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    Title: 當模糊遇上精確:刑法的語言使用分析
    When vagueness meets precision: an analysis of the language used in the criminal law
    Authors: 胡碧嬋
    Hu, Pi Chan
    Contributors: 張郇慧

    Chang, Hsun Huei
    Tuan, Chung Min

    Hu, Pi Chan
    Keywords: 模糊
    forensic linguistics
    Criminal Law
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 11:21:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 模糊是語言的主要特色之一,這與法律語言的終極目標—精確恰恰相反。在追求精確的過程中,在法律制度裡的某字或某術語該做何解釋,往往有許多爭議。法官如何在模糊與精確當中取得平衡?又如何確保每項法律公正地適用於每個人與每起個案?本文試圖探討這兩個極端—模糊與精確—如何交織與競合,從法律語言學的觀點對爭議個案提供解釋,並進一步解決法律制度中各種語言詮釋的問題,其中以刑法的語言為主要研究標的。為了闡釋文字的意義,本文嘗試以框架語意學、檢查表理論和原型理論來架構出法律語言的框架。本文之另一項目的是要觀察刑法法條中的語言現象,是否能反映出刑法的精神與特質。
    Vagueness is one of the major characteristics of language, which happens to be contradictory to the ultimate goal of legal language—precision. In the process of pursuing precision, there are a variety of disputes over what interpretations words or terms in the legal system should be made. How do judges strike the balance between vagueness (uncertainty) and precision (certainty) and affirm that every rule be justly applied to every individual and every case? This research attempts to explore how these two extremes interweave and compete and to provide explanations for some controversial cases and offer a perspective from forensic linguistics to solve the problems among the various interpretations of the language used in the legal system, in this case, the Criminal Law. To elucidate the meaning of words, this study tries to construct the frame of legal language with linguistic approaches such as frame semantics, checklist theory, and prototype theory. Another objective of the research is to see whether the linguistic phenomena observed in the system can reflect and convey the spirits and essences behind the Criminal Law.
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    杜金榜,2001,從法律的模糊性到司法的確定性,現代外語,第2001年 03第305-310頁。
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