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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/91201
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    Title: 勞基法對企業經營的影響之研究
    Authors: 鄭存誠
    Contributors: 吳靜吉
    Date: 1986
    Issue Date: 2016-05-05 13:52:31 (UTC+8)
    Reference: 參考書目
    一、 中文部份
    (一) 書籍
    1. 王美音,楊子江譯,再創企業生機,台北,卓越文化事業,民國74年9月。
    2. 閔建蜀、游漢明,市場研究:基本方法,台北,巨浪圖書公司。
    3. 陳定國、黃俊英主編,企業研究應用技術大全,台北,大世紀出版公司,民國68年。
    4. 黃俊英,行銷研究-管理與技術,增訂版,台北,華泰書局,民國70年2月。
    5. 黃俊英,多變量分析,台北,中國經濟企業研究所,民國74年2月。
    6. 蔡正雄譯,競爭策略,台北,華泰書局,民國74年6月。
    7. 楊國樞等編,社會及行?科學研究法,8版,台北 東華書局,民國74年1月。
    8. 謝安田,企業研究方法,台北,作者發行。
    (二) 期刊論文
    1. 王美蘭,推動創業投資事業之研究,淡江大學管理科學研究所碩士論文,民國73年6月。
    2. 王美蘭,“創業投資之策略-從經營風險談創業投資”,台灣經濟研究月刊,7卷8期,民國73年8月。
    3. 白俊男,“我國推動創業投資事業之時代意義”,經濟日報,民國72年11月11日,第2版。
    4. 白俊男,“創業投資事業與我國的工業發展”,產業金融,民國74年3月。
    5. 石明炎,“高科技之母在新大陸”,工商時報,民國75年3月18日,第8版。
    6. 李宗南,“創業投資”,天下雜誌,第50期,民國71 年12月。
    7. 吳再益,“創業投資事業與經濟發展”,經濟日報,民國73年3月18日,第2版。
    8. 徐立德,“現階段中華民國經濟發展的幾個關鍵性問題”,工業投資簡訊,第50期,民國73年8月。
    9. 施振榮,“如何突破創業投資事業的瓶頸”,策略性工業與經濟發展研討會,國立中山大學,民國73年11月10日
    10. 陳肇榮,運用財務比率預測企業財務危機之實證研究,國立政治大學企業管理研究所博士論文,民國72年6月。
    11. 陳振祥,我國創業投資機構當前投資決策之研究,國立台灣大學商學研究所碩士論文,民國74年7月。
    12. 廖慶洲,“創業投資公司已臨「接生」階段”,經濟日報,民國73年2月8日,第2版。
    13. 鎮乾常,“如何配合創業投資事業發展”,經濟日報,民國73年1月12日,第2版。
    14. 魏倫常,創業投資公司小傳與我國發展現況”,0與1科技,1985年12月。
    15. 魏倫常,“我國發展創業投資事業的機會與困難”,0與1科技,1986年2月。
    16. 行政院國科會,科技工業及投資,全國第三次科技會議,民國75年1月。
    17. 工商時報,“創業投資列車”系列報導,工商時報,民國75年3月17日~21日,第8版。

    二、 英文部份
    (一) 書籍
    1. Baumback, Clifford M. & Joseph R. Mancuso, Entrepreneurship and Venture Management, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1975.
    2. Bigler, Hartford E., Jr., Venture Capital: A Perspective, 2nd. , ed., Bigler Investment Management Co., 1984.
    3. Coutarelli, Spiro A., Venture Capital in Europe, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1977.
    4. Dominguez, John R., Venture Capital, Lexington Mass., 1973.
    5. Hanan, Mark, Venture Management, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1976.
    6. Kelly, Albert J., Frank B. Campanella & John McKiernan, Venture Capital-A Guidebook for New Enterprises, Mass., The Management Institute School of Management, Boston College, July 1971.
    7. Nachmias, David & Chava Nachmias, Research Methods in the Social Science, 2nd. ed., New York, St. Martins Press, 1981.
    8. McCormick, Ernest J. & Daniel Ilgen, Industrial Psychology, 7th. ed., New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1980.
    9. Nicholas, Ted, Where the Money is and How to Get it, n. pub. , n.d.
    10. Olm, Kenneth W. & George G. Eddy, Entrepreneurship and Venture Management, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1985.
    11. Pratt, Stanley E., How to Raise Venture Capital, 5th. ed., New York, Charles Scribner`s Sons. , 1982.
    12. Park, W. R. & J. B. Maillie, Strategic Analysis for Venture Evaluation, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1970.
    13. Rubel, Stanley M., Guide to Venture Capital Sources, Capital Publishing Corporation, 1972-1973.
    14. Sch?llhammer, Hans & Arthur H. Kuriloff, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, New York, John Wiley & sons, 1979.
    15. Smilor, Raymond W. & Robert L. Kuhn, Coporate Creativity-Robust Companies the Entrepreneuvial Spirit, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1984.
    16. VanVoorhis, Kenneth R., Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Boston, Allyn & Bacon Inc., 1980.
    17. Welsh, John A. & Jerry F. White, The Entrepreneur`s Master planning Guide: How to Launch a Successful Business, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1983.

    (二) 期刊論文
    1. Adkins, Lynn, "Venture Capital: the Latest Corporate Game", Dun`s Review, Oct. 1978, pp. 82-84.
    2. Albertine, Jack & Arthur Levitt, jr., "How Entrepreneurial Winners in Midsized High Growth Co., Satisfy their Appetites for Daring", Management Review, Dec., 1984, pp. 22-24.
    3. Burrows, B. C., "Venture Management-Success or Failure", Long Range Planning, vol. 15, No.6, Dec., 1982, pp.84-99.
    4. Coit, Stephen E., “The funding game: New rules, New Strategies", Electronic Business, Sep. 1, 1985, pp. 144-146.
    5. Cooper, Ian A. & Willard T. Carleton, “Dynamics of Borrow-Lender Interaction Partitioning Final Payoff in Venture Capital Finance", The Journal of Finance, Vol. 34, No. 2, May 1979, pp. 517-533.
    6. Davis, Thomas J., Jr., & Charles P. Stetson, Jr., "Creating Sucessful Venture Backed Companies", The Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 5, No.3, Winter 1985, pp. 45-58.
    7. Drucker, Peter F., "Our entrepreneurial economy", Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 1984, pp. 59-64.
    8. Dunn, Dant, Jr., "The Rise and Fall of Ten Venture Capital Groups", Business Horizons, Oct., 1977, pp. 32-41.
    9. Enward, G. & Norman R. Baker, “Project Selection Decision Making Linked to a Dynamic Environment", Management Science, Vol. 31, No. 10, Oct. 1985, pp. 1272–1285.
    10. Fast, Norman, “A Visit to the New Venture Graveyard", Research Management, March 1979, pp. 18-22.
    11. Fast, Norman D., “Pitfalls of Corporate Venturing", Research Management, March 1981, pp. 21-24.
    12. Hambrecht, William R., "Venture Copital and the Growth of Silican Valley", California Management Review, Vol. 26, No. 2, Winter 1984, pp. 74-82.
    13. Hanan, Mark, "Corporate growth through venture management", Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 1969, pp. 43-61.
    14. Hanan, Mark, "Venture Corporations-think Small to stay Strong", Harvard Business Review, May-June 1976, pp. 139-148.
    15. Hardymon, G. Felda, Mark J. DeNino & Malcolm S. Salter, "When Corporate venture capital doesn`t work ", Harvard Business Review, May–June 1983, pp. 114-120.
    16. Hertz, David E., "Risk analysis in capital investment", Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb. 1964, pp. 95-106.
    17. Hertz, David E., “Investment policies that pay off", Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb. 1968, pp. 96-108.
    18. Hill, Richard M. & James D. Hlavacek, "Learning from Failure: Ten Guidelines for Venture Management", California Management Review, Vol. 19, No. 4, Summer 1977, pp. 4-16.
    19. Hills, Gerald E., "Eualuating New Ventures: a Concept Testing Methodology ", Journal of Small Business Management, Oct., 1981, pp. 29-41.
    20. Hills, Gerald E., "Market Analysis in the Business Plan Venture Capitalist`s Perceptions", Journal of Small Business Management, Jan. 1985, pp. 38-46.
    21. Hlavacek, James D., "Toward More Successful Venture Management", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38, Oct. 1974, pp.55-60.
    22. MacMillan, Ian C., "The politics of new venture management", Harvard Business Review, Nov.-Dec. 1983. pp. 8-16.
    23. MacMillan, Ian C. & Robin George, “Corporate Venturing: Challenges For Senior Managers", The Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 5, No. 3, Winter 1985, pp. 34-43.
    24. Palmer, Michael, "The Application of Psychological Testing to Entrepreneurial Potential", California Management Review, Vol. 13, No. 3, Spring 1971, pp. 32-38.
    25. Parker, Selwyn, “Venture Capital: lose something, win something", Management, Oct. special 1985, pp. 65-67.
    26. Peterson, Russell W., “New venture management in a large company", Harvard Business Review, May-June 1967, pp. 68-76.
    27. Stancill, James McNeill, "Rialistic criteria for judging new venture", Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec, 1981, pp. 60-72.
    28. Timmons, Jeffry A., “Careful self-analysis and team assessment can aid entrepreneurs", Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec., 1979, pp. 198-206.
    29. Timmons, Jeffry A. & David E. Gumpert, "Discard many old rules about getting venture capital", Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 1982, pp. 152-156.
    30. Tyebjee, Tyzoom T., Albert V. Bruno & Shelby H. McIntyre, “Growing ventures can anticipate marketing stages", Harvard Business Review, Jan-feb 1983. pp. 62-66.
    31. Tyebjee, Tyzoom T. & Albert V. Bruno, "A Model of Venture Capitalist Investment Activity", Management Science, Vol. 30, No. 9, Sep. 1984, pp. 1051-1066.
    32. Walker, Ross G., "The Judgement factor in inverstment decisions", Harvard Business Review, Mar-April, 1961, pp. 93-99.
    33. Wetzel, William E., "Angels and Informal Risk Capital ", Sloan Management Review, Summer 1983, pp. 23-34.
    34. Wissema, Johan G., "How to Assess the Strategic value of a Capital Investment", Long Range Planning, Vol. 17, No.6, Dec. 1984, pp. 25-33.
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006462
    Data Type: thesis
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