Reference: | 參考書目 一、中文部份: 1.林泉源。證券投資顧問事業績效及投資者行為特性之研究。中華民國證券市場發展基金會委託研究,民國七十七年,第99、129、135頁。 2.柯特勒(Philip Kotler)著。何雍慶、周逸衡譯。行銷管理-分析、規劃與控制。台北:華泰書局,民國七十五年二月初版。上冊第292頁。 3.倪安順。SAS基體與統計應用使用手冊。台北:儒林出版社,國七十六年六月初版。 4.黃正雄。證券投資顧問公司之股票公開推薦對股價的影響。中興大學企業管理研究所未出版碩士論文,民國七十七年六月。 5.黃俊英。多變量分析。台北中國經濟企業研究所,民國七十七年二月三版。 6.顏月珠。商用統計學。台北:三民書局,民國七十五年七月再版。
二、英文部份 1、Baker,H. Kent and Haslem,J. A., "Information Needs of Individual Investors ,"Journal of Accountancy,(November 1973), pp 64-69. 2、Fama,Eugene F., "Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work "Journal of Finance,25,1978, pp 383-417. 3、Jensen, Michael C.," Some Anomalous Evidence Regarding Market Efficiency," Journal of Financial Economics, 6, 1978 pp 95-181. 4、Kaiser,H., "The Varimax Criterion for Analytic Rotation in Factor Analysis," Psychometrika,1958,p.187. 5、Lease,Ronald C., Lewellen,Wilbur G., and Schlarbaum ,Gary G.,"The Individual Investor: Attributes and Attitudes, "The Journal of Finance, (May 1974),pp 413-433 . 6、Lease ,Ronald C., Lewellen,Wilbur G., and Schlarbaum,Gary G., "Market Segmentation: Evidence on the Individual Investor, "Financial Analysts Journal, (September/October 1976),p56. 7、Nixon, Raymond B. ,"Toward A Theory of Mass Communication: Research Trends and Tendencies Reading for Communication Theory ,Wilbur Schramm,ed. (University of Minnesota, 1966) 8、SAS .Institute Inc.,SAS User`s Guide: Statistis, Version 5 Edition. Cary NcC: SAS Institute Inc., 1985.pp 377-402. 9、Weston,J. Fred, and Copeland, Thomas E., Managerial Finance, New York: CBS College Publishing, 1986, eighth edition. |