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Title: | 東北太平洋鮭魚管理與現行國際法相關規範之研究 |
Authors: | 陳永昌 CHEN, YONG-CHANG |
Contributors: | 趙國材 ZHAO, GUO-CAI 陳永昌 CHEN, YONG-CHANG |
Keywords: | 鮭魚 國際法 |
Date: | 1992 1991 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-02 15:28:05 (UTC+8) |
Reference: | 壹:原始資料 (Primary source )
1. International North Pacific Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 6 7
2. International North Pacific Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 7 5
3. International North Pacific Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 7 8
4 . International Nor t h Pacific Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 7 9
5. International .N 0 r t h Pacific Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 8 4
6 . International Nor t h Pacific Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 8 5
7 . International Nor t h Pacific Fishery Commission Annua l Report 1 9 8 6
8 . International Nor t h Pacific Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 8 7
9 . International Pacific Salmon Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 5 7
1 0. International Pacific SaImon Fishery Commission Annual Report 1 9 6 8
11. Food and Agriculture Organization ,Yearbook of Fishery Statistics, 1987
12. Pacific Salmon Treaty Act of 1985, Legislative History, P.L. 99·4,(1985) 0
1. International North Pacific Fishery Commission Bullet: in 1. 9 6 3
2. International North Pacific Fishery Commission Bulletin 1972
1. BuIgara , Byelorussion . Soviet Socialist RepubIic ,
German Democratic Republic, Poland, Ukrainian
Soviet Socialist Republic, and Union or Soviet
Socialist Repoblics: Draft Articles on the
Economic Zone U.N.DOC A/CONF; 62/C,2 IL.38.
2. Canada : Working Paperon the Specoal Case of
Salmon. the Most Important Anadromous Species
U.N.DOS A/CONF. 62/C,2/L.38 ?
3. Denmark: Draft Article on Anadromous Species U.N.DOS AI CONF.62/C, 2/L.37.
4. Ireland: Draft Article on Anadromous Species U.N.DOS A/CONF. 62/C, 2/L.41.
S. Japan: Draft Article on Anadromous Species U.N.DOS A/CONF. 62/C, 2/L.37.
6. United Stated of America: Draft Article for a
Chapter on the Economic Zone and the Continental
Shelf U.N.DOS A/CONF. 62/C,2/L.47.
1 9 0 8 年白蘭士一羅德條約
The Bryce – Root Treaty
1 9 3 7 年夫拉則河流域所產紅鮭的增產和保護公約
Convention between Canada and the United
States of America for the Protection , Preser
ration and Extension of the Sockeye Salmon
Fisheries in the Fraser River System
The Pacific Salmon Treat
2. 美國一加拿大一日本:
1 9 5 3 年北太平洋公海漁業國際公約
The International Convention for the High
Seas Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean
3 .中華民國一美國
1 9 7 7 年中美關於美國海岸外漁業協定
1 9 8 9 年中美北太平洋公海流刺網漁捕作業協定
4 .海洋法公約
1 9 5 8 年領海及鄰接區公約
Convention on Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone
1 9 5 8 年公海公約
Convention on the High Sea
1 9 5 8 年捕魚及養護公海生物資源
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resource of the High Sea
1 9 5 8 年大陸礁層公約
Convention on the Continental Shelf
1 9 8 2 年聯合國海洋法公約
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
5 .其他相關公約和聯大決議案
1 9 11 年海豹公約
For Seal Agreement
1 9 6 9 年維也納條約法公約
Convention on the Law of Treaties
1 9 7 8 年西北大西洋漁業多邊合作公約
Nor t h West Atlantic Fisheries Multi. Cooperation Convention
1 9 8 2 年北大西洋蛙魚養護公約
The Convention for the conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean
1 9 8 9 年聯合國有關呼籲各國研究大型流網漁捕對海洋資
(GA 4-4 /225)
1 9 6 4 年巴特利法
Bartlett Act
1 9 6 7 年漁民保護法
the Fishermen`s Protective Act
1 9 7 6 年漁業養護和管理法
the Fishermem`s Conservation and Management
1 9 8 7 年流刺網影響、監視、評估和控制法
Driftret Impact Monitoring Assessment and Control Act
1 9 9 0 年海豚保護消費者資訊法
tbe Dolpbin Protection Consumer Information Act
2 .加拿大:
1 9 6 4 年領海和捕魚區法
the Territorial Sea and Fishing Zones Act
1 9 7 7 年漁業法
the Fishery Act
3 .中華民國:
1 9 8 5 年台灣地區魷魚船赴北太平洋海域作業管理要點
Fisheries Joridiction Case (United Kingdom V. Iceland),I. C.J. Report 1974 , P.3
North Continenal Shelf Cases ( Federal
Republic of Germany/Denmark; Federal Republic of
Germay / Netherlands ), I.C .J -Reports 1969 , p.3
3 .突尼西亞一利比亞大陸礁層劃界案
Continental Shalf Case (Tunisia/Libya) , I. C, J, Report 1982, p, 150,
4 .美國一加拿大緬因灣劃界案
Dalimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the - Gulf
of Marine Area Case (Canada/United States of
America) ,J,C , J, Reports 198 4 , P,9 4
1.俞寬賜。「公海臨檢的法理問題」監金室里o 民國七十八
2. 堅決反對流刺網、理由在那裡?一專訪紐西蘭代表團首
席代表及漁業科學家」 0 中國時報,民國七十八年六月廿十七日,第六版。
3.「流刺網不是海洋陷阱」 0 聯合報,民國七十八年六月廿七日,第三版o
4. 我國流網漁業何去何從:面對國際壓力,政府應以行動
了?」。監金室里o 民國七十八年八月廿日,第三版。
貳:評論資料(Secondary Sources)
1.川崎健著,鄭利榮譯o 魚的資源學o 臺北:國立編譯館,
2 .丘宏達編輯o 現代國際法基本文件o 臺北:三民書局,四
3 .丘宏達、陳治世、陳長文、俞寬賜、王人傑合著,現代國際法
o 臺北:三民書局,四版,民國七十二年o
4 .張永恆編著,國際法院:訴訟案與諮詢意見案o 臺北:正
5 .傅崑成著o 國際海洋法與漁權之爭D 臺北: 1 2 3 資訊有限
6 .蘇義雄著o 平時國際法o 臺北:三民書局,五版,民國七十六年七月o
壹:原始資料 (Primary source )
( 二)英文
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002004428 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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