Reference: | 參考書目
I 、中文部份
1.彭芸,政治傳播。台北: 巨流圖書公司,民七十五年。
2 .李金銓,大眾傳播學。台北:國立政治大學新聞研究所,民七十年。
3 李金銓,新聞的政治,政治的新聞。台北:圓神出版社,民七十六年。
4. 鄭瑞城,透視傳播媒介。台北:經濟與生活出版公司,民七十六年
5 .鄭瑞城,傳播的獨白。台北:久大文化公司,民七十六年。
6 .陳世敏,大眾傳播與社會變遷。台北:三民書局,民七十二年。
7 .陳世敏,媒介文化。台北:久大文化公司,民七十六年。
8. 徐佳士,大眾傳播理論。台北:記者公會,民六十八年。
9 .新新聞合訂本,第一至十二期。台北:新新聞雜誌社,民七十六年。
10. 徐正光,黃順二(合譯) ,調查分析的邏輯。台北:黎明文化事業公司,民六十八年。
11. 潘家慶、王石番、謝瀛春,台灣地區民眾傳播行為研究(1986)。台北:國立政治大學新聞研究所,民七十五年。
12. 新聞學研究第四十一期。台北:政治大學新聞研究,民七十八年。
Ⅱ 、英文部份
1.Bradley S. Greenberg,Media Use and Believability :Some Multiple Correlates. JQ Vol 43,1965.
2.Bruce H. Westley and Werner J. Severin. ,Some Correlates of Media Credibility, JQ, Vol 43
3.Burns. W. Roper, Public Attitudes Toward Television and Other Media in a Time of Change, NY: Television Information Office ,1985.
4.Carl I Hovland.,Irving L. Janis. & Harold H. Kelly. ,Communication and Persuasion, New Haven :Yale University Press,1953.
5.Cecilie Gaziano & Kristin McGrath ,Measuring the Concept of Credibility,JQ Vol 63,Autumn 1986.
6.David K. Berlo, James. B. Lemert. & Robert J.Mertz. Dimension for Evaluating the Acceptability of Message Sources,POQ Vol 58.
7.Denis McQuail., Mass Communication Theory: An Introduction, Sage Publication, Inc., 1983.
8.Eugeue F. Shaw., Media Credibility: Taking the Messure of a Measure ,JQ Vol 50,1973.
9.Hubert M. Blalock,Jr., Social Statistics, NY McGraw Hill Book Company ,1972.
10.Harvey K. Jacobson., Mass media Believability: a Study of Receiver Judgements ,JQ Vol 46,1967.
11.James B. Lemert, News Media under Conditions Favorable to Newspaper ,JQ Vol 47.
12.John D.Abel.and Michael O.Wirth. ,Newspaper vs. TV Credibility for Local News .JQ Vol 54,1977.
13.Kenneth Anderson & Theodore Clevenger Jr. ,A Summary of Experimental Research in Ethos .Speech Monographs, Jane 1963.
14.Louise H. Kidder, Research Methods in Social Relations . SPSSI,1981.
15.L.W. Sargent., Communication Issue and News Reception ,JQ Vol 42,1965.
16.Melvin L. De Fleur, Sandra Ball-Rokeach., Theories of Mass Communication, NY : Longman Inc., 1982.
17.Nau Lin, Foundations of Social Research, NY :McGraw Hill Book Company ,1976.
18.Paul J. Deutschman and Donald Kiel., A Factor Analytic Study of Attitudes Toward the Mass Media, Michigan State University : Communication Research Center,1960.
19.Timothy J. Meyer ,Media Credibility: The State of the Research, Public Telecommunications Review (PTR),2 August,1974.
20.Tony Rimmer and David Weaver, Different Questions, Different Answers? Media Use and
Media Credibility,JQ Vol 64,1987.
21.Raymond S.H. Lee., Credibility on Newspaper and TV News ,JQ Vol 55,1975.
22.Richard F. Carter and Bradley S. Greenberg ,Newspaper or Television :Which do you believe? JQ 42.
23.Ruth Anne Clark, Pevsuasive Message, NY: Harper & Row Publishers,1984.
24.Walter Weiss, Opinion Congruence with a Negative Source on an Issue as a Factor Influencing Agreement on Another Issue, Joural of Abnormal and Social Psychology ,Vol 52. ,1956.
25.Wilbur Schramm ,The Audience for Educational Television in the San Francisco Bay Area,
Stanford University :Institute for Communication Research ,1957.
26.wilbur Schramm, Jack Lyle and Edwin B.Parker ., Television in the Lives of our children,
Stanford, Calif. :Stanford University Press,1961.
27.William F. Eadie,Susan H.Komsky., and Paul D. Krivonos. , Credibility and Distortion in a
university Collective Bargaining Campaign, Joural of Applied Communication Research ,Fall
1984,12(2). |