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Title: | 金融人員婚姻觀與晚婚因素一以F銀行為例 Financial People`s Outlook on Marriage and Factors Leading To Their Late Marriage:As Exemplified by F Bank |
Authors: | 陳珮瑜 |
Contributors: | 林顯宗 趙竹成 陳珮瑜 |
Keywords: | 晚婚 擇偶條件 婚姻態度 工作壓力 late marriage mate-selection preferences marital value work pressure |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-02 14:00:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 晚婚人口的增加,影響所及最顯著的就是生育率的降低。所以晚婚現象不單單只是男女兩性的問題,也衍生出人口結構面及政府社會福利與相關政策制定等的問題。而晚婚現象也充斥著各行各業,以國內金融業為例,金融業的員工往往以女性為大宗,而在男性寥寥可數的工作環境下,容易造成金融業女性想要內銷不易;再加上工作時間過長、工作壓力大,不容易自然認識到異性,若又不積極向外打開社交圈,單身的狀態更是難以突破,因此為一項值得深究的課題。 本研究採取質化研究的半結構式訪談法,訪問了12名已達30歲(含)以上而尚處於未婚狀態的女性金融從業人員,旨在探究晚婚女性金融人員的擇偶條件與婚姻態度,企圖統整出影響她們晚婚的因素。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究重要發現如下述: 一、結婚之必要性鬆動。婚姻是一種緣分,而結婚最重要的前提就是是否能尋得一位「值得託付終身的對象」,如果結婚沒有單身好,那麼就更沒有結婚的必要了! 反而認為女孩子經濟獨立比較重要。 二、不一定只有結婚才算是盡子女的責任,不婚有時反而有更多的時間可以陪伴家人,進而孝順自己的父母親,為自己的原生家庭盡一份力量,讓父母們能夠放寬心,也是另一種盡子女的責任,而且長輩也不希望子女是為了結婚而結婚。 三、結婚也不一定要生小孩。生不生小孩應該是要在夫妻雙方都有穩定的經濟基礎及規劃下,再來慎重考慮之後做決定,此也正可呼應為何現在我國的生育率如此低落。 四、不婚不等於晚年會孤獨。人本來就是孤獨的,有時候結婚有伴也不見得就比較不孤獨,況且可以排解孤獨的方式也有很多種,每個人都會變老,最重要的應該是要培養出自己的興趣。 五、工作環境、壓力多多少少對晚婚都有點影響。尤其是現今金融業面對國際化以及同行競爭,處在此種競爭激烈的工作環境下,工作壓力大、工時長,往往下班時就已經疲累到不行,假日時間可能又必須得準備證照考試來努力充實自己,有時忙到可能都沒有時間找對象,或者好好去經營一段感情,也會擔心有了家庭小孩後,該如何在工作跟家庭間做一個權衡。 六、而這些晚婚女性金融人員仍未結婚最主要的原因還是尚未找到一位「值得託付終身的對象」,在未找到合適的人之前,採取不要勉強自己,寧缺勿濫的態度。而且年紀越大,經歷過的事情越多,越能夠瞭解婚姻的現實面,對於結婚也就越沒有了衝動。 本研究並根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 一、如果有結婚的意願及打算,就應該要積極準備,拓展人際關係,不要為自己設限,能夠多元交友,不要再只是消極的隨緣等候緣分的到來。 二、釐清自己真正的需求,設定務實、適合自己的擇偶條件,而非執著於某些三高等的外在條件。 三、建議相關單位可多舉辦聯誼活動,提供多元交友管道,拓展認識異性之機會。 The number of people getting married late has been increasing, and the most significant impact is the reduction in fertility. The phenomenon of people getting married late isn’t just a gender problem, but also causes different problems in demographic structure and government social welfare policy. And the phenomenon of late marriage filled various walks of life, for example in the domestic financial industry many of its employees are women but few men. Its long working hours and pressure cause women more difficult to find their ideal person. Therefore, this subject is worthy of inquiry. This study uses the qualitative methodology of semi structured interviews, to interview twelve female financial people who are over 30-year-old and unmarried. In this study I try to integrate the reasons that cause female financial people to get married late by observing their mate-selection preferences and marital values. After analyzing their interview data, the results of the research show the following key points: 1.The most important prerequisite to get married is to find an ideal person. If getting married is not better than single, then the marriage is no more necessary! 2.Marriage is not only being regarded as filial piety anymore. Unmarried people can have more time to accompany with their family and their elders hope their children do not marry just to marry. 3.Getting married doesn’t have to have children. A decision to having children should be at a stable economic base and after careful consideration. This is also why our fertility rate is so low. 4.Not married doesn’t mean you will be lonely when you are old. Everyone will get older, the most important thing is you should cultivate your own interests. 5.Working environment and pressure have little influence on the late marriage. Especially the financial sector now faces the international competition. Such a competitive environment, work pressure, and long working hours make them not have time to find their ideal person or to manage a relationship. 6.And the main reason that female financial people getting married late is not found an ideal person and they don’t want to force themselves. This study also offers the following suggestions: 1.Make a plan for life earlier and expand interpersonal relationships actively. Don’t set limits for yourself and keep passive attitudes toward marriage. 2.Define their own needs and pragmatic conditions for their future partners. 3.I recommend the coherent units to hold more gatherings cross organizations. Provide civil servants multi-dimensional channels to make friends and expand opportunities to know friends of opposite sex. |
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