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Title: | 電子期刊的資訊組織與取用之研究 A Study on Organizing and Accessing Electronic Journals |
Authors: | 趙慶芬 Chao, Ching-Fen |
Contributors: | 王梅玲 Wang, Mei-Ling 趙慶芬 Chao, Ching-Fen |
Keywords: | 電子期刊 電子期刊資訊組織 電子期刊取用 Electronic journals E-journals Organizing electronic journals Accessing electronic journals |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-06 16:43:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 傳統期刊資訊組織的方式主要是編目與論文索引摘要,今電子期刊由於透過電腦網路的傳遞,也改變其資訊組織與檢索的概念。而資訊組織方式多元,取用多種管道,也造成使用者檢索複雜而多元的環境。
對廠商的建議:1.支援使用者中心取用;2.支援圖書館的電子期刊資訊組織;3.了解圖書館管理多套系統的困境,找到適切的方法;4.整合查尋系統可以多加強Portal和整合管理的功能;5.除了研發和銷售新系統,可以幫助圖書館適應新舊系統的過渡期;6.加入更多學術性的期刊,提昇內容權威;7.加強電子期刊回溯年代,解決禁刊問題 The traditional ways of organizing journals are mainly to cataloge journals, to write abstracts, and to index journal articles. Today, through the transmission of computer network, the electronic journals change the concept of information organization and retrieval. Moreover, the plural forms of information organization and access also causes users to search information in a more complicated multi-environment.
It is more convenient that the electronic journals offer the full-text articles to scholars, and users are deeply fond of it. However, the electronic journals meet with the situation of multi-access channels and multi-information organization. On the one hand, the electronic journals deal with the bibliographic records, full-text files, and the linking technology of both. On the other hand, the information organization of electronic journals contains bibliographic materials in three levels of titles, volumes, and articles. All of them cause the difficulty of organizing and using the electronic journals.
This study is explored through literary reviews and in-depth interviews in order to understand the problems and solutions associated with electronic journals organization in five university libraries and six vendors in Taiwan and see if they can support the access theory of the electronic journals.
Based on the research findings , the conclusions of this study are : 1.a new model of managing the electronic journals is proposed; 2.an User-centered access of the electronic journals theory is presented; 3.the library provides access to electronic journals through channels in Taiwan; 4.e-journals information organization and technology of library in Taiwan is presented; 5. meta-searching systems have the value and influence on the electronic journals; 6. access channels to electronic journals are multiple and fork confusingly; 7.the problems of accessing to electronic journals are studied; 8.there are multiple and confusingly-forked electronic journal information organization and technology; 9.the electronic journals cause the problem of organization and technology to library.
Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided :
For the library: 1.the channel of the electronic journals should meet with the user’s need; 2.the organization and technology of electronic journals should support the user`s needs; 3.it is necessary to simplify and reform the management procedure of the electronic journals; 4. the maintenance of the systematic linkages can be automatic or system-by-system.; 5.it should offer the integrating articles with courseware and electronic reserves.
For the vendors: 1. they should support user-centered access; 2. they should support the information organization of the electronic journals for the library; 3. they should understand the difficulty of how the libraries manage the predicaments of many systems to find the appropriate solutions.; 4. Meta-searching systems should strengthen the functions of Portal and meta-management; 5.Except for developing and selling the new system, they can help the libraries to get through the transition period from an old system to the new system; 6.they should promote the authority of content in academic electronic journals; 7. the coverage of electronic journals should be enlarged to solve the problem of embargoes. |
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