Reference: | Works Cited
Adler, Thomas. "Edward Albee." Critical Survey of Drama.Ed. Frank Magill. Vol. 1. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Salem,1985. 6 vols.
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Porter, Thomas E. Myth and Modern American Drama. Detroit:Wayne State UP, 1969.
Rich, Alan. "Edward Albee Takes to the Air." Conversations with Edward Albee. Ed. Philip Kolin. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1988. 121-23.
Robinson, Fred Miller. "Albee`s Long Night`s Journey into Day." Modern Language Studies 11 (1981): 25-32.
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Simard, Rodney. Postmodern Drama: Contemporary Playwrights in America and Britain. Boston: UP of America, 1984.
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Vos, Nelvin. Ionesco and Albee: Theatre of the Absurd.Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1968.
Wardle, Irving. "Albee Looks at Himself and at His Plays."Conversations with Edward Albee. Ed. Philip Kolin.Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1988. 97-100.
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Wilson, Raymond. "The Dynamics of Who`s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" De La Fuente, Edward Albee: Planned Wilderness 58-69.
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Works Consulted
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