Reference: | 參考書目 壹、 中文部份 〈一〉書籍 1. 石滋宜著,自動化、合理化、無人化,台北:中國生產力中心,民國七十四年七月。 2. 中國生產力中心,生產力意願與意識之調查《研究報告》台北:中國生產力中心民國七十五年六月初版。 3. _______________,生產力的意義,台北:中國生產力中心,民國七十一年九月二版。 4. 余朝權著,企業生產力衡量與分析,台北:中國生產力中心,民國七十三年三月初版。 5. _________,生產力指標,台北:中國生產力中心,民國七十四年七月初版。 6. 吳定著,公共行政論叢,台北:天一圖書公司,民國七十三年六月初版。 7. 許士軍著,管理學,台北:東華書司,民國七十年一月初版。 8. 張金鑑主編,雲五社會科學大辭典,第七冊,行政學,台北:商務印書館,民國六十五年九月三版。 9. 張潤書編譯,組織行為與績效,台北:五南圖書出版公司,民國七十四年一月初版。 10.劉水深著譯,研究發展之生產力,台北:中國生產力中心,民國六十九年六月。 11.潘文章著,生產力管理:觀念與作法,台北:三民書局,民國七十四年十一月初版。 〈二〉期刊論文 1.吳堯峰撰,「政府機關生產力之提高與衡量-公共行政的新課題」,張金鑑先生八秩榮慶論文集,台北:聯經出版公司,民國七十三年初版。 2.________,「八十年代的公共行政」,逢甲學報,十四期,民國七十年十一月。 3.________,「施政績效衡量基準之建立與運用」,研考月刊第五卷,第十一期,民國七十年十一月。 4.吳定撰,行政效率測量標準與方法之研究,政大公共行政研究所碩士論文民國五十八年五月。 5.施能傑撰,國會監督與政黨執行-美國經驗之研究兼論我國之發展,政大公共行政研究所碩士論文,民國七十四年六月。 6.許士軍撰,「工作滿足、個人特徵與組織氣候-文獻探討與實證研究」,政大學報,第三十五期,民國六十六年五月。 7.彭剛力撰,人格特質、組織氣候與工作滿足關聯性之研究,政大公共行政研究所碩士論文,民國七十年六月。 8.張世賢撰,「社會指標應用於改第分析與政黨制定之探討」,中央研究院三民主義研究所叢刊(12),民國七十二年十二月。 9.張潤書撰,「我國行政革新的回顧與前瞻」,政大六十週年校慶學術研討會論文,民國七十六年五月。 10. 劉永憲撰,「公共部門的特性」,台北市銀行月刊,第八卷,第八期,民國六十七年八月二十五日。 〈三〉報紙 1.何恩偉,「也談政治生產力」,聯合報,民國七十年十一月三十日。 2.彭文賢,「行政適應的新認識」,中央日報,民國六十九年七月二十八日。 3.郭俊次,「策進公務生產力運動」,中央日報,民國七十五年七月九日。 4.高稷瑾,「掀起第二次生產力運動」,中央日報,民國六十七年八月二十日。 5.楊士仁等,「財經部門要提高政治生產力」,聯合報七十年十一月二十六日。 6.盧昱儒,「政治生產力也要提高」,聯合報,七十年四月二十三日。 7.中央日報,民國七十五年六月二十八日,二版。
貳、 西文部份 〈一〉 書籍 1. Baster, Nancy (ed.) Measuring Development: The Role and Adequacy of Development Indicators. Frank Cass: London, 1972. 2. Churchman, C. W., Why Measure? Measurement: Definition and Theories. New York: John Wiley & Sons In., 1967. 3. Dimock M. E., and G. O. Dimock. Public Administration New York: Rinehart, 1961. 4. Drucker, P. E. Management: Tasks, Reponsibilities, Practices. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. 5. Dunn, William N. Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction. New Jersey: Printice - Hall Inc., 1981. 6. Etzioni, Amitai. Modern Organizations. New Jersey: Printice-Hall, Inc., 1964. 7. Executive Office of the Presdient, Bureau of the Budget, Measuring Producitvity of the Federal Government Organizations. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964. 8. Gregerman, Ira B. Productivity Improvement: A Guide for Small Business. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Publising Company, 1984. 9. Golembiewski, R. T. Public Administration As a Developing Discipline. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc., 1977. 10. Hawley, Will is D., and David Rogers (ed.) Improving the Quality of Urban Management. California: SAGE Publications Inc., 1974. 11. Hatry, Harry P., and D. M. Fisk Improving Productivity and Productivity Measurement in Local Governments. Washington, D.C.: The National Commission on Productivity, 1971. 12. Hempel, Carl G. Fundamentals of Concepts Formation in Empical Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952. 13. Holzer, Marc (ed.) Productivity in Public Organizations. New York: Kennitak Press, 1976. 14. Katzell, R., and D. Yankelovich. Work, Productivity and Job Satisfaction. New York: New York University Press, 1975. 15. Katz, D., and R. Kahn. The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons., 1978. 16. Kendrick, J. W. Productivity Trends in the United States. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961 17. _____. Postwar Productivity Trends in the United States 1948 - 1969. New York: National Bureau Economic Research, 1973. 18. Kirkpatrick, Donald L. How to Manage Change Effectively. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers., 1985. 19. Kopelman, Richard E. Managing Productivity in Organizations - - A Practical, People – Orieted Perspective. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986. 20. Litwin, G. L., and R. A. Stringer Jr. Motivation and Organizational Climate. Boston: Harvard University Press, 1968. 21. Mali, Paul. Improving Total Productivity: MBO Strategies for Business, Government, and Not - For - Profit Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons., 1978. 22. Marini, Frank (ed.) Toward a New Public Administration. New York: Syracuse University Press, 1971. 23. Mundel, Marvin E. Improving Productivity and Effectiveness. New Jersey: Printice-Hall, Inc., 1983. 24. _____. Measruing and Enhancing The Productivity of Service and Government Organizations. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization, 1975. 25. Poister, Theodore H. Public Program Analysis: Applied Methods. Baltimore: University Park Press, 1978. 26. Ross, John P., and Jesse Burkhead Productivity in the Local Government Sector. Washington, D.C.: Heath and Company, 1974. 27. Simon, Herbert A. Administrative Behavior. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company Inc., 1976. 28. Sorensen, J., and A.R.Kucic Assessing the Cost-Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Community Support Program (CSP): A Feasibility Study. Colorado: Division of Mental Health Development of Institution, 1981. 29. Steven, S. S. Measurement: Definition and Theories. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. 30. Suchman, Edward A. Evaluation Research: Principles and Practice in Public Service and Social Action Programs. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1969. 31. Sumanth, David J. Prodctivity. Engineering and Management. New York: McGraw- Hill Book Company , 1985. 32. Sutermeister, Robert A. People and Productivity. New York: McGRaw-Hill Book Company, 1976. 33. Vogley, W. A. A case Study in Measurement of Government Output. Santa Monica the RAND Corporation, 1958. 34. Washnis, George J. (ed.) Productivity Improvement Handbook for State and Local Government. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 1980. 35. Wexley, Kenneth N., and Gary P. Latham. Increasing Productivity Through Performance Appraisal. Massachusetts: Addison - Wesley Publishing Company, 1981.
〈期刊論文〉 1. Burkhead, Jesse., and Patrick J. Hennigan. “Productivity Analysis: A Search for Definition and Order.” Public Administration Review (January / February 1978), pp. 34-40. 2. Cameron, Kim. “Construct Space and Subjectivity Problems in Organizational Effectiveness” Public Productivity Review, Vol. V. No. 2. (June 1981), pp.105-121. 3. Dalton, T.C., and L.C. Fitzpatrick. “Productivity Measurement and the Public Organization.” Policy Studies Review, Vol.4 No.3 (February 1985), pp.519-531. 4. Elkin, Robert., and Mark Moliter. “A Conceptual Framework For Selecting Management Indicators in Nonprofit Organization.” Administration in Social Work, Vol.9 No.4 (Winter 1985 / 86), pp. 19-20. 5. Ervin, Osbin L. “A Conceptual Niche For Muncipal Productivity.” Public Productivity Review, Vol. III. No.2 (Summer / Fall 1978), pp. 15-24. 6. Fenske, R.W. “An Analysis of the Meaning of Productivity.” Productivity Measurement Review, N.42 August 1965), pp. 16-22. 7. Gilder, George. "Public Sector Productivity." Public Productivity Review, Vol. 1 No. 1 (Sepember 1975), p. 4. 8. Hatry, Harry P. "The Status of Productivity Measurement in the Public Sector." Public Administration Review, (January / February 1978), pp. 28-33. 9. _____. “Approaches to Productivity Measurement and Program Evaluation.” Public Productivity Review, Vol.1 No.3 (March 1976), pp. 22-23. 10. _____. “Performance Measurement Principles and Techniques: An Overview of Local Government” Public Productivity Review, Vol. III No.4 (December 1980), pp.312-339. 11. _____. “Issues in Productivity Measurement for Local Governments.” Public Administration Review, (November / December 1972), pp. 777-778. 12. Henry, N. “Paradigms of Public Administration.” Public Administration Review, Vol.35 (July / August 1975), pp. 378-386. 13. Kull, Donald C. “Productivity Programs in the Federal Government.” Public Administration Review. (January / February 1978), pp.5-9. 14. Leathers, Charles G. “Language Barriers in Public Productivity Analysis: The Case of Efficiency and Effectiveness.” Public Productivity Review, Vol.3 No.4 (Spring / Summer 1979), pp. 63-68. 15. Lytton, H.D. “Recent Productivity Trends in the Federal Government: An Exploratory Study.” Review of Economics and Statistics, (November 1959). 16. Mark, Jerome A. “Measuring Productivity in Government.” Public Productivity Review, Vol.4 No.1 (March 1981), pp.27-29. 17. _____. “Meanings and Measures of Productivity.” Public Administration Review, (November / December 1972), pp. 751-752. 18. Morris, Thomas D. “Productivity Measures in the Federal Government” Public Administration Review, (November / December 1972), pp. 754-763. 19. Mclnton, W.A., and G. Klogan., L.D. Wilcox. “Theoretical Issues and Social Indicators: A Societal Process Approach.” Policy Sciences, Vol.8 (1977), pp. 245-268. 20. Neufville, “Validating Policy Indicators.” Policy Sciences, Vol.10 (1978-79), pp.171-188. 21. Neugarter, Dail Ann. “Themes and Issues in Public Sector Productivity.” Public Personnel Management Journal, Vol.9 No.4. (1980), pp.229-235. 22. Poister, Theodore H. “Developing Performance Indicators for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.” Public Productivity Review, Vol.5 No.1-2 (March / June 1982), pp.51-77. 23. Quinn, R., and J. Rohbraugh. “A Competing Values Approach to Organizational Effectiveness.” Public Productivity Review, Vol.V. No.2 (June 1981), pp.122-140. 24. Quinn, R.E. “Productivity and the Process of Organizational Improvement: Why We Cannot Talk to Eachother.” Public Administration Review 38, (January / February 1978), pp. 41-45. 25. Rosenbloom, Richard S. “The Real Productivity Crisis is in Government.” Harvard Business Review, (September / October 1973). 26. Siegel, G.B. “The Enlarge Concept of Productivity Measurement in Government- -A Review of Some Strategies.” Public Productivity Review, Vol.V. No.2 (Winter 1976), pp.37-58. 27. Wise, Charles R., and E.B. McGregor Jr. “Government Productivity and Program Evaluation Issues.” Public Productivity Reivew, Vol.I. No.3 (March 1976), pp.5-19. 28. Wilkins, D. “A Productivity Program for Local Government.” Public Productivity Review, Vol.3 No.4 (Spring / Summer 1979), pp. 17-25. 29. Yamada, Gordon T. “Improving Management Effectiveness in the Federal Government.” Public Administration Review, (November / December 1972), pp. 764-770. |