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    Title: 企業責任報告揭露之研究
    Authors: 程心瑤
    Cheng, Hsin-Yao
    Contributors: 馬秀如

    Cheng, Hsin-Yao
    Keywords: 公司治理
    Corporate governance
    Corporate responsibility Report
    Cost of capital
    Ohlson model
    Price premium
    Self-selection bias
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2016-05-06 16:35:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 有鑑於全球愈來愈重視企業營運對社區造成的社會、環境和經濟影響,企業的利害關係人除了重視企業的財務績效之外,也愈來愈關心企業是否有善盡其「社會公民」的責任與角色。企業責任報告之目的就是在傳統的財務報表之外,進一步揭露企業的營業活動對於社會及環境所造成的影響。為了使資本市場能更有效地運作,公司管理當局應該要揭露範圍更廣、透明度更高、並有助於投資決策的攸關性資訊,因此,發布社會責任報告的企業有日益增多的趨勢。本研究之目的即在探討三個與企業責任報告有關的議題:(1) 企業的公司治理結構之良窳與管理當局企業責任報告揭露決策的關係;(2) 企業揭露社會責任報告之決策是否會產生股價溢酬;(3)企業社會責任報告揭露決策對企業的事前權益資金成本的影響。在控制樣本的自我選擇偏誤之後,本研究的主要發現有二:第一、公司治理結構愈好的企業愈傾向於揭露企業責任報告,而且也愈可能以專節的形式在該報告中揭露公司治理資訊;第二、從有無揭露企業責任報告的角度來看,本研究發現有揭露的公司均有較高 (低) 的股價 (資金成本)。其次,從揭露的內容做進一步分析之後,本研究發現「環境績效」、「社會績效」與「公司治理」三大類內容的揭露決策均具有價格溢酬。至於「企業承諾」則對公司股價並無顯著影響。最後,企業責任報告揭露程度較高之企業會有較顯著的價格溢酬以及較低的資金成本。
    In light of the increasing emphasis on companies’ social, environmental and economic impacts on the communities, stakeholders are more concerned about whether firms appropriately assume their responsibility as a social citizen. To fulfill stakeholders’ demand of such non-financial information, many companies have recently begun to voluntarily issue the corporate responsibility reports (CRR) as a means to disclose their social, environmental and economic performance and their commitment to do business responsibly. This study intends to answer the following three key questions related to the CRR disclosure: (a) Will companies with stronger corporate governance be more willing to issue CRR? (b) Will the voluntary disclosure of CRR leads to stock price premium? (c) Will companies making voluntary disclosure of CRR have lower ex ante cost of capital? After controlling for the self-selection bias, the empirical results reveal several important findings. First, the stronger the companies’ coporate governance, the more likely the management will issue CRR. Particularly, these companies tend to disclose their comporate governance policy and procedures in a separate section in the CRR. Second, companies disclosing CRR experience significantly higher (lower) stock prices (cost of capital). A further examination shows that three out of four major components reported in the CRR (i.e., environmental performance, social performance, and corporate governance) give rise to significant price premium. The disclosure of business commitment, however, seems to bear little or no information content embedded in the stock price. Finally, companies disclosing more information in their CRR have higher price premium and lower cost of capital than those disclosing less information. The implications of these findings are discussed.
    Reference: 張彥文,2006,永光化學比別人多四倍效「綠」,遠見雜誌,239期,244。
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