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Title: | 我國購屋貸款放款條件之研究 |
Other Titles: | Mortgage Lending Conditions in Taiwan: The Behavior of the Land Bank of Taiwan |
Authors: | 張金鶚;江百信 Chiang,Pai-Sin;Chang,Chin-Oh |
Date: | 1995-01 |
Issue Date: | 2008-11-18 09:59:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著房價的高漲,一般大眾已無力藉其自有資金或私人借貸購買房屋,購屋貸款愈形重要。然而在國內相關研究不足的情況下,我們對購屋貸款的辦理情況並不清楚,更重要的是,在國內尚無健全的估價制度下,借款人所提供的擔保品價值能否獲得合理評估不無疑問,但國內文献甚少注意到此問题。本文的目的即在探討銀行辦理購屋貸款是否會因人(借款者)、物(擔保品)、時(資金寬鬆)、地(借款地區)的不同,而有不同的放款條件。其次是,假如擔保品(物)相同,銀行是否會因人、時、地的不同,而產生不同的估價結果。 本研究以臺灣土地銀行貸放案例為實證資料,研究結果指出,擔保品為決定融資額度的主要因素,借款人因素所造成的差異有限,此與國外不但強調擔保品,更重视借款人償還能力的情況有相當大的差距。而在目前依擔保品放款且尚未有健全的估價制度下,即使購買房屋的價格相同,也會出现因人、時、地的不同,銀行對其價值認定不同的情況,也因此造成無自用住宅貸款雖在利率上有所優惠,但是因為擔保品價值的低估,融資額度將會減少,使得無自用住宅者的權益受損,值得銀行與相關單位注意。 從以上研究結果,本文建議政府應改善整體金融環境,協助銀行建立完整的徵信制度,消除銀行放款只看擔保品的保守心態,加強重视借款者的信用與償還能力,並儘速建立估價師制度,使購屋者權益與銀行的债權獲得合理的保障。而如何協助銀行開發資金,提高購屋贷款額度與降低貸款利率,更是政府未來應努力的方向。 Due to the dramatic growth of house price in Taiwan after 1987, the homebuyers have to heavily rely on the large proportion of mortgage to buy their house. There is, however, lack of research about mortgage lending behavior of financial institutions, we know little about mortgage lending conditions in Taiwan. This paper tries to investigate how does financial institution perform his mortgage lending. Whether the financial institution will consider the different characteristics of borrower, property, timing, and location which gives different mortgage lending conditions. Furthermore, even in the same characteristics of property condition, whether the valuation result and lending conditions will be different among the different borrower, timing, and location. This paper is based on empirical data of the Land Bank of Taiwan. The empirical results are interesting which the property value factor dominates the factors of mortgage loan in the bahavior of the Land Bank of Taiwan. There is little difference among the different characteristics of borrowers which is quite different from the other western countries. In other words, the financial institution little consider the repayment ability of the borrower in Taiwan. On the other hand, there is a biase of property valuation in the same characteristics of property through different borrower, timing, and location. This will affect mortgage lending conditions. This paper suggests the financial institution should more consider the repayment ability of the borrower and establish the unbiased license valuation system. |
Relation: | 住宅學報, 3, 1-20 |
Data Type: | article |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 期刊論文
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