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    Title: 工人階級不做工?台灣工人家庭的階級經驗與階級複製
    Authors: 陳文君
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Keywords: 工人階級
    working class
    class reproduction
    cultural Marxism
    class culture
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2016-05-06 16:44:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社會大眾普遍認為台灣乃是一個開放的社會,階級之間存在著流動的可能。然而,由文獻資料以及近期報導皆可發現,台灣的工人確實存在著階級流動障礙,這使得工人階級複製的現象產生。


    It is generally believed that Taiwan is an open society in which it is possible to move among classes. However, according to both recent news reports and research literature, there are in fact substantial barriers against class mobility, which, in turn, lead to the emergence of the phenomenon of working class reproduction.

    Class reproduction not only ensures the proper functioning of the capitalist production process, but also the preservation of the interest of the privileged classes. In this process, ideology plays an important role. Regarding this, cultural Marxism proposes using “culture” as a category for analysis in order to understand the common sense and life style of specific classes and to further deconstruct the effect of ideology on those classes. In this study, we use both reference materials from the literature as well as case studies to investigate the effect of ideology transmitted through working class families and school education on the process of class reproduction.

    Even though our research cannot ascertain if the working class people interviewed indeed possess the “authentic emancipatory promise” as proposed by the post-Marxists, we still could believe, in accordance to Gramsci’s point of view, the hidden class consciousness of the workers will be realized through stimulation by the expressions and actions of the intellectuals. Through observations of recent social movements in Taiwan, we realize members of the intelligentsia have already started to act to introduce reforms. This will sow the seed for the beginning of a wave of change in the Taiwanese society.
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    謝文華(20060427),勞家盟質疑 教科書充斥階級主流意識

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