Reference: | 參考書目 一、中文部份: A書籍: 1.張春興,心理學,台北:東華書局,民國72年。 2.王克先,發展心理學新論,台北:正中書局,民國64年。 3.陳定國,現代行銷學,台北:華泰書局,民國66年。
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二、英文部份: A、書籍: 1. James F. Engel , Roger D. Blackwell & Paul W. Miniard. Consumer Behavior. Fifrh Edition . CBS Publishing Japan Ltd. 1986 . 2. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning , and Control , Fifth Edition , New Jersey Prentice-Hall Inc. 1984 . 3. Frank R. E. Marketing Segmentation , Engkwood Cliffs , N. J. Prentice- Hall Inc. 1972 . 4. George A. Kelly , The Psychology of Personal Constructs, N. Y. : N. W. Norton & Co ., 1975 . 5. Engel , Blackwell & Kollat , Consumer Behavior , The Press , 1978 . 6. William D. Wells . Life Style and Psychographics , American Marketing Association, 1974 . B、期刊: 1 . Smith , Wendell R., "Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation as a Alternative Marketing Stratrgy ", Journal of Marketing , Vol. 21 (July 1956 )。 2. Yoram Wind , " Issues and Advances in Segementation Research ``, Journal of Marketing Research , Vol. XV (August 1978 ) . 3. Joseph T. Plummer , " The Concept and Application of Life Style Segmentation ", Journal of Marketing . Vol. 38 (Jan 1974 ) . 4. Robert C Blattberg & K. Sen. Subrata , "Marketing Segmentation Using models of Multidimensional Purchasing Behavior", Journal of Marketing (Oct. 1974). 5. Well. W. D. "psychographics: A critical Review", Journal of Marketing Research , Vol XII ( May 1975 ) . 6. Alan R. Anderson, " Leisure, Mobility and Life Style Pattern", AMA Conference Proceedings ( Winter 1967 ) . |