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Title: | 數位化原住民農耕知識之策略─以尖石泰雅族部落為例 The Strategy For Digitization of Indigenous Knowledge of Farming ─ A Case Study of the Atayal Communities in Jianshih Village |
Authors: | 張孟瑄 |
Contributors: | 林士淵 顏愛靜 張孟瑄 |
Keywords: | 原住民知識 原住民農耕 地理資訊系統 土地適宜性分析 羅吉斯迴歸 indigenous knowledge indigenous farming geographic information system land use suitability analysis logistic regression |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-02 13:59:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 原住民農耕知識乃長期適應自然環境,並與自然達成平衡關係之農耕方式,因此藉由探討原住民農耕知識,得提供高山農業政策上的建議。惟偏向質性的原住民知識,需萃取、轉化為科學形式,方能利用。是以,本研究以地理資訊系統為基礎、利用土地適宜性分析與羅吉斯迴歸為方法,設計一套適用於數位化原住民農耕知識的策略。此策略為一個迭代的循環,包含蒐集、轉換、分析與檢視的程序。首先,以量化方式蒐集原住民農耕知識,次將知識轉換成空間資料的形式,再透過分析將知識轉化成有意義的資訊,並以視覺化方式展示分析成果,而分析成果可用以檢視知識蒐集的完整性、檢驗知識轉換後的正確性,進而以為基礎,針對興趣點再度蒐集知識,如此反覆操作上述程序。以土地適宜性分析為核心之策略,可用以探究原住民農耕區位選取知識;以羅吉斯迴歸為主軸之策略,則以個別農耕地為基礎,驗證農耕行為與邊坡穩定性之關聯。本研究以尖石泰雅族部落為研究區域。研究發現此數位化原住民農耕知識策略是可行的,得以有效地達到原住民農耕知識蒐集、分析及展示的目標。數位化後的原住民農耕知識具體而明確,可作為相關政策之參考。 Indigenous knowledge of farming is empirical rules based on a long-term interaction between human and organism which benefit to each other. As a result, by discussing indigenous knowledge of farming, it could provide positive suggestions for the cultivation on slope land. However, indigenous knowledge tends to be qualitative rather than quantitative. Thus, we need to translate it into a scientific formats so as to take use of it. Consequently, the paper which is based on GIS, utilizes land use suitability analysis and logistic regression aims to establish a strategy for digitizing indigenous knowledge of farming. Actually, the strategy is an iterative circle with the procedure of extraction, translation, analysis and review. Firstly, investigate indigenous knowledge of farming in quantitative way. Secondly, translate it into layers. Then, turn the fragmentary data into meaningful information, and illustrate it on the map. Finally, review the result whether it is comprehensive and reliable. We used land use suitability analysis as the strategy to explore indigenous knowledge of farming site selection. Similarly, we use logistic regression as the strategy to demonstrate the correlation between the practice of farming and slope stability. The Atayal communities in Jianshih village was used for testing of the above strategy. In conclusion, the strategy for digitizing indigenous knowledge of farming is feasible for investigating, analyzing and visualizing the indigenous knowledge of farming. Therefore, the result is quite clear and specific as an important supplement to policy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 101257008 |
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