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Title: | 「好軍人」敘述結構之研究 The narrative structure of Ford Madox Ford`s The Good Soldier |
Authors: | 余三奇 |
Contributors: | 李文彬 Wen-Pin Li 余三奇 |
Date: | 1990 1989 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-03 14:05:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Ford`s persistent concern with the formal aspects of fiction has received much critical attention , but a complete delineation of the narrative structure of The Good Soldier has yet to be supplied. As a result, it is my purpose to make a thorough study of the novel`s narrative structure. In Chapter One, I will briefly introduce Ford`s literary career with The Good Soldier as the culmination of his craftsmanship in fiction. Chapter Two deals with the issue of the narrator`s reliability. After reviewing the various critical opinions about the narrator`s reliability ,and after analyzing Dowell`s narrative style, I will illustrate how and why Dowell , as a self-conscious liar, fails to achieve full credibility. Chapter Three focuses itself on the structure of the whole novel--especially on the various triangle relationships in the novel and Ford`s use of "progression d’effet." Besides, I will use the "protest scene" as an example to show how the major scenes contribute to the structure of the whole novel. In Chapter Four I will delineate the major characters of the novel -- starting with Dowell , then going on to Florence , Leonora , and Edward. Finally , in Chapter Five the conclusion, I I will give a summary of the major points in the main body. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 |
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