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    題名: 論蘇聯「發達社會主義」
    作者: 曾念粵
    貢獻者: 蘇起
    日期: 1990
    上傳時間: 2016-05-03 14:23:55 (UTC+8)
    參考文獻: 參考書目
    一、 中文書籍
    1. 列寧選集,第三卷。北京:人民出版社,一九七二年。
    2. 俄共第二十次代表大會重要報告及決議彙編,上冊。台北:陽明山莊印,民國四十五年十月。
    3. 馬克思,恩格斯選集,第十九卷。北京:人民出版社,一九六五年十月,第三刷。
    4. 斯大林文集。北京:人民出版社,一九八五年。
    5. 斯大林全集,第十卷。北京:人民出版社,一九五四年十二月。
    6. 張明貴譯。意識形態的時代。台北:聯經,民國七十年。(譯自:Issac Krammick & Federick M. Walk-ins,The Age of Ideology-Political Thought 1750 to the Present.)
    7. 劉國平。蘇聯東歐國家對社會主義發展道路的探索。湖南:人民出版社,一九八八年。
    8. 關素質。蘇俄黨政演變之評析,上、下冊。台北:黎明文化事業公司,民國七十二年八月。
    9. 蘇聯簡明百科全書。台北:國防研究院,民國五十四年。

    二、 中文期刊、報紙:
    1. 王承宗。「蘇聯『向共產主義社會過渡』問題之探討」。問題與研究,第二十七卷,第二期,民國七十六年十一月。頁29-44。
    2. 畢英賢。「蘇聯亞太政策新動向-評戈巴契夫的海參崴演講」。問題與研究,地廿五卷,第十二期。頁16-29。
    3. 張深俊。「俄共的黑魯曉夫時期(一九五三~一九六四年)」。問題與研究,第七卷,第二期。頁39~45。
    4. 趙春山。「論蘇聯『已發展社會主義』中的共黨角色」。東亞季刊,第十六卷,第四期。頁33~54。
    5. 趙春山。「蘇聯『繼承』問題之研究」。東亞季刊,第十五卷,第四期。頁72~98。
    6. 關素質。「黑魔被黜與俄共新政權之分析」。問題與研究:第四卷,第一期。頁35~39。
    7. 「蘇俄共產黨綱領(草案)」。一九六一年八月五日,「人民日報」。

    三、 英文書籍:
    1. Allworth,Edward, ed.Ethnic Russia in the USSR. New York:Pergamon Press,1980.
    2. Baradat,Leon P. Political Ideology:Their Origin and Impact.Englewood Cliffs,N. J.:Prentice-Hall Inc., 1979.
    3. Berlin,Isaiah. Karl Marx. 2nd ed. New York:Oxford University Press,1948.
    4. Bialer, Seweryn, and Custafson, Thane, eds. Russia at the Crossroads: The 26th Congress of the CPSU. London:George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1982.
    5. Breslauer,George W. Khrushcjev and Brezhnev as Leaders:Building Authority in Soviet Politics. London:George Allan & Unwin,1982.
    6. Brody, Baruch A. ed. Reading in the Philosophy of Science. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1970.
    7. DBrzezinski, Zbigniew.The Soviet Bloc:Unity and Conflict. Rev. ed. Cambridge,Mass:Harvard University Press,1967.
    8. Chekharin, E. The Soviet Political System Under Developed Socialism. Moscow:Progress Publishers,1977.
    9. Cohen Lenard J, and Shapiro, Jane P., eds. Communist Systems in Conparative Perspective. Garden City, N. Y. Anchor Press,1974.
    10. Cohen, Stephen F.;Robinwitch, Alexander;and Sharlet, Robert., eds. The Soviet Union Since Stalin. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1980.
    11. Cornell, Richard. Ed. The Soviet Political System. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Pretice-Hall Inc.,1970.
    12. Crankshow, Edward. Khrushchev:A Career.New York:The Viking Press,1966.
    13. Dallin, Alexander, and Larson, Thomas B., eds.Soviet Politics Since Khrushchev.Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1968.
    14. Daniels, Robert V., ed.Documentary History of Communism. Vol. 1,Rev. ed. Hanover and London:University Press of New England,1984.
    15. Erickson,John,and Feuchwanger, E. J., eds. Soviet Military Power and Performance. Hamden, Conn.:The Shoe String Press,1979.
    16. Friedgut, Theodore H. Political Participation in the USSR. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1979.
    17. Friedrich, Carl, and Brzezinski, Zbigniew. Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1956.
    18. Gruliow, Leo. ed. Current Soviet Policies. Vol. 2. New York:Praeger,1957.
    19. ---------------. Ed. Current Soviet Policies. Vol. 3. New York: Columbia University Press,1960.
    20. Halperin, Morton H., and Perkins, Dwight H. Communist Chine and Arms Control. Combridge,Mass.:East Asia Research Center,1965.
    21. Harding, Neil. Ed. The State in the Socialist State. Oxford:St. Antony’s College,1984.
    22. Hoffmann, Erik P., and Fleron, Jr., Frederie J., eds., The Conduct of Soviet Foreign Policy. Aldine:Hawthorne,N. Y.,1980.
    23. ---------------------,and Laird, Robbin F., eds. The Soviet Polity in the Modern Era.New York: Aldin Publishing Company,1984.
    24. Hough, Jerry,and Fainsod, Merle. How the Soviet Union is Governed. Cambridge Harvard University Press,1979.
    25. Hunt, R. N. Carew,The Theory and Practice of Communism:An Introduction. New York:The Macmillan Company,1962.
    26. Johnson,Chalmers. Ed. Change in Communist Systems. Stanford. Calif.:Stanford University Press,1970.
    27. Kelley, Donald R. The Politics of Developed Socialism:The Soviet Union as a Post-Industrial State. New York:Greenwood Press,1986.
    28. ---------------------.Soviet Politics From Brezhnev to Gorbachev. New York:Praeger Publishers,1987.
    29. --------------------.ed. Soviet Politics in the Brezhnev Era. New York:Praeger Publishers,1980.
    30. Kerimov, D. A., ed. Soviet Democracy in the Period of Developed Socialism.Moscow:Progress Publishers,1979.
    31. Kosolapov, R. I.;Pechenev, V. A.;Markov, V. S.;Laptev, I. D.;Tolstykh, V. I.;and Yonvarev, V. A. Developed Socialism:Theory and Practice. Moscow:Progress Publishers,1980
    32. Lane, David, State and Politics in the USSR. Oxford:Basil Blackwell Publisher Ltd.,1985.
    33. Leonhard, Walfgang. Three Faces of Marxism: The Political Concepts of Siviet Ideology,Marxism, and Humanist Marxism. Translated by Edward Osers. New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston Inc.,1974.
    34. Marcuse, Herbert. Soviet Marxism. New York:Vintage,1961.
    35. Medvedev, Roy A. On Socialist Demicracy. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc.,1975.
    36. Reshetar,John S. Jr. The Soviet Polity:Government and Politics in the USSR.New York:Harper & Row,Publishers,1978.
    37. Saikowski, Charlotte, and Gruliow, Leo., eds. Current Soviet Policies. Vol. 4. New York:Columbia University Press,1962.
    38. Scanlan, James P. Marxism in the USSR:A Critical Survey of Current Soviet Thought. Ithaca, N. Y.:Cornell University Press,1985.
    39. Schurman, Franz. Ideology and Organization in Communist China.Berkley:University of California Press,1966.
    40. Seroka; Jim,and Simon,Maurice D. eds. Developed Socialism in the Soviet Bloc:Political Theory and Political Roality. Boulder, Colo.:Westview Press,1982.
    41. Stuart, Douglas T., and Tow,William T. eds. China,the Soviet Union and the West:Strategic and Political Dimensions in the 1980s.Boulder,Colo.:Westview Press,1982.
    42. Thompson, John B. Studies in the Theory of Ideology.Cambridge:Polity Press,1984.
    43. Thompson,Terry L. Ideology and Policy:The Political Use of Doctrine in the Soviet Union. Boulder. Colo.:Westview Press,1989.
    44. ---------------------------------,and Sheldon,Richard.,eds. Soviet Society and Culture.Boulder,Colo.:Westview Press,1988.
    45. Tucker,Robert C. ed. The Marx Engles Reader. New York:Grosset and Dunlap,1972.
    46. ---------------------------------,ed. Stalinism:Essays in Historacal Intepretation. New York:Norton,1977.
    47. Ulam, Adam. Expansion and Coexistence:Soviet Foreign Policy 1917~73. 2nd ed. New York:Praeger Publishers,1974.
    48. White, Stephen. Soviet Communism Programme and Rules.London:Routledge,1989.
    49. ------------------------------,and Pravda,Alex.,eds. Ideology and Soviet Politics.London:the Macmillan Press Ltd.,1988.
    50. Zagoria,Donald S. The Sino-Soviet Conflict,1956-1961.Princeton,N. J.:Princeton University Press,1962.

    四、 英文期刊、報紙:
    1. Adam, Jan."The Present Soviet Incentive System."Soviet Studies 32(1980):351-373.
    2. Bergson, Abram,"Toward a New Growth Model."Problems of Communism 25(Mar.-Apr. 1973):1-9.
    3. Breslauer, George W."Khrushchev Reconsidered."Problems of Communism 25(July-August,1976):18-33.
    4. Chernenko,Konstantin."True to the Noble Ideals of Socialism."STP(Socialism:Thesry and Practice)1(January 1985):6-8.
    5. ----------------------."Living up to the Developed Socialism."Moscow News Supplement to Issue No. 1(3145),1985 PP. 1-6.
    6. Evans, Alfred B."Developed Socialism in Soviet Ideology."Soviet Studies 29(July,1977):409-428.
    7. ----------------------."The New Programme of the CPSU:Changes in Soviet Ideology."Soviet Union Vol. 14 No. 1(1987):1-18.
    8. Hodnett, Grey."What`s in a Nation."Problems of Communism 16(Sept.-Oct., 1967):2-15.
    9. Hough, Jerry F."Political Participation in the Soviet Union."Soviet Studies 28(Jan, 1976):3-20.
    10. ----------------------."The Brezhnev Era: The Man and the System."Problems of Communism 25(Mar.-Apr.,1976):1-17.
    11. Kux, Ernest."Contradictions in Soviet Socialism ."Problems of Communism 33(Nov.-Dec.,1984):1-27.
    12. Mitchell, R. Johnson."The Sino-Soviet Conflict and the Marxist-Leninist Theory of Development."Studies in Comparative Communism Vol. 7 No. 1-2 PP. 119-145.
    13. Oruka, H. Odera."Ideology and Truth,"Praxis International 5(April,1985):33-50.
    14. Ploss, Sidney."New Politics in Russia?"Survey 19(Autumn,1973):23-36.
    15. Prybyla,Jan."Soviet Man in the Ninth Five Years Plan."Current History 61(Oct.,1971):227-234.
    16. Shlapentokh, Vladimir."The XXVII Congress—A Case Study of A New Party Ideology."Soviet Studies 40(Jan.;1988):1-20.
    17. Unger,Aryeh L."Soviet Communist Party Membership Under Brezhnev:A Comment."Soviet Studies 29(Apr., 1977):306-316.
    18. Weickhardt,George G."Gorbachev’s Record on Economic Reform."Soviet Union Vol. 12,No. 3.(1985):251-276.
    19. Willeud A. Mullins"On the Concept of Ideology in Political Science."American Political Science Review 66(June,1972):498-510.
    20. Zwick,Peter."Intrasystem Inequality and the Symmetry of Socioeconomic Development in the USSR."Comparative Politics 8(July,1976):501-524.
    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005284
    資料類型: thesis
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