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Title: | 投資型保險消費者屬性分析及滿意度研究以A商業銀行為例 Consumer profile and satisfactory of Unit-link product for a bank case |
Authors: | 蔡燦煌 Tsai, Tsan Huang |
Contributors: | 張士傑 Chang,Bill 蔡燦煌 Tsai ,Tsan Huang |
Keywords: | 銀行保險 投資型保險 消費者屬性 消費者滿意度 |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-06 16:38:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從1998年透過銀行通路銷售的壽險保單新契約保費市場佔有率僅1.5%,至2005年新契約保費已達2,031億元,市場佔有率更高達37.5%,短短幾年銀行保險業務成長爆發性亦又創下一台灣奇蹟;尤其近三年投資型保險在銀行通路發展迅速,銀行有多種投資型產品,是那些消費者喜歡購買投資型保險?不管在行銷上或是在金融業最重視之消費者滿意度都需大家要去了解,本研究動機在於提出一些看法及解決方式,也是基於實務銷售資料去分析了解消費者長相及滿意度,希望能對往後投資型保險行銷上有些參考價值。
根據本研究銀行分行購買投資型保險分析其客戶屬性: 投資型保險之平均保費與性別、年齡及區域是有差異化且彼此有顯著之交互作用,得到以下結論:
1. 被保險人性別,以女性購買為主,占62.85%。
2. 平均保費約為102.7萬,男生高於女生:109.1萬 > 99.3萬。
3. 被保險人年齡主要購買年齡為40歲至60歲,保費合計占54.94%,50歲以上的平均保費顯著高於整體平均保費,歸因於節遺產稅。
4. 以區域來看,北市的平均保費最高,高雄區最低。
5. 性別、年齡與區域彼此間有顯著的交互作用(p-value0.037<0.050)
1. 清楚找誰辦理手續:在研究之A銀行,客戶平均資產50萬以上就有專屬的理專服務,所以部份客戶有理專專人服務,ㄧ進分行就知道要找誰購買投資型保險,而有一些客戶沒有專人服務,ㄧ進去分行不知要去找誰,所以推測有可能被帶錯地方找錯人服務,因此可能花費較多的時間,所以「清楚找誰辦理手續」對於整體滿意度有顯著影響。
2. 清楚說明產品相關資訊:現在的消費者重視專業,尤其事涉消費者敏感財產增減,理專可不可以清楚說明產品相關資訊是很重要的。
3. 細心保護客人私人資料:在於A銀行會針對50萬以上的客戶提供ㄧ對ㄧ的服務,其他銷售通路及其他理專不能聯絡客戶,客戶的資料受到保護並不會受到過度及多人銷售之問題。
4. 各項作業處理速度快:現代人普遍耐性較差,對於作業處理速度是判斷專不專業之重要項目,所以節省時間也是影響滿意度的項目之一。
綜合以上研究,保險公司需要充分了解不同通路特性推出適合的商品,使得投資型保險的客群更廣;保險公司也需與通路一起加強人員投資理財相關專業知識及行銷技能,提高客戶滿意度。 The First year premium(FYP)in bancassurance channel market share is only 1.5% in 1998. It is NTD 203 billion and the market share is 37.5%. Bancassurance grows fast in the few year and make a Taiwan. Especially unit linked insurance grows fast in bancassurance channel. There are many kinds of unit linked insurance and what kinds of customers prefer to buy them? The purpose of the study is to provide some ideas and solutions based on customers’ profile and satisfaction from analysis of real sales data. We hope that it’s helpful for unit linked insurance marketing.
According to the profile of customers who bought unit linked insurance in branches, there are difference among average premium, gender and living area, and there are significant intersection each other. The conclusion is:
1. Gender of the insured:The proportion of female is larger and it’s 62.5%.
2. Average premium is 1,027 thousand, male’s(1,091 thousand) is larger than female’s(99.3 thousand).
3. The age of the insured is mostly between 40 and 60 years old. Their total premium is about 54.94% of total premium. The average premium of the insured more than 50 years old is significantly larger than the average, and the reason is tax.
4. Living area:The average premium in Taipei is the highest and it’s lowest in Kaoshung.
5. There are significant intersection each other among gender, age and living area. (p-value0.037<0.050)
From customer satisfaction survey in buying unit linked insurance, we use statistics method to find out the significant related items with satisfaction in all items in questionnaire.
1. specific service:In the A bank we surveyed, customers whose average AUM is larger than 500 thousand(called Wealth management customers) have one-to-one financial advisory service. When customers come in a branch, some of them know to contact with their financial advisor, but others do not know. It cost more time in their financial service.
2. clear explanation about products:Customers think that profession is very important now, especially it’s related to their growth of asset. It’s very important if their financial advisors can explain related information about the products.
3. customer data privacy:In the A bank we surveyed, wealth management customers just can be sold product by their specific financial advisor. Other financial advisors or other sales channel can not get their information.
4. speed in operation process:the speed in operation process is the key item to check profession. Saving time in process is the item related to satisfaction.
In the other hand, we find out that the average scores of “well done in the bank’s promise” and “friendly” are the highest, but there are no significant related with satisfaction . It means that friendly service can not prove customer satisfaction in purchasing. Customers care about one-to one service, profession, personal privacy and speed in operation. So, “profession” is the key issue is wealth management field.
Insurance companies should understand different characteristics for different channel. They can launch suitable products for them to get widely customers in unit linked insurance. They also need to strengthen investment related professional knowledge and sales skill to enhance customer satisfaction with their distributors. "第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究背景及動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究範圍及方法
第四節 研究流程
第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 投資型保險之基本概論
第二節 投資型保險的特色
第三節 投資型保險的種類
第四節 投資型保險產品的優缺點
第五節 各國投資型保險商品發展背景
第六節 各國投資型保險商品發展之沿革
第參章 臺灣投資型保險發展現況分析
第一節 臺灣投資型保險商品發展之過程
第二節 臺灣投資型保險商品介紹
第三節 臺灣投資型保險市場分析
第四節 臺灣銷售投資型保險產品引起的問題
第肆章 消費者屬性及滿意度研討
第一節 消費者屬性研究
第二節 消費者滿意度研究
第伍章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論
第二節 後續研究建議
參考文獻 |
Reference: | 1.麥瑋玲(2000),投資型保險商品經營策略之研究,政治大學風險管理碩士論文
3. 江瑞雄(2002),壽險業經營投資型保險之研究,淡江大學保險學系碩士論文
7.林雍善(2004 ),銀行銷售投資型保單成功個案分析,中央大學財務金融研究所碩士論文
15. Advisers財務顧問雜誌,第200、203期,2006年3月1日出刊
16.統一安聯人壽保險公司: 超優勢變額萬能壽險及家庭理財變額年金銷售訓練教材
2.中華民國壽險公會網站: http://www.lia-roc.org.tw/
3.中華民國保險事業發展中心網站: http://www.iiroc.org.tw/ |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 92932803 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0092932803 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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