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    Title: 會計行為面之研究
    Authors: 黃瑞祥
    Contributors: 鄭丁旺
    Date: 1986
    Issue Date: 2016-05-05 15:40:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 論文提要
    Reference: 參考書目
    一、 中文書籍
    1. 汪承運著,企業計劃與預算(台北:民國七十一年一月,三版)。
    2. 李美枝著,社會心理學(台北:大洋出版社,民國七十三年)。
    3. 林榮欽著,管理心理學(台北:五南圖書出版公司,民國七十二年二月)。
    4. 徐木蘭著,行?科學與管理(台北:三民書局,民國七十二年)。
    5. 陳少廷編譯,現代行?科學(台北:商務圖書公司,民國五十九年)。
    6. 陳定國著,企業管理(台北:三民書局,民國七十年八月)。
    7. 張春興、楊國樞著,心理學(台北:三民書局,民國六十九年)。
    8. 張潤書編譯,組織行?與管理(台北:五南圖書出版公司,民國七十四年)。
    9. 龔平邦著,行?科學概論(台北:三民書局,民國七十二年)。

    1. 林財源著,責任會計之理論與應用,政大會計研究十一期(民國六十七年),頁17-31。
    2. 蕭燕錫著,淺釋責任會計,政大會計研究十九期(民國七十三年),頁 23-36。

    1. AAA, A Statement of Basic Accounting Theory, 5th ed. (Sarasota Florida, 1973).
    2. Abdel-Khalik, A. R. & Keller, T. F., "Earning or Cash Flows: An Experiment on Functional Fixation and the Valuation of the Firm", AAA Studies in Accounting Research No. 16, 1979.
    3. Ashton, R. H., The Evolution of Behavioral Accounting (London & N. J.: Garland Publishing Inc. 1984).
    4. Belkaouni, A., Accounting Theory, (N. J.: Harcaurt Brace Jauanorich, Inc. 1981).
    5. Bruns, W. J., Jr. & Decoster, D. T., Accounting and If`s Behavioral Implcation, (N. J.: McGraw-Hill Book Company 1969).
    6. Davis, keith, Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior (N. J.: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1981).
    7. Dombrovske, W. J., Managerial Accounting: A Frame of Refence, Accounting: A Book of Reading, Genhard G. Muellci and Charles H. Smith ed. (New York: Holt Rhinehant and Winston, Inc. 1970).
    8. FASB, Objectives of Financial Reporting by Business Enterprises, SAFC No.1 (台北:天一圖書公司,1978)。
    9. Grarrison, R. H., Management Accounting (Dallas: Taxas: Business Publication, Inc. 1970).
    10. Green, D. O. "Behavioral Science and Accounting Research," The Evolution of Behavioral Accounting Research, Ashton ed. (N. J.: Garland Publishing, Inc. 1984).
    11. Hendriksen, E. S., Accounting Theory, (台北:美亞書局翻印,1982)。
    12. Harold M. F., Rush, Behavioral Science, (N. J.: National Conferonce Board, Inc. 1969)
    13. Hoftede, C. H., The Game of Budget Control, (Tavistock Publication Company, 1968).
    14. Horngren, C. T., Cost Accounting-A Managerial Emphasis, (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1982).
    15. Ivancevich, J. M., Szilagyi, A. D., and Wallace, M. J. Jr., Organizational Behavior and Performance (台北:華泰書局,1977)。
    16. Kerlinger, F. N., Foundation of Behavioral Research (N. J. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1973)
    17. Maslow, A. H., Motivation and Personality (N. J.: Haper and Row, 1954)
    18. McGregor, Douglas, The human side of Enterprise (N. J.: McGraw-Hill Company 1960)
    19. Schroder H. M., Driver, M. J., and Strenfer, Siegfried, Human Information Processing (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1967).
    20. Vroom, V. H., Work and Motivation (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1964).
    21. Woodward Joan, Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (London: Oxford University Press, 1965).

    1. AAA, "Report of the Committee on Behavioral Science Content of the Accounting Curriculum," The Accounting Review (Supplement to 1971), pp. 247-260.
    2. AAA Committee on the Relationship of Behavioral Science and Accounting, "Report of Committee on the Relationship of Behavioral Science and Accounting", The Accunting Review (Supplement to 1974) pp. 127-139.
    3. Admson, R. E. and Taylor, D. W., "Functional Fixedness as Related to Elapsed Time and to Set", Joural of Experimental Psychology (Feb. 1954). pp. 122-126.
    4. Argyris, C., "The Industrial and organization: some Problems of Mutual Adjustment", Administrative Science Quarterly, 1957, Vol. 2. pp.
    5. _____, Human Problems with Budget", Harvard Business Review (Jan-Feb., 1953) pp.97-110.
    6. Ashton, Robert H., "Cognitive changes by Accounting Changes: Experimental Evidence on the Functional Fixation Hypothesis", Journal of Accounting Research: Studies on Human Information Processing in Accounting, (Supplement 1976), pp. 1-24.
    7. _____, "A Descriptive study of Information Evaluation", Journal of Accounting Research Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring 1981) pp. 41-42.
    8. Beaver, W. H., "The Behavior of Security Prices and Its Implication for Accounting Research, "The Accounting Review (Supplement to 1972), pp.407-437.
    9. Becker, Selwyn W. & Green, David, Jr., "Budgeting and Employee`s Behavior: A Rejoinder to A Reply" The Journal of Business (April 1964) pp. 203-205.
    10. Bedford, N. M. and Baladouni, Vahne, "A Communication Theory Approach to Accountancy." The Accounting Review (1962) pp. 650-659.
    11. Benston, G. J., "The Role of the Firm`s Accounting System for Motivation,” The Accounting Review (April 1963) pp. 347–354.
    12. Brownell, Peter, "Participation in Budgeting Locus of Control and Organizational Effectiveness," The Accounting Review (Oct. 1981) pp. 844-859.
    13. Chastain, C. E. "Management Factors in Budgeting,” Cost and Management, (Jan.-Feb. 1982) pp. 15-16.
    14. Coch, L. and French, J. R., "Overcoming Resistance to Change," Human Relations (Oct. 1948) pp. 512-532.
    15. Dermer, J. D., "Cognitive Characteristics and the Perceived Importance of Imformation," The Accounting Review (July 1973) pp. 511-519.
    16. Devine, C. T., "Research Methodology and Accounting Theory Formation,” The Accounting Review (July 1960) pp. 387–399.
    17. Diver, M. J. and Mock, T. J., "Human Information Processing, Decision Style Theory, and Accounting System,” The Accounting Review (July, 1975) pp.490-508.
    18. French, J. R. and Isracl, J., "An Experiment: An Participation in a Norwegian Factory," Human Relations (Feb. 1960) pp. 1-13.
    19. Grossman, S. D. and Strawser, R. H., " Accounting and Behavioral Concepts: A Classroom Approach, " The Accounting Review (April 1978) pp.495-500.
    20. Hofstedt, T. R., "Some Behavioral Parameters of Finacial Analysis," the Accounting Review (1972) pp. 679–692.
    21. _____, and Kinard, J. C., "A Strategy for Behavioral Accounting Research," The Accounting Review (Jan. 1970) pp. 38-52.
    22. Irvine, V. B., "Budgeting: Functional Analysis and Behavioral Implications," Cost and Management (March-April 1970) pp. 6-16.
    23. Libby, R. and Lewis, B. L., "Human Information Processing in Accounting: The State of the Art, " Accounting, Organization and Society (1977) pp. 247-259.
    24. Livingstone, J. L., "A Behavioral Study of Tax Allocation in Electric Regulation,” The Accounting Review (July 1967) pp. 544-552.
    25. Martin, D. R., "The Relationship Between Goal Congruence and Budgetary Performance," Cost and Management (March-April 1982) pp.30-35.
    26. Miller, Henry, "Environmental Complexity and Financial Report,” The Accounting Review (Jan. 1972) pp. 31-37.
    27. Mock, T. J., Estric, T. L. & Uasarhelys, M. A., "Learn Patterns, Decision Approach, and Value of Information, Journal of Accounting Research (Spring 1972) pp. 129-153.
    28. Revsine, Lawrence, "Data Expansion and Conecptual Structure," The Accounting Review (Oct. 1970) pp. 704-711.
    29. Schiff, M. and Lewin, A. Y., "The Impact of People on Budget," The Accounting Review (April 1970) pp. 259-268.
    30. Seiler, R. E. & Bartelett, R. W. , "Persoality Variables as Predictors of Budget System Characteristics," Accounting, Organization and Society, Vol. 7, No.4, pp. 381-403.
    31. Slovic, Paul, "Pschological Study of Haman Judgement: Implication for Investment Decision Making," The Journal of Finamce (Sept. 1972). ?.787-794.
    32. _____, "analyzing the Expert Judge: A Descriptive Study of A Stockbroker`s Decision Process," Journal of Applied Pscholody (Aug. 1969) pp.255-263.
    33. Wallace, M. E., "Behavioral Considteration in Budgeting", Management Accounting (Aug. 1966) pp. 4-10.

    1. 周齊平,行?科學在責任會計制度應用之研究(台北:國立政治大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國七十年)。
    2. 許俐雅,審計溝通功能之研究──投資者對審計報告之了解(台北:國立政治大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國七十二年)。
    3. 郭弘卿,溝通理論在管理上應用之研究(台北:國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國六十七年)。
    4. Me Ferrin William Don, "Social and Behavioral Aspects of Accounting", United States International University Dessertation (1976).
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006749
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Accounting] Theses

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