參考文獻: | 參考書目及資料 一、中文部份: 1.王永慶,「台灣企業合併問題之研究」,(國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國58年5月)。 2.黃寶泰,「台灣企業合併研究」,(國立交通大學管理研究所碩士論文,民國66年6月)。 3.羅美宏,「台灣製造業的市場結構與利潤率之關係」,(國立政治大學國貿研究所碩士論文,民國70年6月)。 4.蕭?雄,「我國產業集中率之測定與分析」,台北市銀月刊,13卷5期,(台北:民國71年5月),43-56頁。 5.林惠玲,「台灣地區大規模企業之訂價行為」,企銀季刊,5卷4期,(台北:71年4月),113-131頁。 6.陳正倉,「台灣地區產業集中度之研究」,企銀季刊,8卷2期,(台北73年6月),35-57頁。 7.湯明達,「產業利潤表現與產業結構」,(國立中興大學經濟研究所碩士論文,民國74年6月)。 8.廖義男、顏吉利,「公平交易法草案之評析」,行政院經濟革新委員會報告書,產業組研究報告,(台北:民國74年11月),124-135頁。 9.廖義男、林永頌,「我國獨佔、聯合行為、不公平競爭之實證研究」,行政院經濟革新委員會報告書,產業組研究報告,(台北;民國74年11月),136-156頁。 10.「74年主要工業產品廠商生產統計表」,經濟部工業局提供。 11. 73年及74年公司合併資料,經濟部商業司提供。 12. 73及74年度「受理各發行公司申請發行新股或募集公司債案彙總表」,財政部證管會提供。 13.林騰鷂,「評公平交易法草案立法政策與技術」,聯合報,(台北:民國75年1月19日)。 14.張自強,「我國公平交易法的內容與特色」,工商時報,(台北:民國75年5月29日)。 15.方鳴濤,「獨佔、結合與聯合」,工商時報,(台北:民國75年5月30日)。 16.曾巨威,「公平交易法的再檢討」,台灣經濟研究月刊,9卷6期,(台北75年6月)。 17.王仁宏、廖義男、顏吉利,「公平交易法立法的探討」,經濟日報鼎談會,(台北:民國75年6月2日)。 18.周添城,「公平交易法草案之分析」,台北市銀月刊,18卷3期,(台北:76年3月)。 19.李文福、賴源河、徐偉初、汪渡村、李新仁、姚惠忠,「公平交易法草案之經濟分析」,行政院研考會,(民國76年3月)。 20.王克敬,「制度公正合理的公平交易法」,工商時報,(台北:民國76年5月7日)。
二、英文期刊縮寫之全稱: AER: American Economic Review BJE: Bell Journal of Economics EJ: Economic Journal EM: Economica IJIO: International Journal of Industrial Organization JB: Journal of Business JEL: Journal of Economic Issues JIE: Journal of Industrial Economics JLE: Journal of Law and Economics JLS: Journal of Legal Studies JPE: Journal of Political Economy QJE: Quarterly Journal of Economics QJEB: Quarterly Journal of Economics and Business RES: Review of Economic Studies RESt: Review of Economics and Statistics SEJ: Southern Economic Journal
三、 英文部分: 1. F.G. Admas and L.R. Klein, Industrial Policies for Growth and Competiveness, Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath and Company, 1983. 2. Y. Amihud and B. Lev, “Risk Reduction as a Managerial Motive for Conglomerate Mergers,” BJE, 12, 1981, pp.605-17. 3. K.J. Arrow, “Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention”, in National Bureau of Economic Research, The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962. 4. P. Asch and J.J. Seneca, “Characteristics of Collusive Firms”, JIE, 23, 1975, pp.223-37. 5. P. Asch and J.J. Seneca, “Is Collusion Profitable?”, RESt, 58, 1976, pp.1-12. 6. J.S. Bain, Barriers to New Competition, Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1956. 7. R.D. Blair and D.L. Kaserman, “Vertical Integration, Tying and Anti-trust Policy”, AER, 68, pp.397-402. 8. R.D. Blair and D.L. Kaserman, Law and Economics of Vertical Integration and Control, New York: Academic press Inc., 1983. 9. W. Breit and K.G. Elzinga, “Antitrust Enforcement and Economic Efficiency: The Uneasy Case for Trible Damages”, JLE, 17, 1974. 10. Y. Brozen, “Competition, Efficiency and Antitrust”, in Y. Brozen (ed.) The Competitive Economy: Selected Readings, Marristown, N.J.: General Learning, 1975. 11. M. Burstein, “A Theroy of Full-Line Forcing”, Northwestern University Law Review, 55, 1960, pp.62-95. 12. T.C. Chou, “Concentration, Profitability and Trade in a Simultaneous Equation Analysis: The Case of Taiwan”, JIE, 34, 1986, pp. 429-43. 13. R. Clark, Industrial Economics, New York: Basic Blackwell, 1985. 14. W.S. Comanor, “Market Structure, Product Differentiation and Industrial Research”, QJE, 81, 1967, pp.639-57. 15. W.S. Comanor and H. Leibenstein, “Allocative Efficiency, X-Effficiency and the Measurement of Welfare Losses”, EM, 36, 1969, pp.304-9. 16. K, Cowling et al., Mergers and Economic Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980. 17. J.A. Dalton, “Administered Inflation and Business Pricing: Another Look”, RESt, 55, 1973, pp.516-9. 18. P. Dasgupta and J. Stiglitz, “Industrial Structure and the Nature of Innovative Activity”, EJ, 90, 1980, pp.266-93. 19. C. Davidson and R. Deneckere, “Horizontal Mergers and Collusive Behavior”, IJIO, 2, 1984, pp.117-32. 20. S.W. Davies, The Diffusion of Process Innovation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. 21. H. Demsetz, “Information and Efficiency: Another Viewpoint”, JLE, 12, 1969, pp. 1-22. 22. H. Demsetz, “Industry Structure, Market Rivalry and Public Policy”, JLE, 16, 1973, pp.1-9. 23. H. Demsetz, “Berriers to Entry”, AER, 72, 1982, pp.47-57. 24. M.E.De Prano and J.R. Nugent, “Economies as an Antitrust Defense: A Comment”, AER, 59, 1969, pp. 47-53. 25. F.Y. Dolbear, L.B. Lave, G. Bowman, A. Lieberman, E. Prescott, F. Rueter and R. Scherman, “Collusion in Oligopoly: An Experiment on the Effect of Numbers and Information”, QJE, 82, 1968, pp.240-59. 26. B.E. Dollery, “Market Structure and Inflation in South Africa: A Test of the Administrated Price Hypothesis”, SAJE, 52, 1984, pp.345-58. 27. S. Domberger,” Price Adjustment and Market Structure”, EJ, 39, 1979, pp.96-108. 28. S. Domberger, Industrial Structure, Pricing and Inflation, Oxford: Martin Roberston, 1983. 29. K. Elzinga and W. Breit, The Antitrust Penalties: A Study in Law and Economics, New Haven: Yale University press, 1976. 30. M. Firth, “The Profitability of Takeovers and Mergers”, EJ, 89, 1979, pp. 316-28. 31. B. Fog, “How Are Cartel Prices Determined?”, JIE, 5, 1956, pp.16-23. 32. L.E. Fouraker and S.Siegel, Bargaining Behavior, New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1963. 33. A.G. Fraas and D.F. Greer, “Market Structure and Price Collusion: An Empirical Analysis”, JIE, 26, 1977, pp.21-44. 34. P. Geroski, “Specification and Testing the Profit-Concentration Relationship: Some Experiments for the UK”, EM, 48, 1981, pp.279-88. 35. P.K. Gorecki, “An Inter-industry Analysis of Diversification in the UK Manufacturing Sector”, JIE, 24, 1975, pp. 131-46. 36. P.J. Halpern, “Empirical Estimates of the Amount and Distribution of Gains to Companies in Mergers”, JB, 46, 1973, pp.554-75. 37. G.A. Hay and D. Kelley, “AN Empirical Survey of Price Fixing Conspiracies”, JLE, 17, 1974, pp. 13-38. 38. M. Kalecki, “Trend and Business Cycles Reconsidered”, EJ, 78, 1968, pp.263-76. 39. A Koutsoyiannis, Modern Microeconomics, 1982. 40. D.F. Lean, J.D. Ogur and R.P. Rogers, “Does Collusion Pay….. Does Antitrust Work?”, SEJ, 51, 1985, pp. 828-41. 41. H. Leibenstein, “Allocative Efficiency vs. X-Efficiency”, AER, 56, 1966, pp.392-415. 42. J. Markham, “Public Policy and Monopoly: A Dilemma in Remedial Action”, SEJ, 21, 1955. 43. I.M. McDonald, “Market Power and Unemployment”, IJIO, 3, 1985, pp.21-35. 44. G.C. Means, Industrial Prices and Their Relative Inflexibility, U.S. Senate Document 13, 74th Congress, 1st Session, Washington, D.C., 1935. 45. G.C. Means, Administrative Inflation and Public Policy, Washington, D.C.: Anderson Kramer Associates, 1959. 46. R.A. Miller, “Market Structure and Industrial Performance: Relation of Profit Rate to Concentration, Advertising Intensity, and Diversity”, JIE, 17, 1969, pp. 104-18. 47. P.J. Mohr, Notes on the Caues of and Possible Remedies for the Current Inflation, Pretoria, South Africa: Office of the Prime Minister, Branch of Economic Planning, 1980. 48. J.C. Narver, Conglomerate Mergers and Market Competition, California: University of California Press, 1969. 49. D. Needham, The Economics and Politics of Regulation, Boston Tornto: Little, Brown and Company, 1983. 50. M. Nuti, “The Degree of Monopoly in the Koldar-Mirrles Growth Modle”, RES, 36, 1969, pp.257-60. 51. OECD, Mergers and Competition Policy, Report of the Committee of Exports on Restrictive Business Practice, Paris: OECD, 1974. 52. D. Orr and P.W. Macavoy, “Price Stragies to Cartel Stability”, EM, 32, 1965, pp. 186-97. 53. D.K. Osborne, “Cartel Problem”, AER, 66, 1976, pp.835-44. 54. J. Palmer, “Some Economic Conditions Conducive to Collusion”, JEI, 29, 1972, pp. 29-38. 55. S. Peltzman,: The Gains and Losses from Industrial Concentration”, JLE, 20, 1977, pp. 229-63. 56. M.K. Perry, “Vertial Integration by Competitive Firms: Uncertainty and Diversification”, SEJ, 49, 1982, pp. 201-8. 57. R.A. Posner, “The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation”, JPE, 83, 1975, pp.807-27. 58. S.J. Prais, The Evolution of Giant Firms in Britain, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. 59. P.D. Qualls, “Price Stability in Concentrated Industries”, SEJ, 42, 1965, pp.294-8. 60. P.D. Qualls, “Market Share and Price Behavior in U.S. Manufacturing”, QJEB, 18, 1978, pp. 35-7. 61. S.A. Rhoades, “The Effect of Diversification on Industrial Profit Performance in 241 Manufacturing Industries: 1963”, RESt, 55, 1973, pp. 146-55. 62. B. Rowthorn, “Demand, Real Wages and Economic Growth”, Thams Papers in Political Economy, 1981. 63. F.M. Scherer, “Market Structure and the Employment of Scientists and Engineer”, AER, 57, 1967, pp.524-31. 64. F.M. Scherer, Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1970. 65. R. Schmaleness, “A Note on the Theory of Vertical Integration”, JPE, 81, 1973, pp.442-9. 66. J.A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1965. 67. W.G. Shepherd, The Economics of Industrial Organization, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1979. 68. K. Shinjo, “Business Pricing Policies and Inflation: The Japenese Case”, RESt, 59, 1977, pp. 447-55. 69. R.E. Shrieves, “Market Structure and Innovation: A New Perspective”, JIE, 26, 1978, pp. 329-47. 70. A. Singh, Takeovers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. 71. G.J. Stigler, “Administered Prices and Oligopolistic Inflation”, JB, 25, 1962, pp.1-13. 72. G.J. Stigler, “A Theory of Oligopoly”, JPE, 72, 1964, pp. 44-61. 73. J. Vernon and D. Graham, “Profitability of Monopolization by Vertial Ingration”, JPE, 79, 1971, pp. 924-5. 74. D.E. Waldman, Antitust Action and Market Structure, Lexington Mass: D.C. Heath and Company, 1978. 75. L.W. Weiss, “Business Pricing Policy and Inflation, Reconsidered”, JPE, 74, 1966, pp. 177-87. 76. J.T. Wenders, “Entry and Nonopoly Pricing”, JPE, 75, 1967, pp.77-760. 77. L.J. White, “Searching for the Critical Concentration Ratio: An Application of the Switching Regimes Technique”, in S.M. Goldfeld and R.E. Quandt (eds.), Studies in Nonlinear Estimation, Mass: Ballinger, 1976. 78. A.P. White, “The Dominant Firm: A Study of Market Power, Ann Arbor, Michigon: UMI Research Press, 1983. 79. O.E. Williamson, “Economies as an Antitust Defense: The Welfare Trade-offs”, AER, 58, 1968, pp.18-36. 80. O.E. Williamson, Economies as an Antitust Defense Revisited, University of Pennsylvania, 1976. |