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    Title: 中共改革開放與外交政策之關聯. (1978-1990年)
    Authors: 張文富
    Contributors: 明居正
    Date: 1991
    Issue Date: 2016-05-02 17:13:40 (UTC+8)
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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    1 .人民日報
    2 .九十年代
    3 .中共問題資料週刊
    4 .中國大陸
    5 .中國大陸研究
    6 .台北「中國時報」
    7 .世界知識
    8 .光明日報
    9 .共黨問題研究
    10. 爭鳴
    11. 東亞季刊
    12. 美國月刊
    13. 香港「大公報」
    14. 香港「文匯報」
    15. 紅旗雜誌
    16. 問題與研究
    17. 匪情年報
    18. 國際貿易問題
    19. 新華月報
    20. 瞭望雜誌

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    6 .Comobell. Robert W. The Soviet Type Economics: Performance and Evolution. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974.
    7 .Coplin.William D. "A Muti-Method Introduction to International Politics. Chicargo:Markham. 1971.
    8 .Copper.John F. China`s Global Role. California: Hoover Institution Press. 1980.
    9 .Dreyer.June Jeuful. Chinese Defense and Foreign Policy. N.Y.: Paragon House Publishers. 1989.
    10.Godman.Merle and Simon, Denis Fred. Science and Technology in Post-Mao China. Harvard University Press. 1989.
    11.Gorbachev.Mikhail. Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World. N.Y. :Harper & Row. Publishers. Inc.,1987.
    12.Gungwu,Wang. China and the World Since 1949. N.Y.:St. Marlin`s Press. Inc.,1977.
    13.Harding,Harry. China`s Foreign Relations In the 1980s. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1984.
    14.Harding,Harry. China`s Second Revolution-Reform after Mao. Washington D.C.: The Brooklings Institution. 1987.
    15.Hsiung.James. Beyond China`s Independent Foreign Policy. N.Y.: Praeger Publishers. 1985.
    16.Hsiung.C.James and Kim, Samuel S. China In the Global Community. N.Y.: Praeger Publishers. 1980.
    17.Holsti.K.J. International Politics: A Framework for Analysis. Engliwood Cliffs. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Inc.,1977.
    18. Johnson, Chalmers. Change in Communist Systems. California: Stanford University Press. 1970.
    19.Keohane,Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S. Power and Interdependence World Politics in Transition. Boston: Little. Brawn and Company. Inc.,1977.
    20.Kim. Samuel S. China and the World. Colorado: Westview Press. Inc.,1989.
    21.Maxwell. Neville and Mctarlane. Bruce. China`s Changed Road to Development. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1984.
    22.Medvedev. Roy. China and the Superpowers. N.Y.: Basil Blackwell, Inc.,1986.
    23.Ness.Peter Van. Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy. Berkley: University of California Press.1970.
    24.O`Leary.Greg. The Shaping of Chinese Foreign Policy. N.Y.: St. Martin`s Press. Inc., 1980.
    25.Roseau,James. Linkage Politics: Essays of the Convergence of National & International System. N. Y.: Free Press. 1969.
    26.Rozman.Gilbert. The Modernization of China. N.Y.: The Free Press. 1981.
    27.Wallerstein,Immanuel.The Capitalist World Economy. N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
    28.Yahuda.Michael. Toward the End of Isolationism: China`s Foreign Policy After Mao. N.Y.: St. Martin`s Press. Inc.,1983.

    1 .Yahuda, Michael. "China`s New Outlook:The End of ? Isolationism?". The World Today. Vol.35. No.5(May.1979).
    2 .Wu W.Y., Friedrich. "From Self-Reliance to interdependence?-Developmental Strategy and Foreign Economic Policy in Post-Mao China". Modern China,Vol.7. No.4(October.1981).
    3 .Hwang.Byong-Moo. "Linkage Politics In Chinese Foreing Policy-Making". East-Asian Affairs. Vol.2. No.1(Spring-Autumn.1982).
    4 .Copper.John F.. "Sino-American Relations: On Track or Off Track?". Asia Pacific Community (Winter,1983).
    5 .Oksenberg, Michael. "China Policy for the 1980s" Foreign Affairs, Vol.59, No.2 (Winter.1980).
    6 .Cheng Y.S.,Joseph. "China`s Foreign Policy in the 1980s From Anti-Hegemony to Modernization". China Report, Vol.XXI(May-June 1985).
    7 .Harding. Harry. "Change and Continuity in Chinese Foreign Policy". Problems of Communism 32( March-April.1983).
    8 .Beijing Review. January 11-17,1988.
    9 .Lee.Edmund. "Beijing`s Balancing Act". Foreign Policy 51 (Summer 1983).
    10.Ng-Guinn.Michael. "The Analystic Study of Chinese Foreign Policy". International Studies Quarterly 27 (June,1983).
    11.Goldein, Steven. "Sino-American Relations Building a New Consense". Current History, Vol.83, No.494, Sept,1984.
    12.Yahuda,Michael. "The People`s Republic of China at 40: Foreign Relations". The China Quarterly, No.119 (September,1989).
    13.Sutter, Robert G .. " Prospects for Change in Peking`s Contemporary Foreign Policy and their Implications for the United States". Issues & Studies, Vol.24, No.2,Febuary 1988.
    14.China Business Reviews. May-June,?1987.
    15.Lindsay,James M .. " Trade Sanctions as Policy Instruments: A Re-examination". International Studies Quarterly, No.30, 1986.
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