective and cautious about the interpretations of the news and try to make the hard news relevant and interesting to the audience as well. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 新聞學系 93451022 |
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