Reference: | 參考文獻
一 英文部分
1. Abel, J. D., & Wirth, M. O.
Newspaper vs. TV credibility for local news. Journalism Quarterly, 54:2, Summer 1977, pp. 371-375.
2. Andreoli, V., & Worchel, S.
Effects of media, communicator, and message position on attitude change. Public Opinion Quarterly, 42:1, Spring 1978, pp. 59-70.
3. Carter, R. F., & Greenberg, B.S.
Newspaper or television: Which do you believe? Journalism Quarterly, 42:1, Winter 1965, pp. 29-34.
4. Chang, L.K.H., & Lemert, ?.B.
The invisible newsman and other factors in media competition. Journalism Quarterly, 45:3, Autumn 1968, pp.436-444.
5. Cushing, W. G. & Lemert, J.B.
Has TV altered students` news media preferences? Journalism Quarterly, 50:1, Winter 1973, pp.138-141.
6. Edetslein, A. S.
An alternative approach to the study of source effects in mass communication. XX International Congress for Psychology, Tokyo, August 13-19, 1972.
7. Gantz, W.
The influence of researcher methods on television and newspaper news credibility evaluations. Journal of Broadcasting, 25:2, Spring 1981, pp. 155-169.
8. Greenberg, B.S.
Media use and believability: Some multiple correlates. Journalism Quarterly, 43: 4, Winter 1966, pp. 665-670; 732.
9. Greenberg, B. S. & Roloff, M.E.
Mass media credibility: Research results and critical issues. News research Bulletin, No.6, Washington, D.C.: American Newspaper Publishers Association, November 4, 1974.
10. Jacobson, H. K.
Mass media believability: A study of receiver judgments. Journalism Quarterly, 46:1, Spring 1969, pp.20-28.
11. Lee, R. S. H.
Credibility of newspaper and TV news. Journalism Quarterly, 55:2, Summer 1978, pp. 282-287.
12. Lemert, J. B.
On "dual track". Editor & Publisher, December 17, 1966, p. 28.
13. Lemert, J. B.
News media competition under conditions favorable to newspapers. Journalism Quarterly, 47:2, Summer 1970, pp. 272-280.
14. McCroskey, J. C. , & Jenson. T. A.
Image of mass media news sources. Journal of Broadcasting, 19:2, Spring 1975, pp. 169-180.
15. Pratt, C.
How media credibility ratings of African and U.S. students compare. Journalism Quarterly, 59: 4, Winter 1982, pp. 581-587.
16. Reagan, J., & Zenaty, J.
Local news credibility: Newspapers vs. TV revisited. Journalism Quarterly, 56:1, Spring 1979, pp. 168-172.
17. Research professor rejects Roper data on credibility. Editor & Publisher, November 4, 1972, p.32.
18. Roper, B. W.
Trends in attitudes toward television and other media: A twenty-four year review. New York: Television Information Office, 1983.
19. Ryan, M.
News content, geographical origin and perceived media credibility. Journalism Quarterly, 50:2, Summer 1973, pp.312-318.
20. Shaw, E.F.
Media credibility: Taking the measures of a measure. Journalism Quarterly, 50:2, Summer 1973, pp.306-311.
21. Shaw, E.F.
The popular meaning of media credibility. News Research Bulletin, No.3, October 22, 1976.
22. Starch, K.
Media credibility in Finland: A cross-national approach. Journalism Quarterly, 46:4, Winter 1969, pp.790-795.
23. Westley, B.H., & Severin, W.J.
Some correlates of media credibility. Journalism Quarterly, 41:3, Summer 1964, pp.325-335.
二 中文部分
1. 鄭瑞城、曠湘霞。台灣地區成人收看電視的動機與行為研究,國立政治大學新聞研究所,民72。
2. 賴光臨等。政令宣導與媒體效用之調查研究,國立政治大學新聞學系,民73。 |