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Title: | 客語「到」字初探 A Preliminary Study on Hakka `To` |
Authors: | 賴惠玲 Lai, Carolyn Huei-ling |
Contributors: | 李櫻 Ying Li 賴惠玲 Carolyn Huei-ling Lai |
Date: | 1989 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-04 14:18:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | ABSTRACT
‘To’ is a very versatile morpheme in Hakka in that it can serve as a main verb, a coverb, a presupposition particle and an ending of a compound verb. This thesis aims to investigate the various functions of to and concludes that "location" is the common denominator for all these functions of to.
The coverb class is argued to replace the 50-called preposition in Hakka in which those non-homogeneous morphemes, some with more verbal features while others with fewer, are members. To cannot mark the source and the goal at the same time when a source and a goal cooccur within the same sentence. A locative marker differs from a goal marker in syntactic behavior as well as semantic entailment.
To can occur in the 50-called verb-complement construction, in which to is analyzed as a presupposition particle and the to sentence is treated as a presupposition-focus construction.
A ver+to compound is analyzed as a resultative verb compound. To as a verb ending can be compounded with any nonstate verb. The structural ambiguity between a verb ending to and a coverb to is explicated phonologically, syntactically and semantically.
Finally, the semantic extension of to is accounted for by localism and .concludes that to extends from denoting a location of existence or arrival, to introducing locative or temporal expressions, to introducing a result or a manner and to being one part of a verb compound, with resultative meaning embodied into the whole compound . |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005623 |
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